Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Religion for Every day

I would be true, for there are those who

trust me;

I would be pure, for there are those

who care;

I would be strong, for there is much to


I would be brave, for there is much to


I would be friend to all--to foe, to friend-


I would be giving, and forget the gift;

I would be humble, for I know my weak-


I would look up, and laugh, and lift.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Horsey poll whadya think?

I have been allowing Washashe's mane to be growing and flowing for 11 months now...with the hopes of braiding it into a running braid for clinics and shows...well, it may be a while for those right now, though my riding mentor brought up shcooling shows today, as we did so well in our riding! There are some seasoned Dressage folk that sometimes read my place here,and I know it is out of character for a Thoroughbred's mane to be as hers is now..my sister would probably faint..but, she has not been to see us in awhile!

So..is it acceptable for me to do a running braid for shows ? Or should I buck up and do the hunter mane,and pull it next time I get her teeth done?

Yea or Nay ????? Be Honest!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monochrome Monday

While waiting for my husbands flight to land at PDX I snuck a couple pix in..I had to sneak my way over to these really awesome Driftwood creations. I have gotten in trouble before with my camera in subways and airports...they don't want any secret documentation by people meaning to cause harm in the future. NOT I, just some pictures for todays fun.

To visit others around the world in Mono, please click the Logo below.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Are we in Texas

Nope...too green and I have not left Beavercreek, Oregon!

These Critters I caught in the camera are residing in a gorgeous field on my drive to see my mare. I have always wanted to stop..and this time I did! They were close enough to get some good shots ...then the wonderful Black and White beauty came , ever so slowly over. He did
everthing very deliberate and slow....which later, I was very thankful for.

LICK!!!! That darned longhorn slimmed me..and I was so surprised that I jumped, he stood back, ever so slowly too...then decided he would go and taste something else for awhile and slowly turned to go...thank God it was slowly too....his long horns reached out , over the fence as he turned, and I almost caught in the face! It was so slow mo that I heard it touching the fence as it slid towards me.

All and all In think they are beautiful and amazing looking creatures...but I think I will stay on my side of the fence and read Rachel's accounts of his kind from my living room!

Go all over the globe and check out other's accounts with known and unknown to them- - Critters!! Click logo!

Sky Watch

Upon Stepping outside from a work day, I was met by this sight... cluttered clouds of grays and blues with a touch of white. I really enjoyed it and looked slightly left of me, to see our Lady Liberty basking in her own private piece of sky as well.
She resides in our back parking lot behind the salon. Lady Liberty came to stand there, towering over the building for all to see on the main roadway, 4 years ago. That day, the News crew was on hand to film the festivities of the entire neighborhood being invited for a Barb- B-Q, live music and Fireworks!
The owners of the building are foreign and love the freedoms of America sooo much, they ordered her made and had her barged up the rivers from Philadelphia!
She has lit torch by night, as well.

For more Sky watch Friday views please click the Title and travel around the world ,in the sky's!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

love this place

You can shut your mouth now! I know you all thought that I only rode the trails !
Today, the mare and I visited a girlfriend and her mother that own a stable very near to us. It is gorgeous...very LIGHT and BRIGHT, open and LARGE. In fact it is the largest arena I have ridden in with the mare. They do driving so it is 20 feet longer than normal, as well as 20 feet wider.
The footing is superb, as well. Non slick, no dust and about 4 inches deep. Perfect. The mare really enjoyed her ride...and so did I!
I am riding a new saddle, some friends down the rode let me borrow it the other day....it is an English made jump saddle, as they are from Wales, England. Trying to figure out how much it is worth...but it's name is obscure, a "Hulland".
Looking at the pictures ..I see my stirrups are set for hacking out...way too short!
All in all it was an awesome ride and afterwards, I did Hack out on the nicely groomed trails they have made around thier property.
Next time..I bring the 101 Dressage exercises book! I need patterns for all this room!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Watery Wednesday

I always feel good about the mare drinking her water while we are out and about ..keeping her hydrated on long rides, means choosing trails with natural refreshment along the way.

Have fun peeking into others watery view today, around the world! Please click the title to travel the waterways. Thanks T for hosting this wet and wonderful meme!

Useful in riding development

"Hacking out should be regarded as especially useful training supplement at all stages of a rider's development. A rider who thinks he has good control of his horse indoors should test himself in similar movements outdoors".....
From "Riding Logic" W. Museler
This said..we ride indoors for the second time this week tomorrow in the largest arena in the area...soo excited!

Monday, April 20, 2009

I Tried To Convert

In a summer like spring grooming frenzy yesterday, I kept running into these little beauties..they are all over the place and I could hardly pick anything up or ...as you see, brush my mare's tail even ,without spotting one in there too!
I just kept relocating them to the wind's will, flinging them away.

What the hay you doing back there???!
Last week I was taping a new trail discovery, and remembering Mellanie(click here) because she had crossed a small "river like" pond a few weeks ago-VERY INTREPID!. When I viewed my video...all I heard, instead of the footfalls of the mare, was very loud SQUEAKING!!!! OH!!!

My poor little 44 year old saddle needs some lovin!
I have resolved to send my little favorite saddle back to it's maker! Hans Biglajzer lives in Bend, Oregon. He did all my D ring additions, knee rolls , extra panel leathers last year...he just forgot to Re flock it! I know his daughter helps him now with the work..he must be 90 or 100 by now! Bless his talented heart!
I can't fathom riding in a straight tree saddle for the trails, so I must use my "Cashel Soft Saddle".
I tried to convert my glorified bareback pad to English girth rigging yesterday. It came with the standard latigo 3 years ago when I bought it.
I dislike girthing my mare on the one side only, with the Soft saddle being treeless...it tends to slant the way you pull. I can't use the stirrups to get on either, for the same reason...it has to be a taller block/tree stump or log so I may jump...good for desensitizing, I Found. She now stands quite well with me heaving myself on!
My girth , a 48', was much too long! The mare has lost some weight since the move, but the converter leathers are more like a dressage fitting where they hang on this "Soft Saddle".
Drat it all...I got it all taken apart for the second time in two days and the new girth, a 44 incher I just got ,was even too long! ARRRG!!! Taking that back today and getting a 40, I think!
I also changed out the silly plastic western stirrups, for my new Endurance stirrups!! Yea...was very nice....though I had to return to the barn several times over to punch one -more -hole in the leathers(I am now dedicating to that saddle) because they too were far too long! It is difficult enough to keep over my leg in a bareback pad..without the stirrups being too long. I have a cliping attachment on the front of the saddle...just in case I really want to ride without stirrups, I flip them up/clip/ and away we go. I like having the stirrups though...my back can't take the long rides we do solely ON HER BACK, I must be able to go into two point or post sometimes!
I also met someone yesterday, while riding, that will encourage our eventing future...more on that later!
Have fun in the spring weather, if it has descended upon your town!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Intrepid Riders Faction

This Award is dedicated to those Horse lovers and riders that inspire others to go deeper in ability, knowledge and understanding of the Equine(s) they have been entrusted to.The good of the horse is the ultimate goal apart from pressures to achieve ribbons and fit into lesson schedules.

~Some of These riders are fearless, when it comes to weather conditions and the forecasting of them...being with their horses, fills these folks' soul and takes the cares out of daily routines.
~They are unconditionally loving to the horse and may have rescued it from known ailment or living condition.
~Others have researched and purchased/ acquired their horse, to find a difficulty in temperament or a physical burden within the animal. Yet, Being dedicated , they have persevered to proudly be in partnership with their horse, lovingly striving for deeper awareness's between them.

~Some horse lovers may have been riding for years and suddenly, had an accident that takes them away from the great joy and freedom they have, being aboard such a magnificent animal. ~They have allowed the healing horse to rise in their hearts once again, and beckon them back!

~INTREPID RIDERS FACTION ~We strive to go where others only dare to go with our horse loves...healing,being respectful of the horse, riding, playing, camping, jumping, swimming and traveling down the trails of life. . . . with the horse in Heart~Overcoming many obstacles and sometimes weather, to ride!

For my 200Th POST, I really wanted to follow through with something I have desired to do here in bloggerville, Create an award.
~This is a symbol or an emblem to give away to those we are aware of that have uniquely nurtured and loved the Equine in a special way.
In turn the equine has inspired them as well, to be more and to go further in trust and ability.
It honors the unique drive they have for going the distance, understanding the needs and rising to the occasion of supplying the care/training for, their entrusted Horse(s).
Awards make me feel good...not so much(sometimes) that a specific award was given to me, but that someone thought of me for an award. This one is thoughtful because it is specific.
This award was born out of many people calling me a name...not a bad name, but one that I rather liked.

After looking up the meaning, I agreed.
I added the "Faction" to the Awards name because ,I rarely fit into any large, organized group of people I find. I tend to stand out for being misread and judged for my joyful abandon to try things with my horse and to inspire others to do the same.

Fear is not my normal response to things ... just a desire to achieve higher understanding of what may lay ahead of me with my mare, that truly is a gift to my heart and soul.
I always seek out knowledgeable and caring individuals to assist me, in any quest I may look into.
I am taking with me the good I have gleaned from caring individuals that have shown great single minded LOVE to the horse, and am leaving the dust of the bad behind me, not allowing it to fetter my supreme desire to be all I can be :
-as a rider to my mare and also- to allow- her to be the Equine athlete she truly is!

There are not many rules with this award...JUST :

1)that you give it to only one person

2)link back to this post, so they may have an understanding to it's true nature

3) You may use any or all of the above written descriptions, with the award picture
(you also may use the simple black and white version on my sidebar)

Have fun and please know that I have been inspired by all of you here as you visit and comment on my silly little horsey blog...I have made some lasting and endearing friendships!!!

I herby bestow this award to:(and this is hard for me...I need to follow the rules I JUST created and give it to only one)...
the one in mind and heart that is deserving and I thought of as I created it>>>Dear LISA over at: http://laughingorcaranch.blogspot.com/
(Okay here is the disclaimer too...... I reserve the right to bestow it again, in a months time, to others!!!)
Thankyou Jane for allowing me to bounce this off of you and for the help w/ the logo!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sky Watch

I usually take photo's of a fixed object and generally not the huge sky. But this view, one morning last week, took my breath away. It was such a beautiful sunrise over the water of Tillamook Bay.
Thanks for the fun and beauty Skywatch team hosts!!!
Please click the title to go around and see others sky views today

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Click the title to view other watery places and scenes

We got a little bit of a break in the weather last weekend and decided to drive to a nearby location so we could Glide & Ride~ in the Beautiful Bay Ocean of Tillamook, Oregon!

Monday, April 13, 2009

My World with a horse

The Saturday before Easter was a Scheduled CTRF trail ride. CTRF stands for "Christian Trail Riders Fellowship" It is a group of folks that vary in age and in number of riders from year to year- and- even in individual rides. They wish to promote the Gospel on horses and being available for service to it's members or those they know of that are in need in the community.

My very first trial rides were with this group and also my first horse camping trips.
Milo McIver State Park was our destination today. It has 951 acres of lawns and wooded areas open for dogs, bicycles, hikers, campers, rafters, kayakers and equines. It also has a 27 hole "Disc Golf Course" on site, as well!
All in their respective area's.
This is an old Historic farmstead Barn, on the State owned property...they keep it for owls to roost in. The property also has many bat houses with a "bat trail" for those interested.

Another Equestrian group, O.E.T. "Oregon Equestrian Trail riders" does much of the trail maintenance at this park. I plan on joining them this year to volunteer . I ride so many of the wonderful trail systems they service.

We members of CTRF get to where we are scheduled to ride and it's "Foot In The Stirrup" by 10am , always.
This time, we arrived, set up our sign in the back of my truck, and were very surprised to find no one else was arriving! I thought it may be like this for the day before a holiday.

We did have our feet in the stirrups by 10am and I have new ones, to boot!
I found them online at "Easycare". They are like riding on platforms...and my feet never got burning hot, like they used to with a normal sized English iron.
When you trail ride as much as I do, this is the best alternative to traditional.
As we went along..the horses refreshed at the watering holes. This particular ride has many opportunities for this with the Clackamas River close by and many various creeks, as seen above.

I found a tree stump to prop my little camera on this time...set the timer and-there we all are- the group of 3 for the days ride!

We ended with a nice little picnic lunch in the park, as the horses did the same at the trailer~

I have The My World Tuesday Team of- KLAUS , SANDY , IVAR , WREN ,

FISHING GUY and LOUISE to thank for hosting such fun . For more views please click this logo and go around the world!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New life in the saddle

Some observant person is going to tell me "what is NEW and different, about this photo"?

Friday, April 10, 2009

New days hope

May this spring bring a fresh new season of hope to you~ Living, Loving and laughing with new eyes and heart.
God bless you all this Easter~
Yours Truly,