Wednesday, January 21, 2009

With an Attitude of Gratitude I am addicted to lots of Lemons due to Proximity

Rachel over at "Welcome to Wilmoth farms" blog has made me feel on top-o-the world with a TRIPLE HIT for awards and a fun questionnaire! First off, I must admit that this is my 3rd lemon this week, and all three have made me cry for the sheer pleasure of having someone think of me for this little "Attitude/Gratitude" award.
This award is for bloggers who show Great Attitude/Gratitude:
1. Post the picture
2. Nominate favorite blogs that show Great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Link this post to the person from who you received your

I love to encourage others and receiving something like this... makes my day into night!
Carolyn also brought some moistness to my ducts with her nice compliments to me and the bestowing of the Lemon and over at "All Things Horses" . Then, my new friend Jane ,over from "My World In Pictures" has also given this to me. I started a post on my awards page but have not gotten very far with it fact I am sooo behind with keeping current with passing these along am going to try to get-er-done HERE tonight!!
Without more ado. This lovely lady is for us to list 5 addictions. here are only 5 of mine:

1 Quiet mornings+ Strong Coffee

2 Spending time with my mare

3 Staying in Bed'n'Breakfasts with my husband

4 Sitting with Elsie cat on my lap

5 X-Files

This is a very nice award!!!

Proximidade is described as follows:
'This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY -
nearness in space, time and relationships.
These blogs are exceedingly charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. (this is me all the way)
They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.

'The rules are:
This blog award should be sent to your favorite bloggers
and they, in turn should forward their favorites.
You should include the text for Proximidade (above) in your announcement blog.
I am very thankful for the endearing relationships here in Bloggerville. I would have never guessed it would be so fun when Jules from "Equinemine" told me she had a "Blog"..hadn't heard of the things till then yet, I sure liked the thought of documenting my mare's life with me!
Thank You Rae and Carolyn and Jane!!!
I now bestow all these upon those I admire and that inspire
(changin'the rules like you'll do..with the amounts of bloggers to bestow on..gets to be a bit much!)
Esther Garvi from "Ishtar News" This Girl just Shines!!!
Dp from "Food For Founder" She is a constant for me..I learn so much and laugh soo hard!
Denise of "Less is More" Passion and dedication to her wonderful horse and dogs. She always is upbeat and has been faithful to post pics and video's for viewers enjoyment!She is a great friend here!
Melliamus and "Riding Miss Daisy" you can't get more passion than she has..attitude and gratitude flow forth...friendship abounds...and bet there are some addictions to things we should all have !
Stacey with her wonderful Klein found at "The Jumping Percheron" has inspired'd me, and generally kept me keeping pace with her enthusiasm for leaning teaching and doing the next step with her mare. She's always UP for being a good friend!
Jenn from "Green Slobber On my Shirt" She is incredibly talented with writing and portrays everyday life with her family and animals with ferver .She is a goods horse mentor for me, and I love checkin with her to see what antics or direction she is moving in.
Oregon Equestrian is a found at "Writing and Riding" is a fellow Oregonian I am getting to know. She loves her horse and is upbeat..sometime I will get together with her in person!
Lori over at "The Skoog Farm Journal" she is lovely inside and out! A true heart and a beautiful mind. Creative..oh!
Mountain Woman over in "Red Pine Mountain" territory is just a famously inspirational gal . She encourages those around her to be all they are meant to..please do visit her and just be enveloped in her passion for growth and life as I am every time I go!
FUNDER at "It seemed like a good idea at the time" She goes there with great Attitude, has plenty of gratitude and generally gets me out of any funk I think I am in every time! It is such a great time reading of her adventures and if we were closer...we'd be tearing up the place!
Okay my friends..hope you will accept and have fun with these!


  1. You are too kind. The week of the lemon.... Thank you so much for this award and having that kind of regard for my Journal.
    Happy Trails!

  2. Congrats on all of your awards Kacy!!! You are definitely deserving of them. :)

    I just saw the picture of the wreath and the little bird, and OMG!!! That is amazing!

  3. Oh thank you, this'll be fun! Gonna think about it for a little while before I make my own post!

    unness - a mysterious monster in Loch Lomond or Loch Morar.

  4. Kacy,

    You deserve everyone of those awards and then some my dear sweet caring and very generous friend.

    A large box stuffed full of all things wonderful arrived today. Hmmm....It brought huge smiles to my face and a few happy tears to my eyes....or 'moistness to my ducts' as you so eloquently say! teehee :D

    I can never thank Mz. Kacy enough. It was the perfect surprise to come to home to today, after such an exhausting physical therapy appt.

    ((((HUGS))) to you!!!

  5. :) thanks for the awards! You deserved them all, too. ;-)
    I'll pick them up soon....


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