Thursday, December 18, 2008

..."and it doesn't show signs of stopping..."...

Leaving in the wee hours of the morning today , I set out for the stable...
Snow was everywhere..and also signs of the past Autunm , still hanging on...

It was nice to spend the time with the mares before my work began....
Helping the owner out today with chores , I was able to visit and handle many horses and some asked for a photo op..I obliged them

Did not wish to leave our faithful overseers out of the photo day..they are three horses that always run with the wind and point the true way

Will leave you all with a funny/happy meal my mare enjoys always... good for the hind gut with lots of moisture ...can you guess what it is?

And also, an envigorating Romp in the Arena out...The Wa is commin' right for you! Truly...all I was doing was standing still...she LOVES to go- go- go!


  1. Lovely pictures of yet another snowy day. Couldn't see the mealtime video, but I love the one of Wa running around. Raven did her routine again tonight -- I guess that warm beet pulp mash gets her in the mood. Looks like we'll be snow bound for another few days at least. I really like it, except that it is hard to push the wheelbarrow. Not bad if that is my only complaint.

  2. Not sure what was in the bucket, but it sure made your mare eat with gusto! Wow!
    And Wa running, bucking and playing with her friend was full of joy and happiness! It's probably so fun to be able to play indoors where there is no snow or ice to slip on.
    I've not yet seen my own mare run or buck with joy like that. I hope that doesn't mean that she isn't happy :(

    I also loved seeing all the head shots of the horses at the barn and the horses are cozy in their blankets.

    What is your favorite brand of blanket?

    New Mexico

  3. Aw, the lovely mares!! In SNOW!
    Will refrain from sending you lots of warm sunshine from Niger today, less your beautiful whiteness melts away!

    A big hug though,

  4. You must watch the funny/happy video..if it'll let you DP. I think you could be right on the frisky mood energies!
    Yes, I too have been slowed down with the barrow pushing..but hey,,where am I needed to be?
    I like it over all...but must work today..imagine that!

    Hi Lisa!!...I am trying to add all my horsefaces back onto the blog got deleated, I think last week... Anywho, I am sure your Paintmare is super Thoroughbred mare jsut happens to be part jumping Bean part Wind Up Toy and part horse!

    Humm..I was given three blankets from a gal one winter 3 years ago..WeatherBeeta/Orican - Pessoa and A Rambo
    >WeatherBeeta< is my fav. Seems to be heartyier and I like the higher neck.And Blue colors!

    Ha ha ,Eshter, I did visit last night and warmed myself up with Your Camels and white steeds!

    Lytha..yea I am so enjoying the wonder with them in it!

  5. Your mare looks like my gelding when it's time to whoop it up! He likes to do the sideways bucks and run from one end of the arena to the other, getting faster and faster. Oh, and he likes to sort-of run "at" me, which makes me nuts! Must be a TB thing!

  6. Your mare looks like my gelding when it's time to whoop it up! He likes to do the sideways bucks and run from one end of the arena to the other, getting faster and faster. Oh, and he likes to sort-of run "at" me, which makes me nuts! Must be a TB thing!

  7. Is that one blue eye or two?
    My paint has one blue and one brown. I think it is what Dad would call a glass eye. There is not sight problem, just a different color.
    Check out my contest.

  8. Gail,
    the mare with the Blue eye has just one blue eye...she is a real PILL...kicks every horse she can and the stable owner just told me that she'd like to put her near mine, when Pantz leavers on the
    29th protested with only a single fence between them and not a double like all other paddocks!

    Yea, BrigJones...Wa likes to keep me in sight to the point of being on top of me!

  9. mmmmmmmmmmm, nothing like that smacking sound of beet pulp right? Is it beep or beet pulp? However you say it, Less gets it too and I make it extra slurpy.


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