Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Farewell. . .


The last of the leaves are under my feet now!
There is so much to be thankful for......
The Thanksgiving Holiday was very wonderful this year with one of my sissy's contacting me about cooking for our mom, at mom's. That was a special time with them and my man. We enjoyed the relaxed environment...and my sissy's very LARGE FELINE -FREDA!

She only gets 1/2 cup of vitals a day..and she is this large!

My man  LOVES her ...and we intend on adopting her, when our little kitten no longer holds the homestead down.

Good times of blessing~

I was on stable duty over the Holiday, as my PBO's were away visiting family.
It made for quite a few early mornings to travel the 20 miles for the AM feedingtime.
I just made myself breakfast and lunch to go. I usually stayed the entire day- to skip the traveling to and fro thing.
The second day I got there for AM feeding and turnout, was the day after Thanksgiving. The horses had been in wayyyy too long and though my mare is VERY ORGANISED with her poo piles-as seen here.... all in one neat pile- off to the back of the stall!

Romeo, on the other hand, had managed to REMOVE a 15 foot plank divider from his stall attempt to free himself, no doubt! And I failed to get the picture of his stall floor =WHOA...he totally walks the poo into EVERY corner and space available. NOT fun to clean up after him!

Friday was so very nice, that after I got all stalls cleaned up and plank repalced and horses turned out..I  borrowed the truck-hooked up my trailer and the mare and I headed out to a local equestrian site to ride solo.
Reflections of a perfectly wonderful November day of Riding!

The next day, my lovely girlfriend from Chocolate and Marmalade Tea,
joined me for a jaunt in the Fall wooded splendor...Burrr...was very cold though!
Riding in the woods is great for summertime heat..but we wanted to get into the sun!!!

Looking for a sun spot..we planned on eating lunch in the warmth!

I usually am the only one taking pictures with one hand on the reins...
.....this time, she took this picture, one I actually like! I was inspired and made it my "Header", as I am struck in heart with the wonderful friendships I have made since moving my mare to a private barn.
 Hidden Blessings, to be sure!
After the ride,
Michelle made an new feline friend in Charlie cat!

Then, the next day I went out again in the sunny, yet cold day, with my PBO.
Danny as my mount, we ventured into the sunlit woods ~

I left Washahse to happily dose in her Christmas colored blanket...

We loved the sunshine hitting our faces

Into the trees now we go.....
The Mossy branches were beautiful!

Then back out into an opening...Romeo had the right idea to gaze upon the horizon to see...

......the waxing "Blue Moon" rising in the sky over Mount Hood.

Nice Horseback riding days of met with the chill of December...
It looks good in pictures ,  looking on it again  here...wrapped in the suns hazy warmth. We return at sundown, refreshed and excited to still be riding into oncoming winter's shadow!


  1. Wow, Kacy beautiful pictures! wish I could ride, it's been cold, raining all day, deer hunters are blasting away...think I'll stay in.
    Love your new header! :-)

  2. Beautiful pictures! I have a very large cat, but that cat is larger, a lot larger! We are cat people too - we have 3. Looks beautiful where you are!

  3. Oh, and I love the new header photo!

  4. What a beautiful way to document the end of November. Lucky you with your gorgeous trails and views. Especially your wooded view through two cute ears!

  5. May I say, I love the socks! Not to mention the great mossy forest photos and, of course one of my faves, Mt. Hood!

  6. KK those socks made me giggle!!! I thought I was the only one who wore strange socks over her breeches.

    The pictures are beautiful as always. I haven't been able to ride as our weather has been rainy/freezing rainy. So I envy you.

  7. Awesome pictures and I love your leg warmers.

    In fact, I was just looking for a stretched pair to make Yoda a coat.

  8. Oh darn. Yet again I try to leave a comment and it tells me 'unable to do so'

    I try again.

    Your photos were lovely, Kacy. My fave is the mossy tree through the horse's ears. And the last one is so soft and mysterious.

    I'm glad you were able to spend a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
    And man, that Freda sure ius.....err....fluffy. lol!


  9. I love this post....bravo. And you header is fantastic!

  10. Sock collecting is goodDecember 2, 2009 at 7:56 PM

    Jane dear~ Thanks..I so love to shoot that lens! Yea...mostly, I have ridden safely in parks of late..venture into our own woods a little. You are wise...and WARM!

    Kate~ Is she not huge-o-cat! She is agile though...surprizingly.
    Oh, my man and I love cats..glad I found another feline lover! Please post your kitties Kate!(or point me to the post if I missed it)Thanks...Michelle just caught something in Wa and I..I love it too!

    Symphonious Sweets~ Tee hehe...Am ALWAYS on the HUNT for riding socks with POW!

    juliette~ THANKS- It just felt like I wanted to say goodbye to a fabulous November that gave to us such fun and beauty!Yepp...the between the ears shots are always going to be my favorite viewpoint!

    Oregon Equestrian~ Thanks you and thanks a buch..the mosses were so lush and furry green...could not resist the color! Yes...She is a Beaut...Mount Hood!

    JeniQ~ AWWW NO...You certainly are NOT the only one!!!..maybe I should do a "sockshot" per post...that sounmds like fun now that I have typed it! You should join in the fun too dearie!
    So sorry for the freezie rainie days...I too would be couching it come that kinda stuff!!! I will send some warm weather prayers your way...zing-zing-zing!

    Gail!! Cute, callin them...leg warmers! Now...if you wish to se those...check on back in sissy is bringin her mare pantz up for a stay..she wears Leg warmers!!!
    Thanks~ my fellow creative shot taker!!
    Yoda still there? Man gotta come over to see the news!

  11. I am fuzzedup....wrote to all of you and it dissapeared!

    Jane dear~ I think staying safe and warm is a goodie idea...of late we have ridden mostly in parks..only venturing out to our own woods a little with Bright colors!
    Thnkas...the poem is for ALL MY FRIENDS HERE!!!HUGS BACK!!!

    Kate~ Why thanks...I do LOVE to shoot the lens! She is surprizingly agiile though. OH! Another feline lover..nice! Please do post your kitties Kate! Or point me to the post, should I have missed it!
    It is wonderfully mountainous/wooded splenor here!
    My Michelle friend did catch something nice in Wa and I...

    symphonious sweets~ Socks are my thing...gotta love variety! Thanks...happiest of Holidays to you as well!
    juliette~ November gave to us such nice times with a mild tempermnet...I wanted to bid her adieu~ The trails view through the ears will ALWAYS be my favorite shot!
    Oregon Equestrian~ I knew you'd like seeing the Mountain! And the Mosses called to my lush and GREEN!! Wearing socks with flare here...I try!

    JeniQ~ HAHAHA...nopers, you have company on the fabulous sock front! I must post a "sockshot" more too =join in the fun! OOuuu so sorry for the rainy freezing -couched- weather there!
    Sending you warmer days -zing-zing-zing!!!

    Gail~ tee hehe...loved you calling them leg warmers...nnow check back in sissy is coming up with her mare and then you'll see true leg warmers!
    YODA...still there? man I gotta come and see!

    Liss~ thanks for the compliments my fellow photo taker! That last one...just felt warm! Fluffy..that she is..Boynton cat!

    Heather~ Awe-thanks sweetie...came from the heart and from atop horses perspective!I devote the headers poem to you and all my friends!

  12. I could smell the pines from here. Very nice ride!

  13. I really love your cat and horse. Nice pics!

  14. Oh man, Kac those are all great pictures!! I'm so glad you liked the one I took! I am not that great of a photographer (not yet) like you. :) But this picture I love because both you and Wa are looking at the camera! Oh and could I look anymore happier in that pic with Charlie. LOL! I had such fun that day!

    I will be at the clinic Sunday riding Harley...looks like you're before me? :) Oh and also....I am trying out Cimara (The Missouri Fox Trotter) this Saturday. I took a drive out there and met her tonight...she is a beauty! She is built like a Quarter Horse and has spunk. Her owner is so very sweet and the barn is awesome. They have a HUGE indoor arena!

    I'll tell you more later! Until then....lots of love and hugs!



  15. Wonderful pictures. Everything here is covered in white - about a foot of it. Loved the picture of Mt. Hood, brings back memories.

  16. I like the photo with the socks and leaves. I'm not sure which is more colorful.


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