Monday, October 5, 2009

Macro Monday

I love these beauties on my trellis. A neighbor gave me a start, years ago, and they fascinate me truly~And with a cloudy day and a bit of moisture...a smile they did bring!

PLEASE CLICK the TITLE to go visit ED, our Host, for Macro Monday's and others views- close up!


  1. those photos are beautiful! Thanks for the pick me up on a monday morning :)

  2. What kind of flower/plant? I love how it looks like it is reaching, ever reaching, to capture a drop!

  3. Oh, what lovely pictures of your flowers! I used to have some that were pink but they got wiped out when we added our addition. The crappy construction workers trampled them to death! :-(

  4. KC...these are fabulous shots! Nice work.

  5. That is called a Passion Flower here in Germany. Not sure back home! I love them too, and have a baby start I have great hopes for!


  6. Beautiful pics!! Just planted my first Passion Flower Vine! Can't wait for it to flower next year. I got it for 52 cents at a local grocery store. Gotta love September garden bargains! Yours sure is beautiful.

  7. I have heard them called Passion flowers if they form a fruit they are wild hops.

    Doesn't really matter because they are beautiful and that is what counts.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous pictures!

  9. Passion Flower's girlOctober 5, 2009 at 8:32 PM

    Yes...many knew it's name to be Passion Flower...correctomundo~ was just saying hello to me the other day as I got inot the car to go to the barn.

  10. I love your photos. The beach shots have a dream like feeling to them.

  11. Wow! They are so unusual...and strikingly beautiful, Kacey. You did a fab job capturing that.


  12. Nice pictures! We have a passion flower vine in our backyard also. They are one of my favorites.


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