Saturday, December 12, 2009

WHAT were we thinking?

My "Must Ride Mondays" partner and I have been extra busy-along with the rest of the world, doing seasonal am at the salon all the time right now. And My man is in school again for CNA2 training...he wishes to work in the hospital soon. The 5:30 am rising and midnight to bed routines- are getting to me =BAADDDD.
I have been helping at the barn too, with frozen water and such...pooped I am. The schedule will change, after this week...the class ends and maybe he will get the job he interviewed for!
Sooo, all that to say...when my rider friend said, " I am bringing Cazi over for a ride at your place"...I happily said-"Let's Go to a New place up the road!" I needed RIDING THERAPY!
I found some more "Srirrup Cozy's", when i got mine I let my partner put them on her stirrups-below

BUUUURRRRRR!!! We had our gear on and the horses had coats-real or added, on as well.
This was the place we wanted to be....outside the trees and in the sun! We could see it...but getting to it was not available this day.It was just outside our paths....

We totally DID NOT know that it was the coldest day -on record for the year- till later in the week...
17 degrees with wind!
Though it was extra specially pretty, being able to see all our mountains and all....we only spent about an hour out there.

Heading back to the trailer, towards the WEST SUNSET was great...made us feel warmer, just looking at it!

So, for now....we shall be keeping the sun at our faces and the shadows=at our back!

Ride on ~ We shall be arena riding now, for a time...the ground is too hard for the horses feet.
Be merry all, thinking of you!
( Hi  Deirdre! Hi Eileen)


  1. You two are real troopers! You wouldn't catch me out there.... I especially love the last photo!

  2. I, too, love the last photo.
    I completely understand the "WHAT were we thinking?" question. I found myself on Pie yesterday with the wind whipping around us. It was so pretty and sunny and I was anxious to ride, but...really it was nuts! It all worked out well, like your ride, but I am sorry I took him out in that. It wasn't too fair, on my part. I just love riding so much.
    If I lived where you are with all those amazing views, I would be out every day too!

  3. Beautiful horses and beautiful shots!

  4. 17 degrees! You guys are my new heros! I feel like such a wimp for not riding for... let's see... 17 days! (I think I'm going thru withdrawals!)

  5. BRRRR is right! What a beautiful ride though. Keeping my fingers crossed for your hubby's new career opportunity!

  6. Gorgeous photos, Kacy! Your friend looks frozen! lol!


  7. You guys are real troopers for sure! Man it was definitely cold that Monday!!


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