Monday, January 18, 2010

After Coffee

It is off to ride with my sissy!...on the first(and last) day that is not drizzling a drenching rain!
See ya'll soon- with details of the past 9 days~


  1. Enjoy! Look forward to seeing the photos of your visit.

  2. Oh, Kacy! Nice coffee cup, I must find some neat horse things for the house, like that.
    Can't wait to hear all about it! Still too icky here to ride. I did have Gil out for a bit today, the boys got their feet trimmed. Miracles!!! BOTH of THEM were GOOD!!!! LOL

  3. Have a great ride...wish I was out riding with my sis!

  4. Have fun! Wish I was riding also.

  5. Thanks all...I do love having my sissy here and today was soo nice...a bit windy but DRY..I think she may stay a bit longer and so we may get to ride a few more times!I stay out so late with her that I am way tired to post it all yet...but will soon!

  6. Glad you were able to get out, Kacey. So sorry to hear that it has been yucky weather. That's a bummer. I pray for sunsine and bliss for the next few days for you and your sis. After all, she did bring her horse all that way for a few rides, right????
    So, bless them real good, Lord. Put your sun in their sky and watch them ride.

    hugs, <")>><

  7. Cute cup! I can't wait to read all about all the fun you ladies have been up to.

    Enjoy the ride!


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