Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend Reflections

Last weekend I found this little piece of equipment....I have had fun  with it all week, learning how to program it and also finding out the "Waypoints" of the real owner. Instead of a "Home" marker...there is a "Barn" one. It is the only word in the GPS unit.
As I drove to my barn the other day..I had the unit on and it counted down the miles and pointed the way to it's owner's "Barn". I got within .60 m of it...though it looked to be pointing me into the woods.

As I headed out last weekend...little did I know that my reflection here , on my car outside the barn, would be used with the Garmin one above!

Today, after I trim my mare toes and fit some new hoof boots for her to try out, I  mount up and ride out to find the O counter mark..that is what will occur if I actually make it to the "waymark" they have placed. I will have stealth and Mace never know out in the country, what you'll find. I had this thought- that because it said "BARN"- they were okay people..but one does not know someone recently reminded me.

PLEASE View Others unique and beautiful Reflective photo's by Clicking this logo and visiting The talented James, author of this fun reflective MEME!


  1. Hello Kac. Really nice and cool reflections.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend my friend.
    "My Weekend Reflections"

  2. nice reflection shots. I like your photos taken from the horse's back, its a nice perspective. I especially like the photo in the previous post where you're heading into the woods.

  3. I like the perspective while riding the horse! Unique! What an interesting gadget...I am not sure I understand it completely. But, you have a great time out and about with it! Fun reflections!

  4. Beautiful shots! Can't wait to see if you find the "barn."

  5. oh, look how her coat is gleaming in the sun! like you greased her up for the photo, heheehe.

    what fun you can have with a gps. i am impressed you figured out how to use it.

    have fun,


  6. It's smart to remain cautious.

    Very nice reflections!

  7. Love the creative reflections! Interesting GPS search, hope it's a fun discovery! I must have missed something, how did you come upon the unit?

  8. Fun shots! My gut says they must be OK if they put "barn" in as their home base. But indeed, be careful where you wanter. If you find the owner, and then decide you need a GPS of your own, you will be a bit more educated on what you want after your free trial of this unit! lol

  9. Nice reflections! And interesting posts of your rides with your sister.

  10. Those are two unique and very cool reflections!

  11. Interesting pictures, Kacy and do be careful!!!

  12. Lol, funny pics, I really like the second one.

  13. Good shots! Amazing what we can see when we look at things a little differently.

  14. Your second shot is creative, unique and a great reflection.

  15. I thought the first was clever, but the second it even better. I wear a similar vest when I ride my motorcycle, so you've given me some photo ideas, thanks!

  16. I see you! The second one looks like an abstract painting!

  17. Those are just wonderful reflections my friend. I really like them :)

  18. I love your shots from on top of your horse. I have just happened along here via a shadow shot sunday blog visit. My brother has just bought one of those GPS units and I was having a look yesterday. They look great fun. I like the way the colours in both photos have links.

  19. I have a Beautiful Blogger award for you over on my blog
    Honeysuckle Faire
    Please don’t feel like you have to do it - especially if you have already won a zillion times!

  20. Oooh, an Etrex! I've heard good things about those - they've got some features that are better than mine and some that I don't like as much. I hope you love yours! If the "barn" is a "field" of "green plants," you should ride away very quickly!

    Love the car reflection picture.

  21. I do love horses, but it was my sister who ended up with the farm. That is a neat device. You got some very unique reflections...I know I am late..thank you for visiting my clean car....

  22. yup.. amen, amen.. somewhere where the L-rd closes a door, He opens a window"

    be blessed


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