Sunday, July 18, 2010

EASYWALKER shoe's on My mare from day one to week 6

Hooves before the fitting~ hoof tested for tenderness. 
Left front hoof- normal
Right front- a bit more tender..but nothing of serious note.

I did not trim her that the Farrier would see her growth of 3 weeks- and the flare she begins to get.
I thought he was good not to trim her heels off,  like another horseshoer had last year, when I simply wanted a trim. 
I got he impression that for "Steel Shoes", the shoer had to take the heel off?
My mare was lame for a week after that professional "Horseshoer's" trim.

The Easywalker horseshoer's trim before the EasyWalker horseshoes was slight. IN fact, I thought he should have taken a bit more off around the hoof wall...mainly on the RIGHT front.


The right side seemed to have sustained a bit more wear...the yellow tab at the inside heel was lifting.


"I wasn't surprised when he moved better, and I wasn't surprised when he jumped better. I wasn't even surprised when he stopped bruising his heels, but I was however surprised when he gained 3 degrees of nice solid heel growth, and also thicker stronger hoof walls after only two shoeings.
These were some of the reasons why I began using Easywalker, not to mention my customers were asking for them."

Curt DeAngelis,
Farrier for Olympic riders Anne Kursinski and Kevin Babington.
Right front, from day one seemed a bit high on the outside with the nails being somewhat uneven at the front
Wk 2
The yellow piece was gone from the low end of the shoe

AFTER only 3 weeks...the hoof growth on the Right Ft hoof was apparent..

Week 4
Right Ft. The nails became so sharp, sticking out from the hoof wall, I left Bell boots on her for fear the nails would somehow impale her other leg as she traveled.

Week 4...getting pretty worn!

I was having so much fun riding the mare in places I always she was able to FOCUS so much better. She gave me some really nice transitions and collection and laterals...with no pain, and also not- trying to stop- for the hoof boots, always bothered her.

By week growth on her and the wear of the shoes...there was NO-WAY we could reset them!
On the Rt Ft. the clips wore completely off from the toe and one side.

Her hooves, before trimming again, for a new set of Easy Walker Horseshoes
Wk 6
Some cracks had developed..that concerned me.

I discussed my concerns with the shoer man...he showed me why the right front hoof wore so differently...the heal recessed more on one side.

I asked why he did not make the recommended clip slots...he tried them this time...we shall see if that makes any difference. I did not like the gouge effect on her hoof!

All in all, I love the shoes...though more expensive to have the shoer buy I think I shall buy a box, and save a couple hundred dollars!
I love the fact that the mare seems willing now-to go anywhere!!!
 A HUGE difference from boots that rubbed and still did not give her relief, from the pressures of the rocks and terrains.
I love the fact that they SHOCK ABSORB so much better than steel set shoes.
 For wanting to be as close to barefoot as possible...the science of these to the Hoof/ Leg health,  is as close as I can get!

Thanks Wa mare, you deserve to travel as unhindered and pain free as possible!


  1. AWESOME POST!! You know I haven't used the clips at all this year and haven't had troubles. Try them without the clips next time.

  2. I will Sydney, One already broke week 2. ON the right side.

  3. I am so excited to read about this! I'd love to know how you do with the next set and the set after! I'm not trail riding here in Georgia, just riding in the pasture, so far. However, we are in the process of becoming new owners of an AQHA mare with horrid feet! I may talk to our farrier about these for her!


  4. 2011 May-
    I've found a barefoot trimmer, who used to be a farrier to apply a set of "EasyWalkers" this mo.

    My attempts at hoof boots have proven unhealthy for my mare.(post soon in May 2011) I'm going to give Renegades a go this fall winter, with studs for slicker conditions.


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