Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Horizons

This past weekend, the mare and I set out for some new horizons we could ride to, without using a trailer.
We have trailered to these area's before; to ride the vast service roads to thousands and thousands of managed forest lands. They are but a few miles away from my barn.
We had not attempted to ride there... just to the nearby "Trails Shangrila". BUT-Those  trails are far too wet and sloppy to get to now...so to be able to reach these service roads,  we had a small amount of our own local roads to ride. 
I never like to ride on roads, a certain amount of common sense foreboding to doing it for me....back country, speeding vehicles, and sometimes-low visibility for them-before they see us!
Of course, I ride prepared with Flashing lights on my helmet, blinking red lights, on the back of my saddle, my very bright neon road service vest, with glowing reflection strips on it.  I try to be smart about it.
This time too...it was Super Bowl Sunday...nobody was out!

It is gorgeous out there!
You can see three mountains, when it not overcast as it was for most of my ride.
I left the barn at 1:30pm....arrived to the first main road into the Forest lands at 2:30pm. We made great time...We trotted and cantered a little, where we could. The mare was so darned fresh from the start(trying to buck in our driveway!) I knew this ride would be perfect for her..NEW and long!

It was COLD...in the shade I noticed FROST on my mare's face, just below her eye!!!

We had a very nice time out there solo this day.
It did get sunny by 3:30 PM, as we started to head for the front gate to the properties.

The nice thing is...we head west to go home on most our rides and so- yea....it is the best to always be...... wait for it........Riding Into the Sunset!

Home by 5pm


  1. I'm ready for a sneakaway ride into the evening when the sun is going down -- in the middle of July! The pictures are beautiful!

  2. Looks like a very pleasant (if chilly) ride.
    How do you feel the shadow roll is doing for the Wa?

  3. I went riding on Super Bowl Sunday as well....no interest in the game. Much more fun on the trails...it was so gorgeous out there.

  4. I've been wanting to do the same with Caspian...ride where I can get to without a trailer. But I'd have to make it down our long, windy, too many blind spots road and I'm too chicken. People just fly on our road sometimes, so I guess I'll be waiting for the truck & trailer fairy to come! But all good things come to those who wait, right?! :) Looks like you had a very fun day with Ms. Wa. I'm sure she really, really enjoys those rides...a little girly bonding time. So awesome.

  5. Horses must love you to let them get out like that.

  6. It sounds like a great ride! Good for you, making the effort to ride there. I hate riding on the roads, we have miles and miles of off-road tracks which are beautiful and quiet to ride (apart from the odd deer). I love your pics too, I've never thought of taking a camera out with me on a ride, I may do so next time.

  7. Such a brave girl you are to go out in the cold! Not me, don't have the right cold weather gear and really don't like being out when it's really cold.
    Bucking??? Oh, my....not for me! LOL Do you have Velcro on your seat and saddle???? I would hit the ground in a minute if Gilly bucked! LOL
    Waiting for nicer weather here, more snow on the way today....where oh, where is spring????

  8. Wow, you've got some beautiful places to ride. Glad you were able to get out and do some new trails. Love the riding into the sunset one and your new header picture is terrific.

  9. Some truly amazing moments you captured.

  10. I hope to get out on the trail this weekend. We got dumped with snow, which is much better than the ice it's now covering.
    Looks like a gorgeous place to live and ride!

  11. Looks like a gorgeous place to ride! You were smart about your gear, too! I don't enjoy road riding but sometimes if I am going to ride, its all I got!

  12. Thanks everyone...for stoppin in and for going with me here on that nice ride! Can't wait to come with you too!

  13. ohhhh i love the desert, but I miss the forest!! nice ride!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  14. Aaahh I'm feeling much calmer after being along for that beautiful ride. I love that last pic heading into the sunshine!! I love, love, love riding on old forest service roads - very safe and gorgeous views too. You are one very blessed gal to be so close to all that acreage. We have to trailer at least a half hour and I sure miss just being able to hop on and go without all the extra work of the trailer. My Harley has been quite the little gentleman lately...he's a different fellow when the security blanket "Ladde" comes along. Silly.

  15. I love the photos of where you ride and your spirit. You sure get out there with your girl. She is a sweet one, even if she starts out bucking in the drive!!! I like that you take photos of her head and the scenic view in the background. It makes me feel like I am there. I am not much for cloudy weather, which I think you get your share of, but I really do think I could live out there. It seems very horse weather friendly! I rode until last week - this snow is sooooo deep! Thanks for sharing your ride!

  16. These photos are gorgeous - a great ride.


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