Friday, October 31, 2008

A Tag of fun....Thanks Melanie of Knutson family

I love stuff like this and when I read Lisa's book and rules..I WANTED SOMEONE to tag me into the fun!

Okay~ YOUR Closest BOOK FUN~

Here are the rules:
1) Grab the book that is nearest to where you are sitting.
Do NOT grab the coolest book, your favorite book, or an intellectual book...just the closest book! 2) Open it to page 56.
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post the text of the next two to five sentences.
5) Tag five people to do the same.

My Books were 3 to choose from as I had looked up something to send to

a fellow blogger the other day...
THIS IS HARD...Just a few sentances..Well Okay...

"HOPE RISING" by Kim Meeder
Page 56..the only writing on it..short page because it is the end of the chapter(and they all are true and tear jerkers!)
..." They fit together like the mirrored halves of a bridge with thier paralleled fear,
pain, and hope-a horse nearly destroyed by a human, and a little human nearly destroyed by a horse.
No one could have ever understood them better than they understood each other. Each one became to the other, the chosen one."


Hope you all think this is fun...I like to see what things you like to incert into the brain and ponder on myself!

Halloween Bonfire

Something for Carrie to see

Carrie, thanks for letting me help you accomplish this from afar! Cougar's Move day...for you,via pics.

What a lovely boy..he saw me at the gate and began to walk right up

What a great horse! He walked around the front of the truck & trailer with me...turned around at the end, and walked right on! Absolutely NO hesitation!!

Trailering on a Lovely Fall day, with the Classics!

Finally, we arrived...ooops, I missed the last street, then, turned around, missed the first street, fortunately we found a literal "turn around driveway"...then got it the third time!
Cougars new mom's

This is dedicated to Cougar's owner Carrie. She and I met through Julie ~ ~who also boards at Templeton Equestrian Centre.Though we only got to ride once, at Mission state park, I really adored the horsewoman she was/is.
Recently, Carrie moved to the NY area for a career change for her love, Dan man. She and animals all moved there with him after some duress over loosing a full lease for her lovely horse Cougar. As if moving your whole house and life and away from all you have and know is not hard enough...
fter not coming to acceptable terms for a lease...what next; she decided to have him boarded in a Pasture Board situation with a former boarder from our stable.
This documents the move for her and shows her that her wonderful gelding Cougar is still Wonderful! WE LOVE YOU CARRIE!!!! Your Friends miss you, and I enjoyed helping in this way..Your faithfull trailering "documentarian!
THE -peaceful relocated-END

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yet another fabulous Fall ride

This time our ride started with the other Thoroughbred in our life at the stable...The lovely miss black "Velvet" and Nora.

Velvet was a bit stiff today, she has been off work for a week or so and also has a new pasture configuration that makes her have to stay in every other day till another horse gets her hind shoes off. So, she only went out for 30 minutes with Wa and I.
Wa thought it -all to strange- that she not be returning with her Horse friend, when they turned to go back and we did not..and she threw a bit of a fit, that I WON!

So, today decided to go and Blaze some more trails off the "Deer Trail" that the endurance rider showed us last month...Wa actually thought it strange again..of me to ask he to consider the deer trail at first, it is rather steep and narrow. Not her kinda thing but,I really want to know she is going to do all I ask her and today= this was it. I had to move

Lots of trees and some rather large rocks off the trail I found to make. It has a steep ridge up on the one side and a cliff edge on the I opted to throw them over..and whee ha! Wa just about had a cow the first time...she thought something was coming to get her... so I opted to do it over and over again till she did what she did in the video.Semi calmly stood for the rolling noises to stop.

She cracks me up truly. What a mare she is and yet she did so well with standing for me while I broke all manner of tree limbs all around her and even on her sometimes..I think we both need goggles, for it truly is messy and fiber stuff flies all aroundI am a bit off to the tub with Epsom Salts! I think tom orrwo may be the last 65 degree day so I am bathing Wa too !

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Antique EXPO..lots of horses...dogs and 1 live cat

We left the house after church and went for our favorite coffee stop for a triple shot of "liquid life"......stopped off at the barn so I could take the blankets off the mares and turn them out together for this fine fall day of sun & about 65 degrees! And OFF to the Antique EXPO in Portland!
The gate the prank I played on all who enter onto the Stable's property! It has elicited some screams and timid latch fingers! HA!
he rest is what I collected today that cost nothing to me, except a small entrance fee.
The last photo I took was the most "dear" item I shot today and I got chased outa the vicinity of it by the woman that owned it. She was just appalled that I took a photo of it without asking her! She thought I would post it for sale on E-Bay! She asked me to leave her booth..well, um,er the hall in front of her booth.
There are also some random LIVE animal shots...people aer so cute with their pets at these things.

Enjoy...And Tara...I may still get the Silver horse head"Watch bob" trinket and send it top you for an exquisite necklace to be made by YOU!