Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Watery Wednesday

Spending my early mornings feeding instead of sleeping,while at Tillamook Bay with the horses recently, was exactly where I had to be!!! I enjoyed the view of the sunrise very much...on the water!

Please take the time to see others views today of watery splendors HERE~with our lovely host of this event


  1. Thanks for the beautiful photos!

  2. So THIS is what I miss by sleeping in! LOL! Just gorgeous shots of the morning sunrise on the water. Worth getting up early for! Thanks for sharing these beauties!

  3. Beutiful photos! I love the sunrise on the water. I live in a town by he sea so sometimes i go up early with my camera.
    Tkank you for visiting my blog:)

  4. Now THAT is a beautiful picture of you and your mare on the sand!!!! Gorgeous!! Glad to hear you are doing's been forever since I've heard from you. Hope all is well. Blessings

  5. Wonderful photos. I lov ethe sunrise on the water too.

  6. Beautiful shots. I flew over you heading for Seattle 2 weeks ago and was wishing I could drive so I could stop and say hi! Great to catch up with you and all my blogger friends. I've been gone too long!

  7. What beautiful photos and to be on the water is wonderful.

    P.S. - I wanted to let you know I did have the vet out. Perhaps I didn't make that clear in my writing but I would never skimp when it comes to safety.

  8. Gorgeous water pictures!!! I would love, love, love to have Gilly there to see what he thought of the water!


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