Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Bit of Bright Warm


  1. ahhhh, what a pretty kitty!!! Lovely picture, looks inviting. Can I come for a cup of tea??? LOL

  2. Oh, oh,'s warming up outside and I think I'm gonna go for a ride!!!! I will take the camera and hope to get a few pictures!!! YIPPEE!!!

  3. Please do come over for a spot of tea JANE!
    OhYea baby..hope you rode!

    G purrrfectly so!

  4. What a great picture. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Elsie is gorgeous! And that photo looks professional! Its something you'd see on a calendar or Fancy cat mag.! You sure are talented!
    Thanks for the comment today! I ended up doing 3 posts! LOL Its been a lazy day today, overcast and drizzle. I too need to come for a cup of tea...I've got to visit out west one day...gytyyup girl posted some awesom pictures like you do when you ride....they get me restless to travel!
    Hope the ankle is much better!
    Love rae

  6. Gray Horse Thank you, you too!

    Rae These photo editing programs can make anyone's pic look great Thanks though..I do have a time recreating the light!
    The tea pot is steeping always and I would do a whirlwind clean up rearragnge/organise/clearout, like Gail, to have you as company!
    My Ankle really has been touched with healing..I am so amazed, truly.

  7. Love this shot! The soft focus really makes this feel warm and inviting.


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