Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sundays at the Stable ~ Bareback ride

I was so excited to meet Jo last Sunday for our horsey day! 
It was going to be an On The Horse day...
I met her at her home, in our city.

Danny was practically ready to go...I had ridden him once that week, and he had remained pretty clean !
The two said hello's, and readied for the  lesson I had planned- a bareback ride!

I lunged Danny boy in the freshly tilled earth of the work area paddock ( THANKS to my PBO!) made a huge difference in his work ethic and focus!
 3 to 5 inches will do that...too much work to make extra moves that are not asked. He remained straight and on line- in contact.

 Jo mounted up and and situated herself on the saddle pads, behind the vaulting surcingle.

I was just in heaven...knowing what an exciting moment this was for my girlfriend...getting back on a horse!
We both are so thankful that my PBO will allow us to do these things, under her guidance, and with her wonderful Danny.

I apologized about the Surcingle, it most likely would leave some marks on her..I know, I took vaulting classes . But, the nearer to bareback experience,  is what I wanted her to have before the saddle.
I told her to not grip with her legs...hang onto the handles of the Vaulting cinch, pulling yourself into the horses movement.
She made a neat connection,  as I described how to achieve a relaxed core, as Danny horse undulated  beneath her. She takes yoga and could see the lines- inside her head- for everything I described!
 Very Cool!

I mentioned weighting her heels, and riding pelvis before shoulders and she really sat nicely through all the transitions I asked him make. I was so pleasantly surprised..she did it all, quite naturally so!

I like to use a verbal  precursor before transitions to the horse. by saying an "AND" word, and hand motion forward or back.. upward or downward. Jo know knows these signal too as I gave them, I asked her to always take a breath and then to" Breathe It OUT" for Danny Boy to feel, as he responded to my downward cue. Therefore connecting them.
 Any horse I have worked, gets to recognize simple visual cues quickly and we then sometimes, I remove the words- save the "AND". I then  KNOW I have full attention then! 
My sissy taught me The "AND" is like a lunging half halt,  preparing the horse for the next cue.

( NOTE-I did not take these photo's while lunging...I took a video, then made some stills)

LOOK at Jo's smile of I was going over the video for the best sections to make the stills from...I caught this tender smile of joy on her face...then Dan decided to stop..and it quickly became intense again...but I loved seeing it through slow motion!!!

What an awesome day!!! I have repeatedly called Jo this week apologizing for the bruises(I know she has) . She assured me that she enjoyed every minute, and they really were not bad!

Again, she treated Dan man to an apple after the session... he appreciated it!

A good day!  Ending in the country.
Looking forward till we go again.....

 Next  time (this wkend)...we take care of the horses needs, while the PBO is away...and hope that the weather clears...for another a saddle and maybe off property!


  1. I'm impressed. Wonderful day!

  2. What a wonderful thing to do, help some one through their insecurities.

  3. The whole thing made sense to me. What a sweet horse.

  4. Lucy~ I was impressed by her willing abandon and natural ability!

    Gail~ I think -I am more insecure- about her riding than she is...good and bad there!

    Lori~ He certainly is sweet!
    Thanks, coming from you, I appreciate that!I am not a trainer and a real one would most likely cringe!(Sorry in advance to you real trainers!)

  5. Jo does look like a natural! Such a great position on the horse--her yoga body awareness seem very helpful. And you and Danny have given her a confident start. Nice job, all!

  6. OOoh! If you're giving lessons now, please sign me up :)

    I've never trotted or cantered bareback yet. Maybe one day...or not! lol!
    I love how you were there to help and support the rider and horse in visualizing and preparing for the transitions, too.

    Wonderful day!


  7. What a great day you had! I hope weather holds out for your next Sunday adventure.

  8. This was so enjoyable to me - learning of subtle communications to cue the horse ( and rider!). I liked this post from the city to the country!

  9. What a wonderful day! Riding bareback is my fave. I always felt such freedom and I think my sweet gelding, Cosmo (who is grazing over the Rainbow Bridge now) did also!

    Wonderful session you did! And yep, yoga is awesome for horsey people. Mind and body.

    xo, misha

    Kacey, when you get time could you drop me an email? Just need to ask you something :)

  10. gorgeous times with special friends awesome!!!

  11. How wonderful! I love to see people learning to ride. Those little smiles as they are just getting comfortable is so sweet!

  12. What a good boy Danny is!! And, I can only imagine the joy your friend is experiencing at returning to riding horses. Very cool of you to help instruct her! I love, love, love being schooled and would really enjoy taking lessons. And, using a surcingle...what an amazing idea!! Riding bareback is the best way to learn, and with the handles for security...perfect idea Kacy!!! I would love to try that sometime. Sounds like you're very good at instruction.
    I would love to come to your barn sometime and go riding with you!! Awesome idea!! And, yes I believe Harley has been losing his sight for at least the last couple of years. I'd been noticing some changes in him, spooking more often, becoming more of a stumble-bunny where before he was always very sure-footed and not generally a spooky horse. Learning of his near-blindness is answering a lot of questions...aahh hindsight! But, you're right - we'll be fine if we stick to the more level, wider trails. I will never stop riding him! He's my mountain pony extraordinaire (and my baby!). You've put wonderful ideas into my head, my friend!!


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