Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sunday Stills Festive Holiday sights

Festive sights and lights and sounds are about us is so pretty to drive different routes homeward in the evening.

These lit lollipops are so sweet looking...I have never seen anything like them around town...just one Victorian Home in Oregon City I have seen, has them lining the walkway to the steps.
Though I have them here on one side..they actually are on both...very Cute and I bet ya-children want to stop there!

Have a grand day today, as you take in all the sights and sounds in your towns...and also the ones here!
To see so much more of them please see ED'S -Sunday Stills page- by CLICKING the TITLE!
Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Have a very merry Christmas from the sunny shores of NZ. I hope you get to have some fun rides in the next few days to finish off a great year. Thanks for posting such wonderful images. They are wonderful to see

  2. What lovely lights! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Love the second photo!
    Merry Christmas :)

  4. Thanks for joing me for this fun MEMEDecember 20, 2009 at 9:52 AM

    Sally~ Thankyou for the sentiments. I will keep them close and try to fulfill the riding and the image taking too...The World God made is certainly Gorgeous to be in!

    Merry Christmas to you too Gail~

    Thanks everyone...

  5. Really nice. Love the Lighted candies. :)

  6. Nice pictures of the lights. Looks very festive. Merry Christmas.

  7. So fun! The lighted Lollies are so cute!

    Happy Holidays to you!


  8. A great job meeting the challenge!
    Merry Christmas! Thanks for all your comments. Glad to hear that Wa is doing better.

  9. I love driving around and looking at the streets all festively lit up. Those lollipops are great!

  10. Very cool, I've never seen lit lolloies before..:-)

  11. i really like the lollipop lights :)

  12. fantastic photos! I love the wreaths on your gate, too!


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