Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Stills The eyes have it

This weeks challenge that ED chose is, for capturing EYES...While it is difficult to do sometimes with a horse..they keep moving and want to see what you are doing and lick the what I experienced while trying to shoot the pic...I did get some of my mares roommate Danny Boy. He had a gorgeous forelock..and it was almost impossible to shoot his rich eye without the tri colored locks getting involved!

And this mare sees this ALL THE TIME!

So now, YOU may see..what she she sees it!!!


  1. The eyes are the window to the soul...well done!

  2. Oh love it! Especially the one with your reflection! Oh I hope your mom is doing well by now!

  3. KC...I did eyes too. So did three others! Great shots...especially the self portrait.

  4. That last one could be a self-portrait. I'm always looking for reflections in the eyes of horses, and that's the clearest one I've seen yet.

  5. it's amazing how much we can know our horses by going eye to eye

    gorgeous captures you have
    happy trails
    gp who's gonna go eye to with her equines here pretty quick :)

  6. Wonderful self portrait. I could look at equine eyes forever. Your photos are lovely.

  7. Oh to have such long lush lashes as those. :) Love your shots.

  8. Beautiful shots Kacy! Every shot brings something different to the table.

  9. Oh I love good eye shots...! That last one really is fabulous, the reflection is so clear.

  10. Very well done! Love the texture in the eyelashes..:-)

  11. those eye lashes are amazing kacy!
    well done :)

  12. Great shots Kacy! I always try to get good eye pics, but they never turn out. Hope you enjoyed our gorgeous weekend out there on Wa mare. :)

  13. Ahhhh, beautiful horse eyes!!! I love horse eyes; reflection of you in her eye is great!!!
    Have been busy working on my NEW laptop!!! trying to figure it out and get things moved....grrrrrr! LOL
    Happy Birthday to me....yesterday, laptop was present! :-)

  14. I absolutly love your blog!! The pics in this post are gorgeous. Cant wait to see whats next!

    Fellow TB lover,

  15. Amazing eyes! I love the reflection on those eyes. Great Work Kac! :D

  16. Lovely Pictures, but I have to say the BEST one is the reflection of you in her eye!!! How clever and I think you really hit the nail on the head with this challenge! Wa's mane looks beautiful!!!! Great job! Will have to call soon, looks like both of us havent been in bloggerville much lately! Need to catch up!

  17. Kac, where are you? Are you OK, haven't heard from you in awhile!!!
    Miss hearing from your.
    ~Jane and Gilly~


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