Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I LOVE my posters!

Juliette from Honeysuckle Faire has really made me happy with these fabulous posters of my mare and I!
My husband thought they were so cool, he gave me a gift certificate for framing and told me, (treating them as  a prize possession) " you can NOT show them to anyone, before framing them". He does not want  me to ruin them by touching them too much, or bending them.
How I will honor that, and next chance I can, will go to our local frame shop! I just want glass, I think.

Oh...this should be fun...a poster for all my friends horses and them! What a great gift idea..and the possibility's.... ~ Are endless~!
Do go check out her poster art and blog ...tell her KK sent you!


  1. Beautiful posters! What a lovely gift!
    And what an adventure the other day with the elks. How marvellous that they made it at last.

  2. KK - Thank you so much for the sweet words about the posters. I am so HAPPY you and your husband like them. You and Wa really deserve something special to chronicle your amazing adventures together!
    You should write a book about the fabulous things you see and do out there in your part of the country aboard your lovely Wa mare!
    Thank you again for posting and linking. What a great friend you are!

  3. I love them. You'll have fun finding just the right place to put them.

  4. Those are just amazing! What a sweet gift!

    Here's the vulture story, part one:

    Part two

  5. KAcy, those posters are great! I love them, what a nice gift to get.

    I left you an award over on my blog :) feel free to drop by and pick it up.


  6. Ohhh what great posters!!!! I'll have to go see that blog that would make a great gift for my friend who helps me with my horses!

    I agree you should write a book!

    Happy riding this weekend!

  7. Kacy!!! Thank you so much for the award. I did see when you said about it before, but I didn't understand that you were giving it to me!!! Many thanks! I will post about it and add it to my sidebar too.

    Happy Easter to you and Bruce and Wa and all your other sweet animal friends!

  8. Love the posters and what a COOL story about the elk!
    I would just be sick thinking they were all out there for all that time and they drowned.

  9. Thanks my friends..Juliette really does nice work and Lucy...I have the spots all at work and one in the tack room.

    Oou...thanks Steph!
    Breathe...coming to read!

    Hay Jocelyn! Nice to see your pretty face...yea, I was sick about wondering if the elk were sane enough to figure out what to do- after about 10 hours in the water!

  10. Love these pictures of you and your mare, Kacy. So special!


  11. Dont you LOVE your posters!! I JUST properly framed and hung mine and couldn't love them more. She is a talent! :) Yours turned out so great too!


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