Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two in a row

I know, I's only a Horse Statue...on a horse related blog... but I had to thank you all for the well wishing on our Anniversary!! P.F. Changs is where this was taken ...massive horses in front of the building and massively good food inside!

I saw this hand painting while driving yesterday...just mounted upon a telephone post! It is an oil on canvas...wonder how long it'll last out in the inclement weather?? Well the sentiments for family will last much longer, and I am glad that I saw it on our day!
Our feature film of choice, that we had free tickets to =also was a marriage boost for yesterday. "Fireproof" .....YYEOWSA..I married the right man! He could have starred as the main actor!
Thanks again for the wonderful sentiments here and see you after my Intrepid Trail ride today!


  1. You two look good together. I'm so happy for you guys!! Changs - yummy!! They do have good food. So...the movie was that good huh?? Maybe I'll have to get me some of those tickets :)

  2. Was that picture of you with the horse statue taken somewhere in the east bay? California? I almost fell over when I saw that picture..

  3. two are a cute couple!!!

    You are such a sweetie, and it really shows through the way that you comment on our blogs! Just wanted you to know that! :)
    Your upbeat writing style always puts a smile on my face!

    Can't wait to hear about that ride....

  4. Keri, Hi to you!
    No..the Horse in front PF Changs is at all locations..I think..this one is in Bridge Port..I call it "Money Port" shooping plaza in Tigard Oregon.

    Mellie..You are the Dear! er the ride got cancelled as I worked too long and it was blowing sideways and dark..jsut had energy and time to clean the two stalls by the light of my camping lantern!
    Romantic to the sound of horses munching dinner hay and oats!

  5. Love your blog and all the horse stuff too...

  6. I would love that statue in my front yard!

  7. C- I have beenn trying to leave comments on many bloggers ...and it says that I have the Wrong my face changed or something! So, I wanted to say how lovely you praire ride and ridge ride was and that the movie was great!

    Yea Gail...the pair of them jsu tower over everything!


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