Sunday, January 4, 2009

Silent Sunday Solo Snow


  1. Nice photos. You are so lucky that tree did not fall on you.

  2. I know Lori,
    The mare was fast though as we heard it!

  3. So you got more snow too, eh? Lovely pictures. I like your bum cozy.

    pronse: poetry written by large shrimp

  4. I just adore your photos you have been posting with all the snow and the ride through the woods, such a lucky girl! I have a dumb q I should know as a horse owner, but what is that warm cushy thing on your saddle???? I WANT ONE! I've never seen them, maybe cause we dont get too much snow around here. I'm glad the two of you didn't get hurt when the tree fell!!!! How lucky! how did your horse act? Did she spook, take off running? Glad you guys are okay!

  5. You always have such a pleasant view to share when I come to your blog. If it isn't a great video of your gorgeous horses I can expect beautiful pictures of your landscape.

    PS...I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you'd like to enter ;)


  6. Beautiful but looks freeezinggg. So glad I get to enjoy your pics from my (mostly warm) roost of Texas! Hee hee...

  7. Your landscape is so beautiful! But cold... You need some

    ...WARM GREETINGS... from Africa!!!

    Esther :-)

  8. Yep...just about cried DP...when I saw the ice /snow again!I have a Cashel "Tush ush" under the fleece too! That is one hard little saddle(43 yrs old)
    The horses had to stay in agian..ones with shoes as the icy snow balled in thier hooves this time.More work for owners..though The entire stable's boarders pitched in to give them a day off yesterday. NICE!
    HAHAHA! Shrimps sing bebore they die!

    Rachel HI!! Sorry about your troubles with internet stuff..Mellie at the Knutson's has the same woes.
    I have adored being to ride all these times out in the beautiful quiet! I do thank God for the safety and the joy of it too!

    The black fuzzy cover on saddle seat:It is a sheepskin seat protector. I love them for comfort. though at first, they feel like a very large "Kotex" pad between your legs till they mush down with wear!!!
    I use them year round on both my saddles.They are in all the main tack catalogs for you to plunk $ for!ONE-TIME buy for me..they last!
    -Washashe just tucked her butt under and went scooting ahead about 5 paces, very quickly when we heard the tree comin' down!

    Sharon thanks...I Love Creation so mak4es my world rock to have my mare to share the Earth with!Wish I could get my husband on a horse...but he will go horse camping with me like last year so that is almost as least he is camping wiht me though I take off for hours..he stokes the fire and cooks..then we hike a bit!

    Mindy girl! Yea...I am gonna take a pic of my "Cold Riding Git up"..I am not at all cold...HATE being cold, would rather live in HOT then COLD!

    Eshter! Yea...I will take all the warmth you can send along! Your smile does a great job of warming the insides!

  9. Lovely! I love my horses and I love to ride but I am a warm weather gal. Years ago, it would not faze me. I guess I am getting old or lazy or both!

  10. Isn't our weather the weirdest this year? And to think, January is generally our snowy month.

    Solo trail rides can do so much to feed the soul. Could do without the falling trees, though.

    Does Dierdre still board Lincoln there? If so, tell her "Happy New Year" from Phantom's Person.

  11. Na is probably a positive(smarts) that you have not the angst to ride in the freakish stuff I do...I have missed all the years without a horse and I have not had my fill yet...but- I will- then I will become the fair weather rider.

    O Equestrian, oou- be quiet with that last statement!I cried the yesterday and the day before when it snowed again. I am counting my "Easy Rain" days now!

    Yes, Pretty Carolyn...just like you...I just love your new picture!

  12. Hey you!!! I thought of you while I was out riding in the snow too!!!

    Aren't you glad that it is somewhat over?? I just keep telling myself that I have about five more months to go, and then summer will be here! :)

  13. Reminds me of Narnia. A magical ride for sure. And a warm tushie, too.


  14. Lisa...I just love the Narnia movies..loved all the books as a young adult. C.S. was such a cool guy who lived a difficult life leading to such imagination for telling the gospel!

    NOOOOOO...NOT 5 more...just 2, maybe 3...think Possitive Mellie!

  15. Love your winter ride pictures! I also like the fact that the tips of your horses ears are in some of the shots. I too take a camera when I ride and Gilly's ears are in many shots.


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