Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Riding in Sun and Shadow

I am not one to be very philosophically eloquent here, not like some. But let me try. Of late, external happenings and internal ones are colliding.
I tend to hold in the emotional stresses...and that is not a good thing. I do pray alot, and that does relieve the tension, as I wait for resolves for which I have prayed for. It takes time and patience, having faith. And if you are short on either-that will be your first answer, to any prayer!

There has been a welcome riding friend lately, and going out to ride, is my way of solving my worlds problems.

 What a sweet thing it is to have some sunshine!I welcome gladly, my friendly Shadow rider!
It comes these days, in short bursts...some every third day or so, in between drenching rain of darker, colder, shadow days. 

Even with these darker days, finding some beauty can be had...if you look up~
I was wallowing in my thoughts riding along and my eyes, not being what they used to be, thought they saw a strange new stump. I blinked, several times over...and realized...it really was not a stump!

This Hawk sat silently and still, as I rode by. I may have missed it easily.
THEN- the reminder also came to my mind, with viewing the bird.
 Keep looking for the hidden blessings, that are not necessarily hidden, but small and constant things that one takes for granted.

Into the woods I went....counting many constant blessings in life that come without much effort made by myself, to receive them. You know some of them...life itself, is the biggest and with so many choices.

As I refocus my eyes on this -LIFE blessing- and so many others, as changes occur around me and problems seem to pop up. I TRY to
SLOWLY-face them, and QUIETLY resolve to WAIT.
Not the Quick to judge and MAKE LOUD SQUAWKS in anticipation. 
I am trying HARDER to be one that waits it out...and see what comes, then deal with it all.
( It is a curse sometimes to be a planner that knows what to expect from certain changes others make around me- that will effect me)

Yesterday was NOT a good day....but-a day off to go ride and plans had been made to go with my "Must Ride Monday" partner. It did not look good...very cold and rainy. Usually, that does not effect me much...but my spirits were dour.
I called her 3 times in the course of an hour and a half- to cancel. Each time I called, she lifted me up to wanting to go out with her anyway. We did go. We were the only ones there all day, after two pony riders left.
Decked out in rain attire and warming fleece quarter blankets, we rode into raining day.
 The horses were so good!

We enjoyed our time together...though very soggy as it was. 
Funny thing...she called me right before she left her house to pick me up...wanting to cancel! HAHA!
I was able to stay her on the course of riding, as I finally had made my mind up-to go out!

All of this hit me hard by the end of the day....It was a shadowy-crappy wet, cold day..and we went and had ourselves a good time and talked and consoled each other, in life's ways. Had I given in to my emotions(that can change in a moment) I would have missed out on this days very pleasant ride. We solved many problems with our friendship- and that- I NEEDED- to keep on going! My worlds concerns were lightened.

Today does look different.(It's sunny) But brighter than that, is my attitude for staying the course of faith. WAITING actively, through prayer and action on my part, to effect better change for myself. 

So today, I see from inside a building at work.
 I do see the rainbow and- Thanks God, for your ways....Even in the Shadows and Crappy -Wet times threaten!
For a truly ELOQUENT writer of faith and horses and weather(among many other things)-do go visit
GP at MANELY MONTANA~ she is full of faith and surprises!
She inspired me today, to share a little bit more.


  1. Active waiting - a good thing to remember! I like that you're willing to share your feelings with us - it takes courage but can be very helpful to others - thanks!

  2. What fabulous 'photos and a great ride

  3. Beautiful post Kacy! I haven't been by lately as I have been in the doldrums myself lately with all the gray skies around here! I love that green moss...I'm thankful that which means life! The hawk so serene watching you pass by. You and your friend are so funny....it would be fun to a friend to ride with period....let alone to lift up and yo yo feelings back and forth. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you!

  4. Well, I'm thankful for the small things that which mean life. I was meaning to type (but it skipped) it would be fun to even have a friend nearby to ride with period!

  5. Great post! It's funny about faith. I've gone to church my entire life but I have such a hard time with faith. It's such an 'action word' and so much about it I do not understand. I'm always frustrated with it. *sigh*

  6. Great post Kacey! I hope the peace you need finds you as the skies brighten into spring

  7. Beautiful photos and words today KC.
    Hope things are going well.

  8. A wonderful post about patience and faith. As usual, I enjoyed your ride and really didn't mind the wet weather here in my warm house!

  9. I admire you for pushing through and riding, even when your mood matches the bruising of the sky.

    Faith is not always easy, and sometimes rewards are distant. I'm glad you continue to ride toward them.

  10. thank you for the fabulous post, the pcs are stunning and I am jealous of your beautiful trails...

  11. Wonderful post Kacy. Sorry to hear that you're going through a rough patch, but very glad to see that you got to "get into nature" with a friend. And way to go getting out there even when you weren't feeling up for it. Einstein said "Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better". I just love that quote and I think it perfectly reflects the tone of your post/your outlook. You're in my thoughts.

  12. Beautiful post and fabulous photos.

    Horses are the most expensive psychologists money can buy. I know the world always looks better, my problems less overwhelming, when I spend plenty of time with my own personal herd of psychologists.

  13. It's so hard to wait sometimes when you know how short life is.

    Beautiful post, Kac!

    "Be Still and know that He is God"

    Luvs ya!

  14. Hang in there KK, it really is almost spring and everything will renew and not be so bleak.
    I, too, have found many things and people to be thankful for during a stressful time, just by slowing down and really looking and "being". I find I'm happiest when I just soak in the wonders of nature during my rides and the warmth of the people I'm with.
    You are a special person and have brought uplifting, bright words to many on these blogs this past year.
    Now it's your turn to soak in some good stuff!
    Thanks for being you.

  15. Kacey dear,
    I'm praying for you! Your pray for me and we'll both feel better :) Things seem to brighten when we're praying for someone else. I'm praying for so many blogger friends that I had to start a prayer journal to remember them all :) You're right up there at the top! Thanks for going BOLD, and opening up your heart's door to let the sunshine of friends in. The best thing I can offer you is my fervert prayer.

    Get ready, girl. You're in a good place. Your faith is about ready to be enlarged. Expect the clouds to roll away, and watch expectantly for God to show up in surprising ways. He is a great Big God - the God of possibilities. And ohhh how He loves YOU!

    Good night, my friend, kep growing closer to Jesus!

  16. Thanks for sharing your sunshine with me! And the greenery!!

  17. Hi There Kacey.. I enjoyed reading your post. We ALL struggle with our faith and especially PATIENCE in our lives. We make decisions constantly---some good and some not so good. That's just what life is. We try to do what God intends --but sometimes it feels as if it is just US making these decisions and choices. I truly think that life is all about ATTITUDE. How we deal with the ups and downs is what is important. Keep a joyful attitude!!!!!

    Good Luck and God Bless.


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