Last Sunday I had the Pleasure of riding along with my MustRideMonday partner and a group of horse folk that make history in Oregon. They build, maintain and ride the various and wonderful bounty of trails and horse camps here in Oregon. If you have camped or ridden on a beautifully and well maintained trail or grounds...MOST LIKELY- it is largely due O.E.T.!
I took a snap of the large binder like trail is GREAT.
Oregon Equestrian Trails. There are many riders in the various "Chapters" around the state, and our local Chapter had planned a ride to a "new area to them"- last fact, they goal to ride all new areas this year...OH BOY...did we join at the right time! Well, she was a member, and I am the newbie!
I took a snap of the large binder like trail is GREAT.
Oregon Equestrian Trails. There are many riders in the various "Chapters" around the state, and our local Chapter had planned a ride to a "new area to them"- last fact, they goal to ride all new areas this year...OH BOY...did we join at the right time! Well, she was a member, and I am the newbie!
My Must Ride friend ( and her loving/supportive husband too)allowed me to ride Mustang Cazi . She has a QUEST- as I do- for new sights and trails. Oregon Has something for everyone in that department!
We converged upon the Historic Columbia River Scenic Hwy to a place called "Larch Mountain". Trailers were already there for the 11 am ride time...we were not late ,but I had not gotten a early start having it be the "Spring ahead" weekend....I am NOT a morning person.
So we were feverishly brushing mud and hair off our horses...did not have time to do it folks got ready and saddled up, they mosied on over to introduce themselves and meet us newcomers. They all were so very nice!
I of course...took a photo documentation of the entire event for exciting to ride in a large group(not on my mare!)

These two below- on HUGE-O Walking horses...stood nearby us as we finally made the last efforts to ready ourselves....we had no idea-how THEY WOULD play into the later events for us that day!

I fell in love with this Mule, I think his name was 'Flash". And the rigging..I have to have that for our terribly rugged trails for my mare~
I mounted up and waited for my Must Rider partner to bit up ...she was getting really frustrated..Simeon had decided to not accept his bit today. I dismounted and tried to help...I suggested that she only ask him to open his mouth for her fingers a few times..taking her time to make sure he knew we cared about this experience he was having and offer a treat with the open mouth offered... he allowed us to do this and finally the bit was accepted with out it having touched his teeth at all.
I think He really was telling us a story. We just need to weave a better story of gentle respect, so he may remember a positive ending. The treat does help...he will open his mouth and receive yummies and praises . He recovered well, I think.
So having felt like we may have held up the group..NOPE...yet another trailer arrived, and it got even more relaxed...the plan was to ride together! I loved this fact that they made it so positive.
Once all were accounted for as ready....WHOOSH...we were off...down the trails and roads!
There were Walking Horses, Quarter horses, Haflingers, Appaloosas, Mustangs and Mules!
There was also different hoof disciplines; some were hoof booted, some shod and many, like ours, bare footed~
Every one allowed me to traverse the group, taking photo's...think they felt Celeb!
We rode up and up the roads and into the forests... coming to a rather large bridge...
Cazi man was pensive and decided to follow young Simeon across
Speaking of riding was a bit difficult for him, as it would be for my mare, but for different reasons.
He did well with his pasture mate Cazi, preferring to ride only with him when we neared the others or we separated to talk and ride with any became clear..he was bound and very possessive of his Mustang friend!
We talked about this and decided to plan for some changes in the future. Some being, starting out the ride apart, and riding that way till we decided it was time to join up again.
It is all new for him, and his young undisciplined self -is strong at present. We also talked about how different it will be when I bring my mare and he.
We came to a nice spot and decided to rest for a Of course I had to take the opportunity for a group shot...not all were interested, but most at least, looked up!
It was turning out to be an excellent spring like day! Smiles and laughter abounded~
and some horse tongues!
I really was intrigued with the variety of riders too-helmets, bare heads, and the horses in hackimores, halters, bits of all kinds. Some English, Some Western...some endurance saddles.
Off again.......that away!
We followed this time~
Letting them get far out ahead~ and enjoying the vast solitude found in the deep woods.

We had so much fun ... regardless of training issues, that will present themselves always.
I shot this and did not realize till now...HAHA!! My very slim Riding partner...usually has something in her hands to chew on..caught it again, on film!
So...we ended up under some impressively large power lines and most had decided to head had been a few hours time and the round trip would be close to 13 miles and 1,000 feet difference in elevation.
Then, two of the riders hung back, looking on in disbelief that our ride was over, with us two....
After a small discussion of wanting to head down one of the myriad of inviting, grassy off roads into the forest, we did..following this well matched pair of Walking horses....they strode out so was a thing of beauty!
Yet, all too soon, they Swiftly disappeared......with that tremendous gait of theirs
leaving us quickly far behind...and inviting us to catch up again!...oh darn...guess we'll just have to canter down this beautiful and mossy lane, to see where they have gotten to!
We had a great time with them...and they even said, "It is so good to have met you two, you really seem to like to ride. We needed someone like you!"
Well- how cool is that! We reveled in being out and about with new friends..I got to jump a little too...I would have not guessed it..Cazi is quite the nimble jumper!
We all saw a log across a path and someone said,-"oh look, a jump".....I was on that so fast!
He totally was with me and popped eagerly over the log! COOL!
So we came down the mountain after a time of exploration , I could just make out the Snowy cascades behind these bare tree limbs.
What a gorgeous time..and these new friends being retired, said they would gladly meet up with us to ride new places...on our Mondays!
Okay...well, it is off to the Beach with horse and my PBO now. See you all on the coming weekend! Happy riding times and family times to you all.....
YOU heal up Lisa girl, thinking about you..and wanting to read of similar times from you soon, with that Sweet patchy mare!
That's what I call a trail ride!
ReplyDeleteOh loved this post! Thank you so much for it!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to start trailering out to some new trails too around here.
Keep having fun K!
What fun! The trails are beautiful. Thank you for sharing the photos!
ReplyDeleteThank you KK for your kind words of support on my blog. I have had great pleasure exchanging our horses experiences and hope for many more!
Wishing the best! Happy Horsing.
- Keri
Looks like you had an awesome ride and made lots of new friends. The ride through the forest was so scenic - I enjoyed the photos. (Also the horse psychology!)
ReplyDeleteWow, what a neat ride for sure! Love all the pictures, the people, horses and mule and the views, breathtaking!
ReplyDeleteMe and Gil went on our own little trail ride today. 5 and a half miles! We just walked and it took us 2 hours and 15 minutes...LOL..are
we slow or what??? I had Lucy and Gonzo with me. Will post about this soon.
You are so lucky you get to ride some gorgeous places!!!
hugs dear friend
Jane and Gil
Talk about memories! I was a member of OET back in the 90s. I belonged to the West Valley Chapter and was the OET state quartermaster for a few years. It was a great group to belong to and I too have many memories of wonderful rides, and equally wonderful people. I loved your post ... been on that trail also!!! Fun for me to go back with you! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow...what a neat day! I'd love to do that. Maybe in the next world. *sigh*... maybe in the next world. I posted a neat horse story today. One of those happy endings that happen occasionally.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post KK! Riding groups are fun, again wish there was something like that around me here....
ReplyDeleteHappy Trail Blazing!
OET has done a lot to protect and maintain riding trails. Great group.
ReplyDeleteOh what fun! I'm so glad you met some good TWH people and got to go on a fast little ride with them. :D
ReplyDeleteOh wow what a cool ride and fantastic photos. It looks like you had fun and isn't it nice riding with new horsey people who share your love for exploration
ReplyDeleteThat sounds incredibly fun! I wish we had trails like that in Florida!
ReplyDeleteOh this post makes me yearn for nicer consistent weather! I called the vet to have him come early on the spring shots so we can be all ready when the weather breaks. Fun times Kacy, wish I was on the trail with you! Take care and ride safe!
ReplyDeleteThis sentence cracked me up:
ReplyDelete"My Must Ride friend allowed me to ride Mustang Cazi (and her loving/supportive husband too)."
What an incredible trail! I love looking at the scenery you have there. Someday, girlfriend, I am going to be knockin'!
Sounds like a great bunch of people. Have fun at the beach!!
KK- What a great ride with your new friends. I love the way you documented the whole outing. I bet that group appreciates your photography and story about the ride. Maybe they will hire you to do that on every ride!
ReplyDeleteWell done you with Simeon's bit issue. You are SO right about him trying to tell you a story. And to patiently have him accept a finger before the bit is gentle and just the trick. Maybe you can buy a wonderful gift for your Must Ride friend - a bitless bridle and then Simeon will be happy like the Wa Mare!
As always, your trails and views are unmatched. And, now you are heading to the beach!?! How lucky can one girl be?!?
Your poster is on its way to you and a fun little surprise too! I will post about it as soon as you get it!
Lori~ It truly was surprisingly enjoyable!
YEA>>>> soon all my blogger friends will have their own sunny day rides to add to bloggerville..I am waiting!!!
I am still working on that gift for you...!!!
Keri dear!
I totally have heart strings tied to your times with INK and Errika. I do understand how difficult it can be boarding sometimes and I AM PULLING FOR YOU...From here!
You too...Happy Horsing! New times are a-hoof!
Well good...yea, with our horses, you have to try make it their idea...tis more acceptable to them. (huh, sounds like some men sometimes too)
Jane dear~
ooou sounds like you had an equally fun ride with critter in tow! HAHA!
Glad to see you! Boy do I love Mules...can't wait to meet some and hope to ride one this summer.
OET..glad to hear it brought back the neat-o- memories for you!
You can come visit me anytime and have yourself one of those times! Really...mean it!
I will come over to see your Equine story!
I never have ridden many mare has proven to be so excitable with the competition she perceives it is...but if I scout out the locations first...think I may try her again this summer.It is my goal to rides groups sometimes- WITH MT MARE!
Oregon Equestrian ~
I am finally going to get involved with helping the projects of trail maintenance...been enjoying their handwork for years!
I loved riding with them...speedy gaited equines. We definitely HAD- to- trot!
Sally~ is very cool..they were all so nice and I had to put my very prejudice mind on riding (helmets)attire and such behind!
Have you ever visited Carolyn at "ALL THINGS HORSES"? She moved to Florida last year and she Loves riding trails and outdoors...have no idea of the Logistical aspects of you two but...maybe you could hook up or talk?!She is on My blogroll....
Thanks dear...we will try our best to be safe with erratic conditions sometimes at the beach! Hoping you too can add some ride stories soon!
I had to say her husband is very generous to allow me to take her away sooo much-and ride HIS horse!
I am waitin' for the day you call and say-I'm in town-Let's Ride!!!Got a horse fer ya too...if that is needed!
I fear that Simeon needs a mouth inspection from a Licensed Vet.
The bitless will work, after she addresses some issues of safety with him...he'll come along.
My mare has her moments too..I just know what sets her off and work on them diligently-(and sometimes that means excluding myself from situations!)
Oh Goodie, goodie, goodie!!! Can't wait for the Art to arrive!
Great ride! I kept looking for a familiar face since I'm from that part of the state, but not this time. The trails sure looked in good shape...not too muddy!
ReplyDeleteAwww, you're so sweet. And you're right. My time will come again. I had a delicious taste of that in January and February and I can't wait to have that again. First we need to move past all this wintery weather of course. Poor Apache went from living down in the warm valley with fields of green grass to living up here in the mountains with fields of snow, mud, ice and dead brush. Poor baby! :(
ReplyDeleteI hope she can forgive me and we find our riding groove together.
Your photos were beautiful, every last one of them, my friend. All the happy smiling faces, curious eager horses, and deep mysterious well groomed trails.
How lucky you are to have such lovely trails to explore on horseback.
I hope one day to join you!
Gtyyup~ Well, this was just one of many rides with the OET group I will give you more chances to recognize someone familiar!
ReplyDeleteYESSSSS Lisa, we shall ride together! I just know it!