Thursday, December 31, 2009

Steadfast into the New Year

With the New Year knocking on the door of the current day; excitement and anticipation surround us.... just as the fog does hang, in the photo above.
I can't help but say it represents a looming feeling of fear or maybe dread..change and the unknown are afoot.
When I came upon this Lamp Post in the midst of a dence fog, I was surprised by it's warm glow, in an almost Black and White setting. Immediately, I thought of little LUCY from "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" from the Chronicles of Narnia series that C.S. Lewis wrote.
LUCY, upon entering a rather large Wardrobe, was immediately comforted by it's contents of soft furs and the close surroundings. As she did go further into the furnishings inners, she came upon a second row of furs. Suddenly as that happened ,a crunching under her feet she did feel. Then the wispy, spiky touch of branches upon her cheek...she had entered a new time and place. She Noticed as well, there was "OTHER LIGHT".

" LUCY felt a little frightened but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well".
She ventured toward the "OTHER LIGHT".
 "( she had of course, left the door open for she knew that it is a silly thing to shut oneself into a wardrobe")
She also thought, " I can always get back if anything goes wrong".
I find that I can be like Lucy- with the immediate future looming. I have certain securities at hand yet I also have a fear for the unknown and the certain change that is coming.

The future is the "OTHER LIGHT" and the wardrobe stands steadfast as my known truths of
"Faith, Hope and Love" as Corinthians 1 13:13 describes as true certainties. LOVE being the greatest.
Having my heart concede the great love it holds for all that I have been given and those that trust me-I will step into the next~ BOLDLY SO~ In the faith and hope, God does also give!

Thanks for the enduring friendship here, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Striding together with you!


  1. I love that lamp post photo. It really does glow amidst the gloom

  2. Kacey, I love this post. I love the light that stands in the darkness. It represents the light of Jesus in us shining forth in the darkness around us.

    I saw in your last post that you were experiencing the winter blues. I could not find the solitude to scribe encouraging words to you as grandkids were here and I kinda get frazzled when they are here . So, I prayed for you that the Lord would lift your spirit and give you His peace. I am always praying for you :)

    And Look! He gave you this picture to remind you that He is always the light in the darkness. Light belongs in darkness. Light dispels darkness. Light chases away our fears and apprehensions of the future.

    Yeah God! for holding Kacey up and strengthing her. Yeah God for giving her this awesome reminder of your light, within her and all around her. Yeah God for lighting her path and giving her a calming peace as she approaches the new year with confidence and power. Yeah God! for shining through Kacey for the whole world to see your Glory through her.

    God's blessings be upon you, girl as you ride into the new year with new and exciting things to be experienced and shared. I look forward to riding along side of you, my friend.

    Patrina :)

  3. The fog and the lamplight are wonderful - both as photos and as metaphors.

  4. Great photo with the fog and lantern light. I also liked your post very much.

    Have a happy healthy New Year with lots of rides on your mare, have a great time in 2010!

  5. Lovely post - may your New Year be full of delight, and let what changes come, come - all will be well.

  6. Beautiful post. You always sum up what I am feeling but usually lack the words to say. Your thoughts are so insightful. Sent you an e-mail, but in case you haven't seen it yet...THANK YOU!! :) I love my goodies!

  7. I first saw the photo as a miniature on my blog roll list, and immediately thought of Lucy in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".
    You know, without being able to read your comment!

    The Narnia books have been my favourites since childhood. They are wonderful.

    Marvellous picture, thanks for sharing, and once again - A Happy New Year!

  8. I sure love you all dear friends! This bloggin adventure has been most rewarding and fruitful for the heart!
    Happiest of New Years beginnings!!!!

  9. Beautiful pics KK....almost feel that captures how I am feeling as well heading into 2010. Have a good night tonight.

  10. That is one of my favorite childhhood books! Along with Black Beauty, King of the Wind and The Black Stallion and the Girl.
    May the New Year be very bright for you and yours!

  11. Lovely post and wishing you the best in the new year to come! These photos are fantastic! I especially love the second one...the contrast of the warm yellow color of the lamp post against the gray fog is beautiful! Nice shot! Happy New Year!

  12. The lamp post....yes! A sign.
    Happy New Year Kacey.

  13. Kac--Fabulous post, I really loved this one... I hope the New Year brings us all peace and as you said, strides FORWARD!
    Loves ya girlie.

  14. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pictures of the lamp post, just beautiful. Good story too!
    Stay steadfast in the light, Kacy dear!
    Have a wonderful New Year, wishing all good things to you and all you love.

  15. Interesting post with very good pictures.

    Happy New Year, Kacey. It's going to be a good one.

  16. The photos of the lamp post are wonderful. I adore lamp posts in general.

    I am so glad I found your blog with posts about you and Wa. I love riding my Tbreds and it is great to see you riding yours all the time out in a different part of the country.

    Happy New Year and good luck with all the new you have planned!

  17. Blessings onto you and yours this day and throughout the year. Your blog has been such a great thing to click into in my life. Thanks so much.

  18. fantastic pics...thanks for sharing!

    happy new year everyone! 2010 will be the best yet! ;o)

  19. Great post KK thank you for your thoughts and your friendship.

  20. WOW, great lamp post photo! It looks really cool; and great analogy to Narnia! :) Happy New Year!

  21. I, too thought of the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe immediately upon seeing your photos in the dark, gloomy, foggy woods.
    Gorgeous photos, by the way!

    The only problem with the new year is that, unlike the wardrobe, once the door is closed, there is no going back.

    Let's all hope that 2010 is filled with happiness, safety, love, peace and joy. I wish all those things for you, Kacy, and more.

    Happy New Year my friend,


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