Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Wa Silly
My husband thought that Wa was going to poo in the wheel barrel! Now I could get money for that. No, Wa is just doing her "Silly Wa" stuff that she does with anything within reach that is taller than 24 inches. You should see her in the arena if there are barrels left out! And sometime, you may!
KK out
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Overnight Smattering

There was a clinic at our stable and I planned on doing my mares hooves today in her stall, after I watched my stable mate's riding session. My stall, which is outdoors, would be too blame cold now for trimming hooves!
I arrived at the the stable and readied myself to be able to video my stable mate's ride in her session. After, I would decide yea or neigh on doing hooves. Also, While I do the hooves, I will be taking photo's for Mrs. Mom, so she and others can critique my unprofessional but earnest work. Just as I was about to settle in, my stable mate told me that they were an hour early this day and that meant...I could ride in the newly snow smattered trails, and do Hooves tomorrow inside the stable! Choice made or play-??!!
This was the kind of view we had today while walking the was all green and mossy looking with large fabulously crisp white areas dotted here and there. I loved it and so did the mare; though so many deer were a foot today that I had to be on my guard...she was JUMPY!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Jumping v 001
Had a desire to go Flying again today with the mare..she enjoyed it so much the other day. Of course I am dying to see us in the air my attempt of this video is a lot of woods to look at with us whizzing over the brantches every now and then! I was able to stop and slow motion it to see that I need shorter stirrups! It felt okay but my leg looks straight. Okay till next time when I wrangle someone to come along(pay them!) KK out
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
With an Attitude of Gratitude I am addicted to lots of Lemons due to Proximity

This award is for bloggers who show Great Attitude/Gratitude:
1. Post the picture
2. Nominate favorite blogs that show Great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Link this post to the person from who you received your
I love to encourage others and receiving something like this... makes my day into night!
1 Quiet mornings+ Strong Coffee

These blogs are exceedingly charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. (this is me all the way)
They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
'The rules are:
This blog award should be sent to your favorite bloggers
and they, in turn should forward their favorites.
You should include the text for Proximidade (above) in your announcement blog.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Meandering woodland Jumps

I have now solicited my husband to come along and video for me sometime...I gotta see what this mare looks like flying because, it feels so great!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Calm Cool Carefree

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Vital Signs

I talked to one of the gals that does natural horsemanship(blended views) She suggested that we start taking our halters and ropes with training stick as well...get right off at the spot of Uppity, unlistening horse and do some WORK!
I am in for this, all the way, and will not ride with others unless we can do this just is not worth allowing my mare to become accustomed to getting away with what she pulls! Stopping usually does the trick for her...get her to put her head lower, shut off the Adrenaline!
Tomorrow will be a better day!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Loving Your Bloggin' Heart

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Men Working Above
She did okay for a time...but once the men started to walk above was all over and I couldn't see me trying to put her hoof boots on down by her feet and and stay in one piece! So we improvised outside of the closed in groom bays. Wa was perfectly calm once she was not trapped . There was not another person there, but the owner in the office. She did come out once and was surprised to see Wa tied across the hall, and not one of the 4 groom bays...I explained the danger for me, and she passed by the mare .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cavalletti work 016
So this cavalletti work out is the last 10 minutes of our whole time in the arena on Monday. Started with lunging without side reins, then with them..slightly shorter on the inside to create some bend. Then Off for 10 minutes of walk over 1, then 2, then 3 ,then 4 rails on the ground to get her accustomed to looking and picking her feet up.
One thing of note: while I was using just the rails, directly on the ground, placed for walk then the same rails moved into place for trot...she got lazy and tripped on slid almost out in front of her! I see now why using ground rails, without stands or blocks is very dangerous while trotting or cantering! And that is how I learn it my sister told me so!
Washashe was such a good girl !
Monday, January 12, 2009
Schooling over Cavallettis 2

Washashe is doing much better in cross ties...She was so claustrophobic there at first, I was unable to groom even, for her anxiety. She does well alone now , she trusts the general area more and can relax. At first, there was a horse in the stall behind her and it would put its nose up to smell and she could see it...bad, she could not relax. She still does tend to pull to see if she may free herself if I turn my get the camera in this case! I call her "The creeper" she creeps ahead -slowly so-one step at a time! I usually quick tie one she does not get all the way loose. It is a rule of the stable not to leave a horse unattended in the ties, as well as being standard for me!
I SURE missed my partner last is a lot of work setting up and tearing down alone!
This Video is missing cause it refused to the next post will be a "You Tube" of the missing video!
Friday, January 9, 2009
TractorBronk Video
formerly of "20 meter circle of life" and now residing at "Viva Volte!!!" If you don't know her yet in Bloggerville territory...go meet her and see why I have selected this timing to post this video. You'll know instantly why!
When I first met her, she was given the privilege of being able to use any machine on the property where she and her husband moved thier lovely horses faces to board. The owners were selling and NOT working the farm anymore....She is a me, will try anything at least once and if she needs something done...doing it herself is the best way to go! Am I wrong there Jewel??? This is one of her first goes on the tractor....(even if it isn't say it is J)I was actually hysterically laughing inside...wish she could have heard my "Ride er' " she could have thrown her arm up! Ha!
This is Jewel and her lovely Abu Arabian. He is so content on this picture, I love it!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Airs Above the Ground and Cavalletti 1

So, without more ado, I tell you the tale of the Cavalletti and why I adore it's use . For those who are just starting to introduce the Cavalletti's to their horse ;( I am going by the book here) "it is easier for the horse if he goes over the cavalletti without his rider. He is entirely free and natural since there is no weight to hinder his movements, no hand to pull him backwards and no spur to give him the wrong aid at the wrong moment." "- If you take time over the basic training and devote the greatest care to the easier exercises, you will later go further much more quickly."
Basically, I do believe all that Klimpke's teach in this little book called "Cavalletti". There is more to it than you may think...if the distances are incorrect you run the risk of some serious injury either because the horse trips and rolls the polls if they are not in stands..or as I read; "If, however cavalletti work is overdone, or if the placing of each single rail is not suited to the horse's natural rhythm and action, then there is the danger of serious injury.Muscles improve through exercise only when they are used appropriately to their position and their internal condition." it goes onto say how swelling and debility disturbances can occur in the muscles if done incorrectly.
So basically, my friends, knowing the correct distances and having another to help you see that your horse is not altering it's gate over the rails helps if you are not sure. I really don't want anyone to hurt their horse.
I took the advise of the author Reiner Klimpke and hand walked my mare over the 4- spaced for walking- ground polls that were in a row, for 10 minutes first, to supple her joints.