Sunday, November 1, 2009

Every other/every third day

This fellow was waiting for us on the first leg of our ride...just sitting still on the branch, some 20 feet away. Not even minding that we rode by! He looked like a "bump on a log"( Large Lump on a branch)..and that is how I noticed him. Seemed odd to us all that he /she was out during the daytime. Well, what ever the case, We enjoyed seeing the cute "striped", seeming "Owlet" was only about the size of my fist!

We planned the ride days ago, hoping and praying the weather would be nice. And-It was! It has been great every other to every third day in between storms . Nice that November 1ST came to us sweetly.

My PBO had invited a new gal along .She had found CTRF(Christian Trailriders Fellowship) through the local chapter of O.E.T. (Oregon Equestrian Trailriders) last month and had ridden with the CTRF, on the last ride of the season. I also invited Michelle from "Chocolate and Marmalade Tea" blog to ride again. It was a blast and though a larger group for my mare- that gets frazzled easily with them- I just lead the group and all went very well.
Afterwards, I treated everyone to a new favortie drink I found at our local is soo yummy and billed as good for your skin.  I am all for that! I thought it funny how everyone was reading the label, after the first sip!It has unusual packaging...with a small handy cup.

I was on my way home admiring the Full Moon..and I just had to stop  the car on the side of the road for a picture, or 10.

I got back into my running car and recieved a TXT from my PBO back at the read: "FIND THE MOON".
HAhahahah....I wrote back, telling her what I had just been doing, after laughing it up!!
Twas a Lovely day!!!


  1. that picture of us looking at the drink. We certainly were perplexed, weren't we? I had SO much fun on the ride today...thank you ALWAYS Kacy!! I get such a thrill riding with you and definiely had a great time with the group today! Everyone is so nice!

    Until next time....

    xoxo Lots of hugs!

  2. BTW gorgeous pictures of the owl and moon!!!

  3. BORBA is some good stuff!! I don't get the top on top of the top though.

  4. What a lovely day you had - love the owl!

  5. Another nice ride. Good to see that you computer is back to normal.

  6. Those moon pics are great...and I see Michelle! Looks like a wonderful ride.

  7. Wonderful favorite photo was the last one! Glad you're having such a great time! Luanne

  8. What a lovely ride! and I love the story of you riding the family dog until you got a pony.

  9. Beautiful day and night, and so nice to be able to spend it with friends. That photo of the owl looks like a painitng.

  10. You are such a creative photographer. Every shot you take is so well planned with perfect composition- creative and fun! Thanks for sharing your pictures and your thoughts (I enjoyed the ending of how you spend your days) with all of us!


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