This was the last time Pantz and Washashe would have together...little did they know, or really care!
They had been cooped up in the pea gravel paddocks for almost 2 weeks with our snow and ice. The stable was still on arena turn out mode, so this was all I had time for.... again....The mares could NOT get down to roll fast enough after I took those heavy winter blankets off! It truley was hilarious...them prancing in place to find the right spot to go down..then the Rolling Frenzy began!!
After that, Pantz thought she'd "herd" the Wa around the arena...and she did till Wa got tired of it and Kicked out! I like how horses don't have to miss..but they do!
Wa said ENOUGH!
Last time for them together... Pretty Pantz left yesterday for the coast to a different facility with her true mom owner, my sister.
It was a tough day for me, being weepy. Pantz knew something was up...she'd follow me till I would stop then she'd sniff my runny nose and I would just break out in sobs again. She pinned my head to her neck at the last and I just let er-rip.
She is deffinately the mare that stole my heart for how she could read my mind and act accordingly. I am going to miss her greatly.
I am still beat to heck after 5 hours of paddock management. I knew I was in for it when the owner said, "your paddocks look terrible". OH my friends....if a horse poos once and hour-roughly-I picked near 168 Craps out of two paddocks! They only crapped in the gravel, since the snow was 2 feet deep where they normally go!
My dear friend helped me and she told me today...she was SORE-SORE!!!
So, Pantz is gone and I am still very weepy. I have words for you on Wa's adjustment to a new pasture/roomate and her parting from Pantz went later but-Not to leave you in wonderment now- It ended up being very good. Will fill you in soon .
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
December Rolling Frenzy
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Bye Bye Pantz
My sister came and retrieved her mare Pantz yesterday. She had to bring her to the Portland area last January 2008 to board with me, as her private barn had sold. She got 20 days notice...and at the Oregon coast, there is not too much going on in the way of boarding stables!
These are some of the memories I have of the Appaloosa Pantz, that stole my heart.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Story behind the picture MEME TAG

I think this photo is perfect for what is about to transpire in my neck of the woods with the two mares I care for, within days.
This is a picture was taken from atop my mare Washashe while my sister and I went on a spring ride 2008. Wa was so in her mare-season..she would hardly walk and would frequently stop to lick or kiss Pantz! She is going in for another kiss now!
Washsahse is on the left, Pantz on the right. For those who are unaware of the circumstances of me having two horses...I don't. Last year when my sister's boarding facility, a small private job, closed with 20 days notice..there was NO-WHERE to find boarding where Pantz lived at the Oregon Coast. My sister desperate , turned to me .Pantz came to live with her best mare friend Washashe, and her girl, me!
As of Monday(if the snow clears) My sissy is taking her horsey back.
A place, the only public boarding facility there within 100 miles in fact, has a stall finally.
A Bitter sweet picture.
This fun little photo game I picked it up from Melanie at "The Knutson Family" She invited all who wanted to participate, to do so... So, I am doing so...but.... I will return to the regular format of the game to get to know some new folks around this boggerville township.
The rules are:
1) Go to your picture folder, or wherever you store your photos on your computer
2) Go to the sixth folder and pick the sixth picture
3) Post it on your blog and tell the story that goes along with the picture
4) Tag five friends to do the same thing, and leave a message on their blog that they have been tagged~ I hearby TAG:
Keri ,my very ~very talented and horseloving freind here in bloggerville.
Rachel, a gal who has endeared me with her familylife, love of horses and also her creative eye.
ROXIE, she's a neat horse that has her own blogspot...truly adorable.
Kimberly, over at "Creative Eye Studio's" lovely wares and a truly gifted gal!
Tamara of In the Night Farm
Tamera's Total passion for her horses and cooking have delighted me as well as her fantastic views through the camera lense!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Reporting Live- Artic Blast 2008- KATU News Roving Reporter(unofficially)

And, in hopes of actually gettting on the news while we all watched it...what else was there to do?! So we locals, around the NW, frequently sought out fun and exciting video opportunities . These are my stories~
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
In the Bleak Midwinter

In the Bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as Iron ,water like a stone
Snow had fallen snow on snow, snow on snow
In the bleak midwinter long, long ago
Heaven can not hold Him, nor the earth sustain
Heaven and earth shall welcome Him, when He
comes to reign
In the bleak midwinter, a stable place sufficed
For the Lord God, incarnate Jesus Christ
Angels and Arch angels, may gathered there
cherubim and seraphim's, gathered in the air
but his mother only, in her maiden bliss, worshiped
the beloved only with a kiss
What then shall I give Him, poor as I am,
If I were a shepard, I would bring a lamb
And If I were a wise man, I would do my part
Yet what I can, I give Him, I will give my heart
There old and familiar Carols play
Wild and sweet the words repeat, peace on
earth goodwill to men, peace on earth
goodwill to men
I thought how, as the day had come, the
belfries of all Christendom, had rolled along
the only unbroken song, peace on earth
goodwill to men, peace on earth, goodwill to men
And in despair I bowed my head, there is no
peace on earth I said, for hate is strong and
mocks the song, peace on earth goodwill to
men, peace on earth, goodwill to men
Then pealed the bells, more loud and deep,
God is not dead , nor doth He sleep,
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail with
Peace on earth goodwill to men,
Peace on earth goodwill to men
I heard the bells on Christmas day
wild and sweet the words repeat,
Peace on earth goodwill to men,
Peace on earth goodwill to men
Peace on earth goodwill to men
Peace on earth
Monday, December 22, 2008
News from the "galloping horse"
I was awoken by the sound of my phone this am around 7:30.
The stable owner had called to say they had been without power and to pray-pray-pray. NO-ONE could get out with the 20+ inches of snow and they needed more water for the horses, since the pump house was frozen again. It has been since last weekend that most of boarders were there. Seems most of the stable's boarders live in Portalnd proper, some 25 miles away, and suppliments are out.

I LOVE THEM SO MUCH for the peace of mind I derrive, not just in knowing that they do all they can, BUT>> Hearing from them<< !!! I was told that today, my mares would come into the barn for a break....I kinda thought maybe it would not happen, since there was so darned much to handle and do. At 4pm today, AGAIN, the Galloping Horse called me to say, " we have power again, got the buckets all filled inside...your mares spend 45 minutes romping and happy in the arena." They even had to plow the gate open with the heavy machinery! I am singing Praises ,and thanking GOD for them! They have been more than business..they have been family!
Last night at 11pm, I went to meet my man up the Oregon City hill on 5Th Avenue. We walked home together in the Wintry night after his double shift. He was in good spirits and it was nice to debrief while walking. Took some nighttime snowy pics.

We made it home in good time last eve and I snapped one..showing our "cat fence in" with ice.
This morning it was snowing so hard, it really was beautiful. Though things were dicey at the stable..all I could do was pray and be thankful for the Stable owners doing all they could to ensure our horses comfort, safety and food...the 3 things they care about most in the world!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Rule of 3's
It does always seem that if something bad happens, it'll repeat , with other bad things, 2 more times. Rrrr. Have you noticed this occurrence yourself?
(1)Firstly ..I am thrilled to say I got my reward for discovering "TRAIL RIDING COWGIRl" answers to questions about herself, hidden in plain view inside her ere posted writings.
Home made cookies..had to hide from my man...Wood burned frame that says "Girlfriend", I put a pic of Elsie in it for now. A Butterfly box, again burned etching on it's top. Homemade jam...GET THIS= it was made on my birthday, as the date on it's lid tells! and my FAV.."I Love my Horse" sign...still thinkin' on where it'll go!
(3)Thirdly....My husband got his License for the beginning of his new chosen career path!!!! YEEEE!
So, that was last night...then Bruce got the call about needing to be in at work @ 6am. Neither of us do the wee hours well or functioning..but I told him I'd get up with him to drive him up the hill. he has not gotten out and was nervous to drive.
On a better note to end with...I was so happy with the water at the stable working after they got the power back!! I could fill the tanks and feel great about it when I saw them drinking!

Wa mare looking on her snowy scene from cover of her shelter... happy happy to be outside with all the hay she can eat and me to bring her warm beet Pulp mash.
All is well for the time being friends....I have had the Rule of 3's in both aspects of how you may receive them....I am gonna make some cocoa and watch a Movie now!!!!
Well,- Here is the GOOD NEWS that occurred yesterday when I got home from the snowy stable day...that by the way was harrowing at best, because the windshield wipers froze up and I couldn't see to drive...but was driving! We just had to stop every 2 minutes to break the ice off them, so thy would wipe again!
Anywho~I got home and I saw a nice big ol' Postal box (1)and next to it I saw a fat hand- written -letter(2) and next to that, I saw another piece of paperwork..looking all official. (3) This was a refreshing "Rule of 3's" change for the Positive!

WOW, I am so excited for the cool, artistic and yummy-for-the-tummy goodies!
Take a look at her generosity to this new acquaintance in a bloggerville friend-ME!

(2)Second cool occurance...A lovingly hand written post>>A "LETTER"!!!Man..when is the last time you had a hand written letter= with tea bags inside so I could sip as I viewed her thoughts( written on both sides of card and paper?)? My girlfriend that moved is going to get me going on this lost art..I held out giving it up for the longest time till my friends dropped off like flies...(e-mail) need I say more.

We woke up to what the local News crews were calling "GLAZE.".fancy word for ICE!
It was over the existing 5-6 inches of snow..making it difficult to walk, and shortly after hauling my Beet Pulp and gear to head to the stable to help out after I took him to work..we found the car wouldn't move.
It was over the existing 5-6 inches of snow..making it difficult to walk, and shortly after hauling my Beet Pulp and gear to head to the stable to help out after I took him to work..we found the car wouldn't move.
Okay, he walked and was late but made it. I went back to sleep on the couch(1). Then, I heard the familiar hoof beats and Whinny of my cell phone's ring. It was the Barn manager at the stable this time. She called to say my mare would not eat her food and was weaving at the gate...I got an instant sour stomach. thoughts of the "C" word(2) Then while I was in the bath reading the letter I recieved with a cup the tea sitting there, My husband called to say that he was asked to stay for "A Double shift", and he will have to walk home to me after 11pm! (3)

Pantz was so funny when I parked the Wheel barrel before using it...had to check it out multiple times from multiple angles.

AND...let me tell you all that I called multiple times to get ahold of the barn manager after I asked her to make sure the water was not frozen and to please take some warm Beet Pulp up to my WA...I finally got the Owner and she was completely correct to my understanding of my mare...she felt hemmed in to a small location as the frozen ground kept her relegated to the graveled area...So, I asked them to open the paddocks up to each other for now, during the'll get her moving and Pantz as well...they love to trade spaces!

All is well for the time being friends....I have had the Rule of 3's in both aspects of how you may receive them....I am gonna make some cocoa and watch a Movie now!!!!
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