Sunday, January 18, 2009

Calm Cool Carefree

These are my "Out in the Field" friends that pasture board, as I do, at our stable.

We all had a fabulous ride today with Calm, Cool, and Carefree horses under our was a complete joy! The horses got along very well and there did not seem to be the competitive edge on them. Don't ya love the colors of this Mom and Daughter team?! I love the fact they can share such an awesome experience as God's Glory in the greater outdoors together on their lovely horses !! The mom saw a gorgeous Red Tailed Hawk on the tippy top of a fir tree that I would have missed today. She was looking up !

We have these wonderfully high view points(as seen in the last fog pics) so we rode to both of them, as I did yesterday, and just took in the splendor of Portland heights and all three mountains in white capped brightness.
I think we all had the same kind of refreshed time today, I do think, and Missy Mare tells the story through her relaxed expression!!! Nice Ride girls! Can't wait to continue in this same fashion, very soon with you two!


  1. HI Jane, thanks...I feel beautiful inside after the ride too!

  2. I just read your post below too, and it looks like you gals had a lovely ride. We have been having trouble with a frozen fog that won't lift too! :)

    That bay horse that the mom is riding is quite pretty/handsome. :)

  3. Looks like we both had fantastic Sundays. Lovely!

    extraves: more avenues

  4. Do you color coordinate these rides?

  5. Hahaha, I love the last picture!

  6. mmm How lovely! I haven't had the good fortune of riding since childhood. I met a new neighbor friend who has horses. I think she'll be taking me riding with her family this summer :) I'm really excited about that.

    Have a blessed day!

  7. Awww, you're so lucky! I wish I had someone to go riding with more often (aside from my 8-year-old daughter...she's not much into long rides yet).

    Looks like you guys had a fabulous ride! While you were enjoying the clear blue skies and sunshine, I was chipping frozen sleet off my saddle! :P

  8. did seem to look as though we corridinated the colors of this ride Gail!

    Glad that you had bright too DP

    Yea Funder, I was ready this time and the shudder went click...rare to be in the right timing with those shots!

    OH BOY! New Neighbors with horses! Sharon, I am excited for you!

    Jenn, man, I feel for you though I did just read that at least your horses got some bucking farts off of late and Spring IS coming...then you too can be sore for a week!

  9. Wow!! Your last two posts show the beautiful places you have to go riding. Lucky, lucky, lucky!! Can you just ride out the drive and reach these locations or do you have to trailer?? Beautiful trails and views...reminds me of when I was a kid. Now we live in farm country and have nowhere to ride unless we trailer somewhere - or in our roundpen or corral. I am so very sorry that you are dealing with all those problems with the barn owner. Man, whatever is her problem!? Maybe if you remain calm and passive, she might get over it?? Is there any hope of that happening?? I have never boarded a horse anywhere before and have no experience with a "barn" environment like that. I know there are pros and cons to everything. I would just love access to an indoor arena to be able to actually work/school my horse regularly, but I would not do well with those kinds of issues either. I hope and pray that the issues will soon be resolved. :(
    Keep your peace and dignity.
    Oh, guess what!? I actually rode my Harley yesterday (only in the roundpen) but I rode and it was GOOD!!!!!!

  10. Looks like a fun day out with nature. Wish we had no snow and warmer temps like you do. Lovely scenery. I know what you mean about the mom and daughter team, both my daughters ride and it's a wonderful way of sharing our time with each other.

  11. Hello ther Lori,
    I choose this local because if my sissy took her truck and trialer back I could still get to ride trails. It has Port Blakely Lands which are state owned, managed somewhat.
    Yes, I do think Passive is good...for the time being. Someone said to me, just today that they were shocked at how much drama there was in a barn. I just replied-"some barns are that way, yes." GREAT NEWS on Harley!!! msut get Mellie(Knutsons) on the stick and you too...tell me your summer schedule...making plans for the beach house for us and family and our Equines!

    Grey horse...what a wonderful thing that you ride with your daughters! I enjoy the those two, I ride with, sooo much.
    It is kinda false spring in the daytimes around here I do think...still freezing at night.

  12. I so agree with C-ing spots...I would LOVE an indoor or even outdoor riding arena!!!!!
    So anyway on to your posts.....that last picture you took is just priceless!!!! I needed a good laugh today and finally got one with that pic! LOL (still smiling)
    I'm so jealous of your ride!!!!! I have no one to ride with, guess I need to get over that and go it solo! Actually would probably be pretty calming huh? Never thought of that till now...but still nothing beats a good ride with good friends!!!!

  13. What a wonderful thing to do (mother & daughter)! Loved the outfits!

  14. Rachel yes, I absolutley Long for the Serene outlook of the wooded trails on a weekly basis. I am blessed to be able to have took me 4 years to get here and I am resolute to make it work. If I do go with others...I am finding it diff to find those who love quiet, as I do, and also calm...some just love to rip around! I save the ripping for solo rides! But I think I found a few that I am on the same wave length now...they are safe and in control and like to look at the mosses and wildlife too!

    Esher They are so respectful of each other too...a rare thing!

  15. Well I guess if it took you 4 years to get to where you are I should not be so hard on myself....I tend to be very critical of myself, especially over my fear of riding...LOL I have such a love for my horses and I had one that I rode (but had to sell her she was a great horse like my king I'm gonna post about her on my private blog..I'll send you the invite if I havent already its a great story) anyway its all my problem not the horses I have....its some stupid mental thing, and not having anyone to help me out or ride with me or show me things...I get fearful by myself...But I'm working on it really hard, doing ground work and its helped me tremendously, I've read a lot of great books about horses (read my older posts too I talk about them) and I've had a major breakthrough with one of my horses....its all me with the I wish I had someone to ride with...I have 1000 acres of pasture and woods to ride thats all my own....its a shame that I cant seem to do it.....I'm so bummed...but I'll get there...I just cant hurry myself or have expectations that are too high...I need to just take it day by day....I'll send you the invite I plan on posting my great horse story in the next couple days...its private so it wont so as updating when I make a post so you'll just have to check it when you think about it! LOL I intend to write in it every day...please come by and visit my I said I've written a lot lately about my "horse progress"...


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