Saturday, December 5, 2009

Frosty Shangrila visit

In the later part of the week my PBO and Must Ride Monday partner decidied to go visit the "Shangrila trails" we found early on in the summer.
It was Very COLD !!!!
After I turned my mare out and broke her icy water trough, I saddled up Danny boy for the ride to destinations my mares hates......The dreaded Hilly decent to creek and Bog area!

Nice to meet you handsome Simeon~


Made for an interesting feel for Romeo(he is always looking for a good bite!)
ummm, chilled greens!

We made the decent to the creek and the steam from the horses was rising, as they looked on ~

It was BLACK AND WHITE to Simeon..."I decline to enter the creek"!

I went on ahead with Danny Boy...after a quick slup of icy waters

Simeon.....ONE STEP at A TIME.......

First step-splish splash! I am wet!

I can do this thing!!!

Then the taking pictures there...don't want to tarry as you sink in and maybe go down. I know it helped this day to have the ground harder!!!
Then SHANGRILA!!! Gorgeous!!!

We want to find a parking spot nearer these perfectly footed we may avoid the hazards of getting to them !
Good job today, young Simeon!Your girl is trustworthy, and you always make us smile, with the effort to please~

On the nice trails here ...but then we jetted on back home, on this COLD but bright December day. Just a quickie ride before work!

My "SOCKSHOT" for the day= on the mounting block~



  1. I do love the header, I keep forgetting to mention that.

    You are braver than I am. Too cold for me to ride or do anything else.

  2. Looks like you guys had a great ride! I always love your pictures. And I am thinking that I need to get myslef one of those vests.

  3. Gail~ Thanks, I do love what my friend captured in Wa and me with that shot...I devoted the poem to all of you , my dear friends that have been so lovley to me since I started to blog!
    Well...I keep going cause I have tons of special -warm- riding -gear..and my pony does too...gonna post on that next.

    Michelle~ Thanks, glad to be able to take you along through the lens!

  4. OOOH! Those socks are even MORE fabulous than the last! hello my name is Katie and I am a sockaholic!

  5. Oh wow love the sock shots....and think your pictures are just awesome. It looks mighty cold up your way. We are just having constant rain down under here in NZ. But very humid when the sun shines.

  6. That is so beautiful! I am going to come visit you one day and you'll have to take me to see Shangri-la in person!


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