Monday, February 15, 2010

Macro Monday Elsie Kitten

A new Friend here in Bloggerville, MAMA H, inspired me to take a photo of our "Kitten" Elsie. Though she is 18, she is our kitten always! I set my camera for B/W-Macro- and she willingly sat for the shot.
Please do visit others Macro shots today through our Host Ed Prescot HERE.

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  1. Awww...she looks like a camera natural!

    Thank you for the reminder that I need to get some photos of my geriatric kitty. He's 18 this year and is starting to not do so well. I'd beat myself up if I don't have up-to-date photos of him.

  2. Awww, Elsie Button Boo, what a beautiful girl she is!!! A natural in front of the camera too!
    more snow is coming! boo-hoo :-(

  3. Oh, she's beautiful! I'm glad you got your camera out for this. Her facial markings are very similar to my Indy's. I can see why he inspired you! Thanks for stopping by my Homestead.


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