Two extra riders this time~
Well, we drove all the way to the coast and the second day there...there was the spider!!! We were shocked. And apparently, it has woven it's web cleverly enough to the frame of the truck, and not the window itself, so as not to have to reweave every time we open the window.
Today, as we got into the truck to drive to a neighboring stable to pick up a new boarder friend , Alicia with her Thoroughbred Vinnie, OH! there was the Traveling spider! Ha! We had not been in the truck for a week.We Noticed her right away as we fuelled up in the gas station.I jumped out to the the shot.
So Vinnie is relocated now at Templeton Equestrain Centre! Once we got there,we took a trail ride..... and the spider is happily catching all the flys she can while the truck is parked. Wonder if she liked the salt Bay air last weekend?!
I asked this gal, that times in at 6:11:00 (that is 6 hours)usually for 50 miles or better regionally so, in the PNER Family News(Pacific Northwest Endurance Riders, Inc.) if she would head up a training day for our stable on taking "Vitals" of our horses. NOT just for the endurance riders! We all should know resting heart rates and temps and good hydration of our equines.
So this winter, we shall do a training seminar I think...more to come....
It was a fun ride and we went places that I'd, nor my stable-owner-riding-Partner has seen or been to...and I said something about marking the trails ...the respionce was..."Mark them in your Mind's Eye">>>leave not a trace<<<> So that the motor bikers can't find the new places we'd gone..okay...Visual-memory..kick in!!!
Wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz on by they went in nice easy trotting.... this is something I do think my mare would be good at and I have been told that she is the right Skin-Surface ratio-for or it too. BUT, humm....if I start to trot all the time and rarely walk, I am wondering if she will ever be calm again out on the trials??? It has been what is keeping me back now= for some time, her being so competitive and all.
Well, it remains to be seen I guess...she'd have to learn to be surer footed and trot calmly..no galloping.
Off to the beach again see you when we return! Equine mine is coming this time!!YEAAA!
So, knowing I could write a book( and I am planning it too) on choosing a stable; "Guide to Zen Stable boarding" he he! I chose to go back to my old barn and gave notice. I was surprised with how shocked the owner was and then the next week was even more surprised by the events.....pleasantly so. Many expressed to me that they were sad to see me go and wanted me to try to stay. I had an exit dinner with the owners and they were very sincere to ask: what it would take to keep me happy in the pasture board situation there. I drew up a plan, that I thought would work and they agreed.
I now have really nice accommodations outdoors for the mares--gravel foundation for matted stalls/hay racks/and netting to come soon to cover the openings around the top, to keep rain out. Next weekend, while we are at the beach, they will divide the field in half. NO more feeding nightmares! My attempt to keep them apart can be seen in top photo..."Stall Guards"..that lacerated my mare's hind leg, the first three days I put them up. She got caught in them apparently, and being pature board no one notices them , as when they handle them. They have been self care in the fiield. So I will be a bit more at peace for the division .
Lovely!!! Just look at the mare's reception of them~
I am sooo happy to be staying! Am hoping to beat my last record for boarding...9 months!Truly ,can't see a reason why I won't be able to do it....