Tara over at
Five O'Clock Somewhere
A glimpse into my world.... Jewelry Design, Horses, Arts & Crafts, Travel, Wine, Restaurant Reviews.................................................................................................................................................
Just made me feel like I am on top-o-the world in new freinds! She is one of the most talented gals and has the horse team I dream of ...Mare and foal combo.(someday me)
I love to read her postings and also shop . Though the budget has gotten me not following through! Good budget!
(Hint..any one of her equestrian peices of art, I will accept as a gift for any reason!) ooouuuhoo hhaaaa~!
These are the instructions:
In Ghosting, you slip over to your neighbors home, and leave them a sweet something (fresh baked goodies, chocolates, a flower, or just a nice note,) on their doorstep.
Hence, Ghosting It Forward was born.
In your little gift for your neighbor, you also leave a polite request to pass a sweet treat along to three other neighbors.
The idea of Ghosting It Forward was launched on October 16 of this year. The goal? To involve as many people as possible, to spread some cheer and fun. Creator Steve Kantor would LOVE to see loads of people involved in this by Halloween.
Five O'Clock Somewhere
A glimpse into my world.... Jewelry Design, Horses, Arts & Crafts, Travel, Wine, Restaurant Reviews.................................................................................................................................................
Just made me feel like I am on top-o-the world in new freinds! She is one of the most talented gals and has the horse team I dream of ...Mare and foal combo.(someday me)
I love to read her postings and also shop . Though the budget has gotten me not following through! Good budget!
(Hint..any one of her equestrian peices of art, I will accept as a gift for any reason!) ooouuuhoo hhaaaa~!
These are the instructions:
In Ghosting, you slip over to your neighbors home, and leave them a sweet something (fresh baked goodies, chocolates, a flower, or just a nice note,) on their doorstep.
Hence, Ghosting It Forward was born.
In your little gift for your neighbor, you also leave a polite request to pass a sweet treat along to three other neighbors.
The idea of Ghosting It Forward was launched on October 16 of this year. The goal? To involve as many people as possible, to spread some cheer and fun. Creator Steve Kantor would LOVE to see loads of people involved in this by Halloween.
Here are The Rules:
1) Have a Ghostly Image to pass along
2) Tag three people on your blog, with links to their blogs. Tell about what great folks they are, or offer to send them a Ghostly Treat.
3) Include a link to Ghosting It Forward in your blog.
Now, I am going to choose three of you to "Ghost", and ask that you too, please pass it along for some Halloween fun!
I tag:
1) Have a Ghostly Image to pass along
2) Tag three people on your blog, with links to their blogs. Tell about what great folks they are, or offer to send them a Ghostly Treat.
3) Include a link to Ghosting It Forward in your blog.
Now, I am going to choose three of you to "Ghost", and ask that you too, please pass it along for some Halloween fun!
I tag:
Sweetest of sweet~ Melanie with her family antics and horse antics galore! When I showed up here in bloggerland, she was the first to comment and make me feel a part of this community. http://spencersnewlife.blogspot.com/
2>Pat with her herd is always looking to ensure that the animals are safe and sound! She also has a way of getting under your freindship skin with her lovely nature~

Sweetest of sweet~ Melanie with her family antics and horse antics galore! When I showed up here in bloggerland, she was the first to comment and make me feel a part of this community. http://spencersnewlife.blogspot.com/
2>Pat with her herd is always looking to ensure that the animals are safe and sound! She also has a way of getting under your freindship skin with her lovely nature~
3> http://equinemine.blogspot.com/
My dear Friend and fellow boarder where my horsefaces are. She is a joy to be around and down to earth. She loves her maddy mare and has tons of knowledge to share.I appreciate her more than she knows( but am going to tell her more ways than this= soon!)
My dear Friend and fellow boarder where my horsefaces are. She is a joy to be around and down to earth. She loves her maddy mare and has tons of knowledge to share.I appreciate her more than she knows( but am going to tell her more ways than this= soon!)

Make someone SMILE!
Positively Impacting People with Something Positive

Aaahhhh...thanks for the award! I will have to come back and claim it just a little bit later...have to go do some homework!