Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All American Mare/Wonder Wa

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com

LISA over at laughing Orca Ranch really made my day with her beautiful Rooster Magazine Cover post!

hahahaha!!! I had to do it!


  1. I did one with my dog Bamse a few months ago:


    It's fun!

    Wa looks like she was made to enhance the cover of a magazine!

  2. I saw Lisa's mag cover, too cute with Sid.
    Wa looks great on the cover of the mag too. What a beautiful horse she is! You should be right there to as best owner of the year!!

  3. Esther Hiya! I will go look.She can look like that sometimes, when she is not bored!

    Jane awe, well we do are best together!

  4. Kacy-

    Glad to see thatyou got moved in to your new place, and what a new place it is!!! It looks very well kept up and from the looks of those woods, there should be lots of new trails to explore.

    Wa looks perfectly at ease with her new surroundings too! I know I have told you this before, but I think that she is just beautiful...so feminine and elegant looking! :)

    PS-that being said, she makes that perfect "cover girl" LOL!!!!

  5. Wa and Sid are true stars! heheh


    word verification: jurnical

    A magazine is an interesting jurnical

  6. Wa and Sid are true stars! heheh


    word verification: jurnical

    A magazine is an interesting jurnical

  7. Holy cow KK--- I wanna do that beach ride SOOO BAD!!!

    Wa looks amazing out there. I love it!!! You are totally an inspiration to me here. ;)

    And the new barn... *sigh* horsey heaven!!!!!

  8. that's so neat,she looks great on the cover of a mag!

  9. Mellie Yes, I like my new plae though there is no arena. Will be scouting those out soon...not to move though...too fqar burned by people and boarding right now.
    I think ther needs to be lie detector test for BO's!

    Lisa yeseree!
    M Mom yea, riding the beach is for me and my Thoroughbred...never have to ask her to stop!

    Donna what fun huh...you should do your kids!


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