Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My (OUR) Friend, sweet and always clever girl LISA over at "Laughing Orca Ranch" residing, "for now" in the tower, bestowed this Friendship Award upon some of hers in January.

THANKS LISA...I really am touched to receive this from you. I truly wish to create and retain lasting friends here.

This is what is said about the recipients given this award:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. " I am supposed to bestow this upon 8 more bloggers.

I have found some of my blogger buddies not interested in these , which is totally fine ~So, I really want to have this be open to those that come here and that have found friendship from me~ to them.
YOU know who you are !
I Share this lovely emblem with you, as dear Lisa shared it with me.Please share with your friends too!!

May your love of friendships have wings to fly always~ KK


  1. I can open your blog. Don't have your email address.

  2. Smooches to you, Kacy-kins! I hope your Valentine's Day is truly special, my sweet friend! :D


    Word verification: 'psycouti'

  3. Awww...a new nick name!

  4. Thank you for the award dear heart!
    Gilly says smooches to Wa for Valentine's Day! :-) If she were here he would share his supper with her and a peppermint treat, his favorite!


*Thank you for visiting, I Love to read your friendly nickers below!