Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cavalletti work 016


  1. Hmmm...don't know how I missed all of these posts on your cavaletti exercises?? My blog roll must not have been updating your posts. Wonder if it has been doing that with everyone's???

    Looks like the two of you are getting the hang of them. Are you going to start riding her over them soon, or did I miss that part??

    Your arena looks lovely! I wish that I had one again (I had one at my parents' old outdoor one). I plan on hitting the trails this Friday to check out the flood/snow damage. Has the weather cleared up down in your neck of the woods??

  2. Hi there missy!! How's things?? Haven't heard from you in a while so thought I'd drop by for a quick hello. Hope all is well with you. Looks like you've been busy with all your cavaletti work - very cool! Is Wa adjusting to life without her partner in crime, Miss Pantz?? Take care.

  3. Lookin' good! I'm working with my horse with sidereins, too! But not for with cavalettis...I'm doing it to get her to step under herself.

  4. Mellie,
    Bet you did not miss anything at all...I wrote this on Sunday...then it would not upload the video..then I tried again Monday and the same.. so it took me forever..had to do the "You tube" to get the video on it and then that was haywire! ARRRG! So..the thing about the day you start it is the day it says it got posted not the actual day!
    I do plan on riding the Cav rails this Monday! She has never had them mounted before so I wanted to let her discover the hieght differances with out my wieght! She was pissed at first too when she hit her feet!Bolted out of the set like a shot. She is all pissy mare forsure!
    Yes weather is SUNNY!!! but tons of Fog...100% humitity...wierd to hear that without heat..but it makes rolling fog with the cold.kinda prety but very closed in feeling.
    Have fun with the trails..ours are messy with debris and new waterways!

    I am dealin' with some drama trama makes me go underground..and be down in the mouth. I have a difficult time with emotional burdens and making myself heard sometimes so it inplodes inside me instead.
    Wa is depressed it seems...just stands around locked up in the upper paddock where she is not happy. I have been informed that it is where I will be with her. I spent alot of money for her to be where I am told she may not be- sooo, Hard line. I am trying to make decisions in the next mo about it, I do think. Have given it my all and it may be spent soon.
    Asking the Lord to prevail an amswer.
    Thanks for asking dear.

    Good job Mellimaus, do you shorten the inside for this purpose?

    Sometimes I just have them even on saddle or surcingle. I put the L Cavasson on with the line attached to the outside ring which makes her bend towards me on contact.Then I bring the circle smaller and with the lunge whip pointed at her hip I ask for moving up and under for 4 to 5 steps then reward her with a larger circle. It makes them really reach down and into thier back after the collected smaller circle. Try it. Maybe I will tape that so you can see what I mean.

  5. She looks good going over the cavelletti. Must be cold there too, wish we had an arena again.

  6. Hello Grey Horse,
    It is very cold at nights but there has been a UFO sighting every day this week! The sun! So the afternoons are rather nice.
    Thanks on Wa...will ride the Cav rails Monday and see how she goes.

  7. It is cold and clear here finally. So nice to see the sun and the stars.

    Sorry to hear about the drama at your barn. You know I feel lucky to have my horses at home, but it can't be that way for everyone. I hope you work your way through it with as much internal peace as possible.

  8. DP,Isn't the sky lovely with all the bright stars!!! I gasped at that sight tonight as I trudged through mud and dark to find a white pony for my freind to catch.... freinds are cheering me on DP..I am striving for internal peace a break through in area happend.

  9. I'm just getting caught up on my blog friends after the Day of Sick Dog. The cavalletti videos are cool and helps me "visualize" what yall are doing a lot better. Wa looks really good!

    smsesimi: Mobile phone text messaging in Italy!


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