Thursday, June 26, 2008

A painful reminder~

So sorry to admit that I have had WAY too much fun outdoors on the trails...and my mare Wa has turned up not lame, but with a very nasty and large cut.
It has come to me as a painful reminder; that I really do need to get back to our work in the arena. Never thought I would say that -having being stuck in it for close to a year.
Yet, the recent heal bulb laceration my mare sustained while trail riding "off trail"...ouch! It has cooled our outdoor riding down. And=I have to say, Schriner's spray, has done the trick!

Sooo now>> the recent "buck fest" my mare has been giving me out doors has me -in the know- that she needs to settle down and THINK "inside the box", more again.

I just reviewed our "first clinic" DVD today from May with Colleen Reid....

I don't remember how hard it was right now, but I DO see how wonderful the results were. . . and it is making my minds resolve up..after this weekends Camping trip with the horses...AM GETTING BACK INDOORS with my trainer.

After all...we do have another clinic in late August to prepare for....and all the outdoors too... as it does carry over out there!

Just watch her eyes-oh man- she is wiped out...good brain work WA!

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