Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sunday Stills Flowers & plants

Make A wish!!!
This day was so fun, working in the yard and having the camera handy for finding the odd shot, like extinct "Chinese lantern". You could barely recognise it, a mere "shell" of it's former self. I laid it upon some bricks chips, to represent what color it used to be!

Of course I had to get my favorites...from my home growing up as a child..I naughtily loved to take these "Bleeding Heart" beauties apart...striping them of their pretty pink skirts! Mom was furious with me!

Thanks so much ED for this fun photography challenge! Please click the title to view more spring in flower/plant form today!


  1. Hi Kacy, love the Bleeding Hearts story! I used to have Bleeding Hearts at our other house but don't have any out here on the farm. Oh, the Chinese Lantern skeleton is very neat! The rain stopped for today and I got the yard mowed, but no :-( riding.....I wanted to in the worst way but had to do chores, hum, maybe tomorrow. Haven't gotten to ride since the canter day, on Tuesday. Rain, rain go away come again some other day!
    ~Jane and Gilly~

  2. Beautiful flower photos!

    That photography challenge looks like great fun ... just might blow the dust off my camera!

  3. Those are amazing. I was really struck by the dandelion photo. I took a picture of one of those, which will be posted in the morning, but your angle and focus is so impressive. I almost want to pull my photo out because it wilts in comparison.

  4. Oh wow ,those are simply divine photos,I had forgotten all about making a wish until I read your post . Thank you for the happy reminder. The bleeding hearts are just too beautiful for words,loved the chinese lantern .Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs.
    You really take fantastic pictures.
    Blessings of joy for your weekend.

  5. I've never seen bleeding hearts before. They must need lots of water. lol!
    They are beautiful, and so is the chinese lantern. Wow!

    And if my daughter saw that dandelion fluff, there would only be a green stem left. She loves to blow them into the wind.


    word verification: taletou

    Your flowers could tell a taletou.

  6. The Chinese Lantern photograph is especially beautiful!

  7. Mornin Kacy...I am a real fan of the bleeding heart photo...
    And I have to say that I love your current header photo too.

  8. Wow they are all really great, but I was blown away by the leaf!!!! That is just too fabulous!!! Love it and great job!

  9. I especially liked the bleeding heart. They are all nice shots.

  10. I love dandelions, but the chinese lantern shot is amazing!

  11. I love the angle on the dandelion!! How did you ever get that shot?? Great shots all of them.

    Mine is up over at my photo blog.

  12. I'm a huge fan of bleeding hearts (plants and otherwise) but cannot get them to grow here. Great pictures and thanks for doing the challenge.

  13. Ah! Bleeding hearts! One of my favorites! Lovely K!

  14. Very nice shots, I'm a dandelion fan as well as the Bleeding hearts..:-)

  15. Love the arching bleeding heart.

    ...and the lacy chinese lantern.

    ...and the dandelion.

  16. Wow! Love these shots!!! Great use of colour and different angles...well done! :)

  17. The chinese lantern is too cool!

  18. I've never even ever seen a bleeding heart flower. They're beautiful.

  19. Totally cool shots girl!! You even made a dandelion look good...thumbs up!

  20. We have some Bleeding Hearts in our garden. They're sooo pretty and just starting to bloom. They're very bright, and ours are a hot pink.


  21. Great photos! I used to touch the "touch me nots" to make them pop open..Our mom's could have compared

  22. All very unique shots, the Chinese Lantern is stunning, a beautiful shell! I also love your bleeding hearts..mine will bloom in late May:)

  23. I love the bleeding hearts shot! Remindes me that I need to get busy planting some. I had one in my old yard & it was one of my favorites! I love all these pics, actually. The dandilion one is beautiful as well. And the chinese lantern. Yep, liked 'em all!

  24. Beautiful Shots! I love bleeding hearts... and the chinese lantern is too good :D
    Nice to meet you.

  25. hi kacy, i love love love your first photograph
    i've always called them fairys & wish upon them :)
    what camera do you use(?) these are sharp :)

  26. I love the bleeding heart as I have a new found appreciation for these beauties. I intend to add some to my beds this year.

  27. Beautiful! Great perspective on each shot.


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