Sunday, February 15, 2009

Monochrome Monday

Down the bridle path near our stable in Beavercreek, Oregon. For More monochrome viewing click MANIACS


  1. Wa has long ears like Raven. I like how they look like leaves here.

  2. Intense sunlight peeking through tree trunks. Beautiful shot!

  3. Great sunlight streaming through the trees, and I love the way your horse's ears are sticking up in the foreground.

    Great blog design too :-).

  4. It's cute ear of a horse!
    and beautiful shot!

  5. I love this one - the sunburst makes it special.

  6. I love the monocramtic beauty in a black/white still shot. Good job!

  7. Wonderful atmosphere and light!
    And your moon picture is awsome and magic!

  8. Love the ears in the foreground! Nice shot!

  9. Great shot, love the ears...:-)

  10. I love the POV in this shot. The tiny bit of horse you see at the bottom of the frame just makes it for me.

  11. Of course the most favorite part of the picture is......Wa's ears! Love horse ears in the picture, great job! I too love to play with the different color or lack of, options with the picture program. Sometimes the absence of color really makes the picture POP!

  12. Wonderful perspective! I must have been a lovely ride!

  13. DP~ fooled ya..thoses are Pantz's tiny little Appy/Arabian ears.I picked this shot ove rthe M- - - -
    I have cause they almost blended in, and no bridle showing.

    Gail~ First time to try Mono for me,I love intense color and this was posted on JanUary 29th "Spring is just around the corner" in full color.
    Jane~ Thanks my dear, I am soo mauch fun with the program you turned me onto!! (Te he he-It was my sissy's horse, Pantz)


    Joe~ It is a fav spot to ride a dusk as the sunlight streams through ahead of us

    Robin~ Thank you for coming,glad you like my horsey blog!

    Kazu~ Her ears are too cute, I agree!

    Aileni~ Thank you again for starting this off and allowing someone like me to have so much fun, and learn from all of you learned photographers!

    vincibene~ Being with horses, for all my pictures here, makes it magic for me!

    BJ Roan~ TA!

    Tour Guide~ leads to wonderful places!

    Dina~ Thanks

    Mojo~ Yes, intensional. I wanted you all to appreciate the view, with just a bit of Equine this time!

    Linnea~ Always a good ride on that trail, thanks!

  14. That looks so peaceful - and I love the horse's ears!

  15. OK, you tricked me but.....I still LOVE horsey ears!
    Yay, isn't that program the neatest??? :-)

  16. This must have been an peaceful ride. What a beautiful scene and I love the ears. Makes me want to lean over an give them a rub.

    smiles B

  17. Liz~ I really like your little waving flag!Your friends in bloggerville know when you visit..they see your flag waving!
    Thar mares ears are particularly cute!

    Jane~Sorry for the trick..I don't think you knew Pantz

    Barbara~ Yes...they were very soft and I used to kiss them!

  18. Cool. Must be one of your friends who is all ears there in the forefront.

  19. Another creative and interesting Kacykins photo! :)


    word verification: 'applesse'
    Horses love them!

  20. Ride off into the sunset at the........ ................. site for horse people of all fashions. Find your dreamdate, riding partner, life partner, or just that special friend to talk shop with. You can be sure to find them with us.


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