Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Away with the mare and friends

After a harrowing week, involving a colic at my barn and coming off weeks of record rainfall...the forecast looked
 for getting away and enjoying some beach time with equines!

This shot was taken by my friend Jules, and I shot it as we watched it on the TV slideshow~
She looks like my little Indian Pony with her feathered mane!

I joined up with my gal friend Julie, a fellow boarder and her stable owner. 
My PBO had given me 2 free nights at her equine rental facility at the beach, for boarding with her 1 year. Love ya Gem!

We arrived and allowed the horses to settle and get their land legs back,  after traveling the 90 minute drive to the Oregon Coast.
We then went out for a nice ride in the sunshine!!! Yes..we actually got to see the blue skies a bit!
I rode on my bareback saddle and  in the"Nutural Bitless Bridle"- Jules is allowing me to borrow.  Aside from her very demonstrative-"Give me my space" gestures...The Wa mare was so good...the new company had her in wonderment.

It was somewhat windy..so we had jackets for a time..then the sunspots would get hot, and we'd peel it off again!
I loved this photo...everyone is beaming  smiles of delight...had no idea till I put it on the computer! I know they were happy..but it also could be= my saddle contortions, to turn around and shoot the shot!

As we rode...someone said.."hey, may we get to that sandy spot down there?"..it was the Bay side and I had never tried before...we found a spot to enter, after trying a few different places.
It was so neat!
I thought of Lisa And APACHE MARE doing her Trail challenge course...we too had some challenges...
WATER =was this BIG Handsome Paint, named Sky, nemesis.
He see it and try and try to bypass it.

This little 5 year old mare's challenge was keeping her head..as she is young yet. Her human partner was really patient and true to her~ making sure to assure her, of her good efforts, often.

 The three amigo's

We traveled on down the road, towards the jetty at the Ocean, and came upon these colorful tents...no challenge for any of our horses, today!

These logs were everywhere on our road...and my mare chose to look on them, each time, with a suspect eye!
My friend to the north at WET REINS  on her OTTB -Jasper- would handle them no problem!
I kept telling Wa, "take a good look now".....for the day will come when you have to decide to fly over them!

I bid the riders adieu...and rode back the bay side, from which we came...I felt a bit tired and the wide open beach- bitless & bareback- was something I had no energy for...not to mention, going towards home!

Another photo off the TV slideshow~

That night...as we supped and I was about to break open a bottle of wine...I noticed...a grand design was in the makings..something extra special!
 I was invited to try...after I had shot "the making of Lemon Drops".

They were dangerously good!!! 
And soon, after a few sips, became a sort of laughing tonic!

I leave you, for now, with one more shot and a look at Jules new Toy!!!

See you soon , for the rest of the fun and to catch up , if I can...with all of you..
am nursing a sick body...had too much fun.


  1. You are so lucky to be able to go to the beach like this! Great shot! Something I can only do in my dreams...

  2. I ride Pie and Sovey each day and pretend we are riding in and on the diverse trails that Kacy and Wa get to ride on! You live the horse dream. Wow! Such great photos. Your mare is a gem, Kacy and your rides are fantastic. The after-ride lemon drops looked fantastic too - not if they made you miss riding the next day though!!! lol! Thanks for sharing your fun!

  3. It looks like fun too! I'm so glad you share your trails with us. It makes me feel like: been there, done that, got the T-shirt. You know.
    Makes me feel quite relaxed. Thanks ;-)

    Sorry to hear about the colic at your stables. Hope it turned out to be okay?

  4. Great to see you and Jules and your horses having a wonderful time.
    (still jealous ;-0)

  5. What a wonderful place that looks like to ride.

  6. What a gorgeous place to ride and wonderful friends (four and two legged) to ride with. Love the pics!

  7. What a GREAT weekend you had!! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Yessss, the lemon Drops were goooodddd! But did NOT but keep us from going out the next day -twice!
    I am happy to share...it is like living the dream here in Oregon...makes me forget about the crappy rain, like it's been and is back again now...rrrrrrr!

    The Colic was the other mare in the stable..she had been on the spring grasses TOO long that day(our spring is late, 'cause of all this rain and cold) She came good, after a drenching and oil and many pain shots to relax her. I stayed till 1 am..then turned it over to her owner. It was VERY scary! The vet said he had 2 other similar cases that day...the Fructans were very high & the water content too, in the grasses...the sun came out...after 6/7 days of absence.

  9. I LOVE LEMONDROPS!! Yum, yum! My brother in law has 'em mastered. SO jealous that you got a break in the weather! Well, I guess we had an alright weekend here too, but it went way too fast and now back to rain! What in the world is going on?!

    That ride looks like so much fun. Gorgeous scenery and great times with friends. And blue sky patches...can't ask for much more!

    That's scary about the colic...have to be SO careful with those sensitive horsey bellies. Sounds like she was in good hands though and glad she's alright!

  10. What special beach shots of you and the horses. Glad you had fun!

  11. Kacy - I just left a long comment on my blog for you and blogger ate it! Blast (as you say!)
    Thanks for the kind words over at my blog. Don't wait for a lottery win to come and see us - I am not kidding - tons of room and an extra OTTB for you. The boys aren't the Wa girl, but they are still sweet. We have rain here too now, though, so I can't promise the sun. I hope Wa heals quickly from her trailer ouchy and that you feel better soon too. My mom and Maizie and Brian love your comments as much as I do! Thanks!

  12. Oh the beach... love it. Glad to hear you made it near the scary woody stuff! Jasper didn't exactly conquer all of his fears in the two short sessions we had on the beach. I'd love to go back and really spend some time there.

    I'm back on the dry side of the state, I wish you all the sun in the world. Too much rain and mud for me!

  13. Kac-An Idiot again, I left you quite a reply to yours ON MY BLOG! So take a little trip! You must jump! My first jumps were out and about on a trail ride, and not very high. Something about doing it in an impromptu manner seemed to help and they were FUN! Also, YOU MUST REMEMBER, ride the horse, not the jump! At any rate, start small, I bet you will love it, knowing you and how you love to do things on Wa girl. She will most likely love it to. The biggest thing you cannot do is hesitate and let her know, well you can if you want to... Make up your mind, get some leg on, and you will be delighted with what ensues I am sure!!!! YAY!
    Really sorry not to leave my big reply here... not thinking well lately...

  14. Ooooh! I must know what Jule's new toy is. Looks like a nifty way to carry a camera on a trail ride. I like it! To have your camera always at the ready. Yay! To shoo video while you are trotting or cantering....with no hands? Neato!

    The photos are wonderful! What a fabulous trip!
    You are so blessed to have such adventurous riding buddies.

    And wowee! I think you've lost some weight, girlie! You look so svelte in that first photo!

    Lemon drops? I'e never had them....though I've heard of them. I look forward to trying them someday!
    And riding on the beach is on my bucket list of things to do on horseback.


  15. Liss~ I want to help you with that Bucket list item(still have not seen that movie)!1 So cereal here..you come tom Oregon and I will take you to the coast, with a nice horse to ride!...Well, it's all in the way you layer your attire-SO gonna wear that suit again if it makes me look thinner and "svelte"! HAHA! You totally made me giggle.

    The video camera- on jules body- was the toy! we watched some of the clips she took...really clear...but we needed to be riding in front of her...as her mare's neck...was ll she got!

  16. Wow!! Looks as if you had a wonderful time, and its a good thing that your friend had her camera with her

    Kerrin Koetsier
    Parelli Central


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