Thursday, August 28, 2008

My matching sister/horse

It was so very nice to get out of the clinic atmosphere to the trails with my sissy...who incidentally-matched her pony! It was cute...we just walked off into the woods . whew...glad it is over now too...we have cantered quite a few times now...without incident and I thank the wonderful gal Colleen for knowing my mare...better than I, to let me know, that canter should be in every arena ride~ even just to do it for a 20 meter circle.

Of course, yesterday I found a new spot out in the woods like a lane...a large and long lane to practice my cantering & opening my pelvis and sitting still in the was cool!! Today went better too, asking and recieving a calm canter with the mare snorting each stride as she does . I released the reins, and putting my inside hand behind my backside to increase my bend for her, she did the high blow canter all the way!

We loved it and she is GREAT!!! Good times!

Pantz Appy and Kelli sissy

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Dressage Wa

I just love this mare that never lies to me about anything...she always tells it like it is and can be a bit dramatic about how she feels!

Our second Clinic was upon us and she was as calm as all get out..wondered if i needed a dressage ornament(whip)decided not to. Good thing!

We started out on the first day and it was not like the first clinic...the instructor that is a qualified judge for the dressage events in her state of California, had us take the beginning level test that she read aloud...okay,...then she said, "canter between A and K"... You can plainly hear me say on the DVD from the other end of the arena= not questioning..but in exclamation, "CANTER!"
Okay..the last times I cantered anywhere, but the trail, have been a bit explosive and my current trainer may never allow me to canter in a lesson, not that she was tipped off, but..don't know, she just won't have me go I have NOT gotten to the bottom of it all with the canter, and have not gotten any trained eye to see what the hay I am doing to set the mare off!
So I did it...the first two tries at right lead were counter canters...and then we got it...
and off we went into the middle zone..bucking and whooooa! I do have a "Grab Strap" on my dressage saddle =and I used it.
The Left lead canter was worse and we really went flying thorugh the spaces
not on the test to go to!!!

When all was done, and I stayed on and actually calmed her into a nice soft jawed(her and I) relaxed canter...everyone clapped.
Shocking ...all my friends had shown up to watch that first day, and to support me and the show was a goodie..yea I cried... for the tension of all of it.

They actually wanted me to go again after 4 rounds..when the instructor said, "One more time?" All I saw were these first digit fingers go up in approval of the thought. "No thank you," I said, and the instructor told me why she'd allow me to beg off...we had a nice calm ending to the last explosive bout and it was a good note to end on.

Reviewing the DVD that night with my sister...we clearly saw that I was weighted to the outside seat when asking for the right lead...and that set her off...literally. And the left lead, I was blocking her with my left shoulder and also trapping her with my right rein.
She does not lie..she just tells me directly so...YOU PISS ME OFF!
The mare is NOT passive aggressive!

So, when asked about what I wanted in a ride the second day..I mentioned all my bad riding postures and asked for her to review my habits and help me. That is why she was there and it allowed her to be on me in "Ride every Stride" was an awesome ride and Washashe told me so= by actually snorting in the canter as we went..reaching down and stretching her neck.
Her impulsion was the right kind that day....


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Like Going Home

It was sooo nice to finally meet up and saddle up again with my freinds from Two's-A-Team. It was soothing and fun to be with these down to earth and mature gals.... I eally missed them! This day was Jeanette's last ride for some time as she is with child and riding is NOT on the list of activites the doctor recommends for her. Glad I could get in on that!! We are now planning all kinds of adventures for the month's to come...and I am so glad to be back with them again!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Trails Ends Views

Often before seen...glimpse of the trails...and the ends...With some views...
Captured by the unskilled, but always ready to snap a photo, horsewoman that is aiming at you. So watch your backside.
This= "Behind You in the Scene"= footage now available here with a click of the mouse and a scroll of the finger!
( updated will be seen in the scenary soon)
Beach Bumms

Bonus Butts-dogs! Paintbutt
Go Go Girls from behind
Endurance butts

Buckskin & Beauty ~View of the meadow and Howards Canyon

Pantz and sissy caught ......Behind The Scene


Clippers ENDED up here!............. LEOPARD SPOTTING the wild END of the woodsHardy Creek ~BACK woods BikersButts
Butt the boots
.......................Sometimes the perfect beginning~ .......................... the perfect END!...........................................

Monday, August 4, 2008

Out and the backyard


We went out yesterday to one of the first places my girlfriend Gemma,(the one that started my riding craze up 3 years ago)took me several times.
Mollala River Corridor. Or "Hardy Creek", as I know it.
It is very close to drive to and just amazing views.
So we took "Loony's Trail", off to the right...never gone off to the right before, only the left.
Come to find out ,after the fact...that it is called a "More Difficult" trail.Hense why Gem never took me there!
Har....And, I may have never taken that trail if I had read that first!

My mare has this affliction with walking...if she looks a direction, she steps that direction..and if there is not a trail- in that direction -0-because of a cliff side- or something like that...whoa...there she goes!
I was up on Mount Hood one time on a trail like that....even when I got off and walked straight in front of her ...she almost walked off. Maybe it is her eyesight..or no children have??!! mare and I have determined to have solid ground on both sides of us when we ride.
So even though she stepped- once too many times -over in the wrong direction and I had to dismount, I loved that trail. It had a cool bridge and man those trees were neat!

We came across some die hard mountain bikers that thought I had a gun in pocket..nope, just a
cell phone!

We cooled out by walking down the last road home just loose! Be looking for you out there!

As Always~

Friday, August 1, 2008

Perfect Horse-Husband

Last night while invited to visit with my new Friends the first time at the stable they moved to...I observed an awesome sight...a man who grooms, and feeds, takes a walk about in the new turnout fields with his gelding. I loved it!
Here are some other of my "limited" artistic photo's from the evening...

Horse Lovers Unite!

I recently met a gal online here that some of you will recognise from her own Blog....

She and her husband moved to a new Stable last night and allowed me to join in the fun of getting to know the new surroundings with the horses. I totally loved meeting her and we plan on riding again soon..this time with me and my Washashe-steed as well!

I had fun pretending to be a photographer as she rode her Arabian and got him acclimated to his new digs...that she said..he may have thought to be just another clinic or show setting as they do travel a bit. He and his horse companion seemed to settle in well, and since they only live miles from that location themselves...all the better to check in and make sure all is well for their equine loves!

I wish! I did play the lottery the other day..anyone know if someone from Beaver creek won?! Cause this gal and her husband will be welcome at my fabulous Horse Haven Stables I am building when I WIN!! And her trainer!

Out for now~on the trails~in the arena~behind the chair at work~ one of the three