Monday, June 29, 2009

Breakthrough in the trees

I was determined to get this cantering cue business taken care of....knowing that my mare had been started correctly in her training although ; she had some pretty disturbing training that was painful to her mouth and back that left memory scares upon her mind.

I have had her for almost 4 years now and I have been completely FAIR..maybe not always correct but not in anyway hurtful or disrespectful.

It is not like we don't canter..oh we do canter, all the time and even in place at times(on purpose) It happens when I ask for slower and she keeps her cantering up instead of trotting.
I now ask for this on purpose , using half-go aides. It feels so wonderful!

We also do flying lead changes as well...this too- is just not all done to my cues. Last ride out we did 3 Tempe changes, to my great glee...but it was because of a shy and then I asked for her to move over to the other track again and she changed back then ,another shy! So, I find out she does what I want on mistake then I hone it down to on purpose!

Anywho...I went out to the nearby tree farm, with soft Doug Fir branched lanes, and warmed up going down the alleys in walk to trot to walk..then trot..and as I came out of the lanes I asked for "shoulder fore"around the endcaps and back into the lanes we went.
I then halted her-facing away from the stable as she can get excited going towards it. I sat my "chosen outside" seat bone down(these are straight lines) squeezed lightly on the inside girth- and= she did it-almost from a standstill, only 2 steps and CANTER we went..on the correct lead!

I was like cooing out loud, "OH!!! Good Girl!" As I pet her whither! !
I trotted some more and sit trot a while then halted. She complied problems or backlash or evil-stinky eyeball at me!!! And here is the real awesome news....a surprise too!
She really REALLY put her back up and her head and neck went into the bit as she stretched out...I felt this rocking horse motion under me, and all of a sudden----I had seat contact and my heals automatically were weighted..and my lower was free to decide where to go and free to be used!!! I also felt something behind me!!! What a strange thing I thought.... It was the Saddle's Cantle as her back came up..whoa!!

I have been trying a new saddle out as does fit her nicely and the only hitch is =I gave my sissy my favorite dressage girth when we traded saddles last January when she retrieved her horse from me again. She left me the "All Purpose" saddle and I gave her back the Dressage saddle with my "Soft Touch" girth...I loved that girth!

Little did I know In would be needing it because I fell into a really great deal, of late, of this nice Dressage saddle for under $300. Then people selling it did not know how to use it and punched12 new holes(OOOU- BAD!) into the billets under the panel..and yes, it slightly dented the leather.
It is not the best fact, it is unheard of, so far from my friends.
"Regency Gold" English made. It is supposed to be black, but the dye, I fear is not a good job and the previous handling may have something to do with it was so dry and very mouldy; as well as bit bleached out. When I clean it, the black does come off a bit each time.
But, it is the right price at the RIGHT time. I am going to give back the Hans Biglajzer all purpose saddle I have been using for 4 years. It does not fit her anymore and has left white hairs on her wither pocket..she has more muscling now and hence a too tight of fit.

Sooo, the next day we went out for a calm trial ride..she seemed a bit tired and I decided to go a new direction and scope it out.....we went up and up a stony mountain road that was deep in the trees....I held the camera up above my head to take this one...almost able to see the view! took my breath away, we reached the top finally and OH-WOWOWOW!!

We made plans to come back, and when you hear of the'll just have to start calling me

"The Gal from Stony Mountain"...yea picture -"The man from Snowy River" and then me, doing the same thing!!! Down some pretty cool trails!( only at the walk though!)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday Stills WINGS

Hello all!

I pray you are well today and that this winged busy honey bee delights you somehow!

Please do click on the title and visit many others beautiful winged creatures+ objects!
Thanks Ed for such fun!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Come for a ride with us VIRTUALLLY!!!

You are Cordially invited to spend time on the trails, Ocean shores, plains views and Mountain peaks with us here in Boggerville!

PLEASE mark your calendars for the week of July 5th on to Ride the Woods and Mountains and Ocean sands of : dp and Jean in Canada, allhorsestuff in Oregon, Kate in Illinois, Funder in Ohio, Leah Fry and Mindy in Texas, and Lytha in Germany--all in the same week and weekend!!!


Aarene has put this together for all to partake and enjoy.

Please DO CLICK on the envelope to visit her BLOG-and TAKE your first ride with her!

" In Which you'll smile and laugh "and generally be WOWED!

See you all as we take a ride and enjoy the fares of the events!

KacyK w Washashe mare~

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Honestly folks

This Kuntry Girl has bestowed and award to me here...she is so sweet and I love her tales of farm life and also her Arabian Caspian~who , by the by, has his own blog telling it- his way!

I love that!

Thanks for thinking of me girly and getting me to let out some of me here that may or may not be related to horses!

OH AND.....Oregon Sunshine has just given me the same award..I actually wanted to copy and paste her honest -almost 10- things..but that would NOT be too honest, though you could put Kacy-in front of her -almost 10-it would work!

Here are the rules.....

First, you have to tell your readers 10 things about you they may not already know, but are true.

Second, you have to tag "SOME"(my change!) people with the award.

Third, you have to let the people you've given the award to know that they've received this award from you. Finally, make sure you link back to the person who awarded you.

1. This is something even my momma does not know...I was a naughty girl as I grew up on the farm...I chased the horses...alot!
Well, she did know that, but she did not know that I was the reason Washahse's half sister Kahlua, jumped from a stand still, a 4 foot fence one day and then jumped back to be in the right place with her horse buddies again. ( I could probably do the 10 with that kind of secret ....)

2. Okay one more naughty girl confession.....I was younger when this one 7. My pony Trixie had it out for my sisters first horse, Bunny. They always hated each other and would nip and squeal and kick out at each other. One day I thought I could fix this problem once and for all...letting my pony prove she was the toughest pinto pony in town. So... I let her go- in the large field where Bunny, and 2 other of our horses ,were grazing.....oh baby, she new what to do...she ran all the way over to Bunny and turned and backed into her kicking and was an official "Kick Off" between them and I knew I had caused some real I ran to the house and lied to mom saying, "I fell off Trixie" and she went and broke it up... I think there was surprisingly minimal my great relief!

3. In grade school I was not very socially excepted..I wore farm clothes and pig tales..some of the girls were more glamor oriented and thought to slam me one day by writing a nasty note to me .
I was on the cheer squad and recently wore a pair of rust colored jeans to practice because my mom had an aversion to me wearing "Blue Jeans" to school -at all. We were supposed to be wearing Blue jeans on the squad. I was the only one that did not look like the others, but no one minded-save one-
This one delivered a note to my locker and as I read it by my locker and some of my true friends found me crying. They read the note and within the hour had rounded up the girl responsible and made her apologise to me.
I will never forget that...standing up for good and honoring friends in the face of an ill maliced person.

4.Black licorice all the way baby! And Ginger Ale...

5. My thing in life is to encourage others to be more and also to be what they are...not to minimise themselves or tell themselves sour things(I know, I need a dose of that too!)

6. Being a hairdresser has empowered me for the good..though it has been a long difficult road.

7. I am a nut about routine and order and consistency...I like to know what to expect... and getting what is contractual and verbally agreed upon with folks.....and I expect that is why I have not gotten along with some of the swindler barn owners I have left and recently gotten kicked out from.

8.So, it's needless to say=I like honesty and rely upon it as my guide for the whole of the person. I think that actions are decisions and are a view of one's heart.

9. I can't wait to try Reeses Peanut butter cups- in a smore!

10.I found out that if you SMILE like you really are having fun when a picture is taken of you, when you are having fun...You tend to look really great!

Okay Dokay...I shall Nominate just ONE other..cause I am overwhelmed with all that it takes to link and notify and ...yadda yadda...
Ummm, and the person shall be................................My favorite Moutain InnKeeper! Over at "Musings from Montana"
Please do go on over and pay her a friendly'll be glad that you did!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Over the ears view

Thought it would be fun to share the "over the horses ears" view- as Jules and I rode down onto the beach, last mo.

Monday, June 22, 2009

In a Quandary

Well, It is true...a quandary I am in.
Today, I showed up for my mentoring ride today and my mentor did not...I failed to confirm this time, but we did talk last week, and I said I would be there. Oh well....

We, the mare and I, have not worked on anything in an arena for about 3 weeks now. I got on Wa in the tilled field near the barn and she thought she'd give me a sour run for my money...So I thought better of it and decided to get to the actual arena sooner rather than later and do all the warming up there.
We showed up in a good amount of time to warm up and we did just that....long rein walking into a slowly gathered collected walk. The mare has had some trouble with this on the trail...usually, when we gather to connect and she immediately wants to trot and that is what we have the contact for. My Bad!
So I have also been gathering the reins up to connect and then, letting out again frequently so. She will need alot of this on the trail but in the arena today , she did so much better.
IN fact today, she stayed right in my hands through most of our work. We even did sitting trot sequences on the short wall and some lengthening trots through the diagonals. I know she loved those times of lengthening today...she perked right up for it, but stayed with my longer posting motion and did not rush. I was so proud of her!
It was all good till I asked for canter...she really soured again and threatened to come up and to buck. I took my standing martingale off..because there was none of this for the past now. I was very discouraged and she did intimidate me. I decided to keep going with sitting trot till I was satisfied... it shocked her a little that I persisted, but she obliged me with some fantastic lateral moves from X to the left and then to the right..a bit freer to the left than to the right.
So my quandary is....I am going to have to have an arena for the winter time..I know I will not be happy with trails only. I feel as though I restart each time I am away for a few weeks, and I need to ride in there at least twice a week to get over d=some of these humps, I fear. My sister takes her trailer and truck back sometime in the first part of July. So that is that for the arena till the neighbor's get theirs done, I guess, for local.
I would really love a round pen to get these cantering kinks out too...a large arena is a bit scary for me as she tends to bolt when pissed off about whatever it is she is when I ask for the canter.
I kinda think it is just me asking in the arena...a bad bad habit of disrespect. She never does this outside!
So hummm...I hate to leave this perfect place..but I know it won't be perfect for winter.
So -it is leaving me in a quandary.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Stills Tri Color

I was not prepared with a new photo for this challenge-till about a little while ago... Just after I vacuumed and it was safe to come out from under the bed, my kitty Elsie found her mouse.
I had moved it up on the footstool and on the colorful blanket that lays on it from Canada. Perfect for today!

Enjoy, and please do click the title to go view many others Colorful Sunday shots that Ed inspired us to take!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Horses and Roses

These are two of my favorite things! Horses and Roses.....

Meet My very first installment..."Lavender Lassie" from Russia. She is very PINK..and I wondered where her name came from. Well, when you dry her blossoms...they are a deep Purple..hence the name!
While I have been out with my mare most of the nice Roses have been flourishing in my absence...and that was the plan when I researched and bought them from a very unique gardens called "Heirloom Old Garden Roses" in the local countryside. They import the original root roses from Gardens such as Monet's and other locations where they flourish in an original strain .
Mine are are shade tolerant and disease resistant. They have many that will grow almost anywhere you plant them.My Roses, that are from around the world, send me off into the day with bight color and rich scents that make me smile. When I return, greet me very strongly with a heavy welcome of a rosy musk and wine aroma.

These two shrub Roses are at either side of the walk to our gate

While this Beauty, that can be seen from down the block, is starting to climb around the gate's arbor.

Below, This Rambler has grown 3-4 feet a year and has quickly overtaken 15 feet of telephone poll and the 12 feet of Trellis my husband erected for this purpose! It is very successful in shielding us from the street's view.

It smells heavenly as it blooms and the bees are usually busy gathering pollen inside it's blooms.
It has overtaken another shrub rose that lives there. It now peeks out from beneath that rambler.

I hope you enjoyed meeting my Roses that need hardly a hand of to prune for a vase to take to work.
They love to make you smile!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Take( another) look..EXPLAINED

I did not have the time to explain properly when I posted the element of....?...well you know, I wanted to bate and wait!
Okay --here are the goods on this little beauty. It is the same make as my sissy's trailer, A Thuro-Bilt. But a much smaller version! It is a 2 horse slant with a removable wall in the tack room(everything is removable) for more room to make it a stock-like trailer.
It is only 3 years old and I was not even looking to buy it...but a fellow equine "LOCAL"blogger ,came into me for hair and because of certain situations- was forced to make the decision to sell it. She was hashing it over "out loud" while I was talking to her in the salon chair.
It suddenly occurred to me that instead of feeling sorry for her that she had to sell her -taste of freedom-( is how it is for me to have a trailer) I should be asking questions, as she clearly WAS indeed going to sell!
We made a verbal deal and a couple weeks went by as I was negotiating with my husband and mother( she helps me underwrite some horsey things) to how it all would work out ..and BOOM-O WHAM...I was picking the trailer last weekend with Gem and now, as I look out the stable double doors, there she sits -washed and waiting for a coat of Wax from me!
I have bartered for a great many things in my 21 year, makeup, clothes, hotel room stays, riding lessons,, in part, a trailer!
Gotta love it!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

To honor my Sweet Gem

I just love my Gem..she inspires and delights my heart in so many ways.

I met her at church, about 17 years ago as we were praying for her wellness. She looked pretty ill and it was very scary to meet her and begin caring for her and to know her life was in the balance.
I was a new Believer then and when I prayed I expected answers..not like I had to have my prayers answered the way I prayed, just, I wanted to know that I got an answer from God. I was very young and insecure in my faith and God used this event, in her life, to uplift me and I actually knew He would show me His answers. I always waited for them watching for His timing.
He was very merciful to her and I knew He loved her very much. She has always made sure to show him Respect and to shine the light upon Him and not her own works. Her life is a living testimony to God's Love.
He never let me down then and does not now either, yet; I have matured in looking for answers...they are various and many..not just one and few. I have yet to have a prayer go unanswered though; sometimes it does take years to enfold and I must accept No, or wait longer . I love and trust God for His unending patience with me .

Knowing Gemma and her husband John, has been so enriching for me as a person and as a fellow believer. She also is responsible for getting me involved with my hearts passion of Riding and loving horses again..see this POST.
So Gemma, I adore your heart and I love your spirit and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
You are such a good friend and awesome sister in the Lord!
Now, you are my mare's "Other Mom" too!! Thanks for caring for her too, sweetie!



Friday, June 12, 2009

Trail delights

The mare was somewhat Pensive starting out.for a walking ride yesterday.. Her leg looked 95 % better and I wanted to connect with her alone in the woods...but did noit want to ask her to do anything slippery or steep or too uneven with the past events.

There is a trail, right across the street, that cuts down to the gate entrance to some of our trails. I went over to it and she just balked like fact, it was very pissy and not safe how she went about it= on the road. Good thing it is a no-through road and visibility is HIGH!
She would go up to the trail and give me the stink-eye look and quickly back down the embankment. It made me very nervous after her falling on me. I waved my crop and that did get her attention yet, she persisted. I dismounted, giving her the benefit of the doubt since the terrain WAS disturbed by the road cutter machine that came through and hashed all the trees and bushes back earlier that week. maybe there was a hidden spiky branch or glass or? I looked and cleared all debris...nothing dangerous..but now that I was off...I gave her a small tap of the crop in the rear end as I asked her to go forward with me into the trail where I saw a stump to mount again.

We headed a new direction and it brought us to very new sights this day.

These new trails... are on a map that my PBO gave to me when I came there to board.
It is 4 pages long and goes all the way to a place the long distance riders like to endurance train to called "Goat Mountain". With a name like that..I may need a goat to ride there..and not this mare! We shall see.
These cliffs were so cool(above) they were huge and I took a photo from the base with the mare's ears and then another from half way up the first shot to show how tall it was...Soo very cool! Climbers would be delighted to see this.

Then, along the path there were ripening "Salmon Berries" all over and we did sample them a few times..thinking that, with each bite they would have more flavor...NOPE...they are like diet keep taking a bite of more..not feeling guilty, but also NOT getting any satisfaction from the taste!
They were awfully pretty and very Orange. They must hold some nutritional value for the animals that eat them as they ripen..cause this human and my horse did not find them all that appealing..she ate 3 and refused the 4th.

Al in all it was a nice ride..though she really was sweating this time..first time this spring that she has even gotten hot and I think it may be her drugs or something..we only walked and it was not hot out..a bit sultry, maybe. I really wanted to find a loop and did not bring the I headed up one trail thinking it would loop[ and it was ultra a creek bed. I did not put the mare's hoof boots on so I made a deal with her...if it did not pan out to be a loop..I would dismount and she would not have to walk down the rooks with me on board.
I did end up turning around and kept my promise.

When I returned to the stable..yep It was a large loop..and it actually connects with the road to Goat Mountain! So I now have two ways of traveling to my summers destination!
I need a GPS though... maybe for my B-day?

Hope you all have a fab catching up with you all soon.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good to know

These two were my onlookers for the day as I went to and fro!

While I maybe could have kept that $300 I spent yesterday at the vets for another purpose..the peace of mind I have and new understating of leg injuries, is priceless. I just had to know the damage to my mare's leg was not worse, and the experts knew and I did not.
Of course- the vets all had to tell me the stories of the horses that did have a broken splint bone and did appear to be fine at first....later to be needing a surgery . Hey, I was there wasn't I..I was NOT going to back out of the procedure now.

She traveled nicely to the apt. of course, with head bumper and legs wraps! They had a few horses in the yard as I drove up . She was great, no calling or nervousness. She just let the gal handle her and trot her to and fro for the Newest installment Young man vet at "Equus Veterinary". he was nice enough yet not very authoritative and referred to my favorite Vet frequently..that was good.

The New guy told me that he like to view the radiography...then go from there. He said he thought it was muscle trauma and that a strong "Sweat" poultice would bring out bacteria.
I was wary of this, as he said it may burn the leg if left on too long...okay..if that is WILL burn my mare's leg anyway, I thought.
He conferred with my favorite vet and he told him to skip that sweat wrap! Good!

They Gave her a dose of horsey downer..I warned them to make it a half dose..she is soo sensitive! She was loose lipped soon after and they began the imaging. It was very cool! It talked to them, as it took photo's, telling them they either did it correctly or incorrectly. Ha!

As the image came onto the screen, It was so plain to see that Wa's leg was intact and that the slice to her Splint bone WAS superficial! Wheew!

She was done in no time and we walked her slowly to the stall so I could pay the bill...she did not mind her confinement this time...if she even was aware of it!

So, I have her on antibiotics and there is a small steriod dose I give to her in the AM.
I am supposed to mix 12 tablets in water and apple sauce and shoot it into her mouth 2X a day..but my PBO is gone till Thursday..and I am not even asking her husband to do that!
So I tested the theroy I have of my mare willing to eat almosty anything -with OATS-YEP!
I mixed the Apple Sauce with the tablets and was licked up! So He can do that easily.

All is right on the horse front again friends! I am sooo releived and worn out...being at the barn from 9am till 6pm 2 days straight is tiring....
In between cold hosing and ice wrapping the mare I
> wahsed the truck
> then the trailer
> I cleaned out 3 water troughs
>De pooped 2 paddocks
> Made 28 baggies of suppliments
.....> then I cleaned 3 saddles, 2 bridles, and brushed out 2 sheepskin saddle pads!

Washashe may now continue to view hew nightly deer parade show, from her stall door . 3 of them went by before I could snap this!

Time to go the stable and show the husband how to mix the special brew for Wa!

Thanks for all the sweet and encouraging sentiments. We will be soon riding again and out of the shadows!


I also have some surprising developments to share soon about the mare and I...I just love them!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Totally my fault

This is Wa mare with an "Ice Horse" Therapy rig works very well for heat and swelling reduction. I am soo glad that we got the fridge in the tack room now, as my Ice was all set to go for this emergency. Though I only needed it for the one leg this time..the balance of the strap over the hiney held it in place. She totally wouldn't move either! It was hilarious...frozen.
Today, I also figured out how to get her to step onto a tarp(a dreaded thing) feed her on it!

Man do I feel like a jerk of a horse owner right now! I went on a trail ride yesterday with a new horse..and what was I thinking??? I failed to put the shipping boots on-ONE TIME- and this time, the new horse stepped over on my mare's hind leg!

When we unloaded the horses, She was picking up her left hind and kicking it. As I groomed before the ride and I then saw the slices into her tendon area!
Sick to my stomach, I became instantly.
The gal that was new had just the right things for Wa as she is a Naturopathic nurse. We gave her some Arnica, and put powdered Golendseal into the wound. It was clean and had not affected her gate at all..I walked and walked her to see if she had issue, and she did not.
So we did walk the trails. It was nice.

Today PBO called me in the morning to say, that it had swollen quite a bit and I rushed out there to see and make vet arrangements if needed.
I deemed a call was in order and they offered me a 3 I waited around all day tending to the duties I had to do...make feed packets...cold hose...make more feed packets...graze and cold hose. I was making sure NOT to get the water on the actual wound, just on the hock and fetlock and other side of the tendon. After I iced and cold hosed and walked her up and down the driveway and over to My PBO's house while grazing her...about an hour or so...I then wrapped it up with a standing wrap. My first one.
This mare's legs are so not typical..they are petites! I found that the neat standing wrap batting I bought years ago, for such an occasion, were so dang huge on her! I got the kind I may wash after use. It came off her leg like 4 inches in diameter! I am going to have them cut in half and have four- out of two! So I had cotton batting too,and that worked fine.

The vet called and we talked it over and since some of the swelling went away with walking and cold therapy...we decided to see about tomorrow...the Radio graphic machine was out till then anyway.

Hope and pray tomorrow she looks great! I will have to cancel my entire day out to get her there by 3pm.

I gave her 1 gram of Butte and more Arnica. She got dinner early and I came on home...

We shall see~

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Stills Silhouettes

A lazy day aboard an equine looking over the bay as it empties...good riding for us as we come to the ocean side of Tillamook Bay Ocean Spit! My friend caught a nice Silhouette of me, seen on the header.

Please click the title for more of Ed's peeps views in Silhouette!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's A Sign!

We were told it would be smooth riding here...and boy did I need that after the mishaps of the rides lately!

Meet Cazi...a Mustang that I met yesterday..Here Romeo and he share the hay bag delights.

After those hectic events in and out of the saddle of late, I was in for some better times. Little did I know a few days ago, It would be something I would need after unforeseen violent spills!

Monday I was in the barn and this gal drives up ..she was really neat looking. Now, I know that may strike you as odd, that I mention that but, I am a hairdresser and though I am NOT critiquing everyone I see..I do notice someone well put together and sporting a fancy hairstyle..specially around the barn!
Anywho, this gal was just at the Bay Ocean Beach House, where we ride the horses, and had accidentally taken home some of Gemma 's gear and Gem had taken hers...she was returning it now and introduced herself and said, that "we should ride sometime"...I totally never let that invitation go by without a date on the books...I wasted NO-Time in making a was Yesterday!
Jenni and Cazi, a Keiger (sp?)Mustang that she has trained. Boy, is he handsome and though out of shape, his attitude and patience really did show through to me. He is trusting and not skittish, takes the lead or is willing to follow too. He grazed near the trailer without a lead on and hopped right into that trailer, when she pointed to it...just a gentleman.

I took Romeo out this day ...wanting to make sure these trails really were smooth, and not at all treacherous . To be honest..we did take the 'Ridge trail" and I got a bit nervous and wondered if we should turn around..a first for me..but I had to trust Romeo..he is sure footed.

These trails were heavenly to be sure...and very close to the stable for both of us. She lives nearby and picked me up! WOW, I will say it again, SHE PICKED ME UP!
Maybe the days of me always picking folks up is over.

These are private trails that border along about 15 horse homes. They monitor them for intruders and keep them up so nicely! All of them are marked and groomed and WOW...Trail Nirvana!

We were invited to park in the private driveway of her friend...and they extended the invite to me so kindly, after we arrived.
It was so Lovely, peaceful and just as smooooth as pie! There are some trails that are more steep.. that go all the way to the canyon floor to the creeks and waterfalls-but those I will borrow a trail pony for..and reserve the smoother hours of enjoyment for Washashe mare!

While we were out...we lost a cell phone and I knew I would be coming back, on this sunny day, to look for it with my mare...wanting to redeem the trails for her after our spill .

I went home after about 2 hours of riding and then got my mare ready to come on back...
I told her about the Smooth trails and she agreed to try again.
It was gorgeous out and warm..we enjoyed an on-the-buckle ride most of the way...and we went all the way to the end of a grassy road...trails right and to the left with those cute little "SIGNS" really is well loved out there. We finally came to the main highway and turned down another grassy road, and it looped it all together! I brought trail markers-wooden clothesline pins with red ribbon..but never needed any because of the signs!

We were walking on back and I heard what sounded like a motorised vehicle coming up behind.
It panicked me a bit,as I was looking to duck into a trail...but, I kept looking back...nothing...but more whooshing noises and now debris all around..I could not see the sky but it was very warm still..and I thought must be a high wind...we felt it coming on stronger and my erg to return home made us break our walk for a hand gallop!

We got to the open and holy cow...the sky was swirling around over head! I could barely keep my eyes open for the particles of earth being tossed around!

We trotted up the nearby-thank goodness-driveway and I did not even take the mare's saddle off...but just loosened the girth and put her fly mask on. I was hoping that it would darken the lightening I saw all around us now..the thunder was close too...oh! She balked...but got on the trailer and we went about 15 to 20 miles per hour home cause the wind and rains now were so violent!
We made it back to a few TxT msg's asking if we were okay.....

Praise God and His trail angels, that I apparently have permanently assigned to me and the mare!