Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughtful and Thankful

Something about heart is thankful and it makes me thoughtful of my many blessings.
My mare's photo here also makes me thankful and thoughtful...she gives her all to me and carries me to such beautiful places, like up- and up- all sort of mountains...then we rest together and I can bring home treasure, like this shot!


  1. And it is such a great shot! Keep that feeling.

  2. Awesome thought provoking photo! I love days, filled with feelings like these.

  3. Great photo of a wonderful mare!

  4. Awww! Give Wa some extra love and carrots from me on this blustery day!

  5. I love eye shots! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I recognize that feeling... I'm glad you've caught it too.

    As always great picture of Wa mare.


  7. Great shot Kac! I love living where we live.

  8. Where ever we live...the feeling of thankful/thoughtful of our Equine Partners brings us to higher highs and beautiful views of the heart.
    They truly can take our lives places, we alone may not visit~

  9. It's a beautiful picture of your lovely mare. I like your picture header too. It's so nice to see a happy rider and a happy horse.

  10. Thank you for always sharing all your treasures with us. I love your beautiful photos and stories.

    "The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse. "

  11. Oh wow! Love the eye shot with the mountain in the background. Yes, you are truly blessed, my friend.



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