Monday, June 7, 2010

Gettin' Creative - Take a guess and win

Can anyone figure out what this recipe will make...when all put together? 
HINT: it is something for the  horsetrailer~ 
Go ahead and try............

If anyone can correctly guess what it shall be( or get fairly close)....they will win something from the Wa mare and myself!
Guessing ends-soon with the posting of the actual finished product- 


  1. You know, I'm stumped! It's not a butt-bar, it's not a hay net holder... the hinge says something needs to open and shut, the rubber ends say it maybe needs to be wedged and removed easily...maybe a saddle rack for the tackroom portion of the trailer? A water bucket bar? Ok I give up.

  2. I'm stumped too! Okay, wild guess that doesn't make any sense at all: you can make a fold-down table with it. You can fold down a small part of the trailer and use the bar as a 'leg' for it. And there you have your table to eat your lunch. Brilliant idea if I say so myself ;-) If I get a better idea (almost impossible) I'll get back to you ;-)

  3. I have 2 guesses:

    1) a clothes bar to hang jackets in the tack room of your trailer or
    2) A contraption to put on the ball of your hitch & the tongue of your trailer so you can see when it is lined up and hook up the trailer to the truck more efficiently.

    I am leaning toward #2 because I have been trying to figure out what I can use to accomplish this. For some reason, I can hit it ok with my truck, but when using my SUV, I have a heckuva time hooking it up!

  4. a kickstand for the trailer door?
    or a table ?

  5. Hmmmmm...tough one. With the rubber caps, it reminds me of my shower shelves. Could it be something for the tack room of your trailer? A swing out blanket rod? Shower Shelf?

    I can just tell it's pratical and I like that!

    I can't wait to find out what it is.

    Oh and the word verification todat is: barso

    I know you're hanging a barso for your riding outfits. lol!


  6. For saddle blankets?

    A shower room?

  7. I was guessing a blanket bar but maybe some sort of curtain so you can sleep in the trailer on camping trail rider? Or a cowboy shower curtain :P

  8. I have no idea but I would guess it's going to be some sort of bar for holding clothes or blankets. Or for making a dressing room/privacy screen when your camping.

  9. These are all very good and some VERY close!

    Tammy...I am ordering one of those magnet-hitching rod units. They make it sooo easy to hook up in a flash! My sissy has one and you just line them up...and back up till they meet.

  10. Liss hhahaha! That was funny- a hanging Barso, I may put my riding outfits upon!

  11. I can not even begin to guess but I will try.

    It has four legs stops like a dining chair, it is retractable with the hinge, but something else has to go in those clamps in addition to the bars. A folding hay feeder? A saddle rack that folds away when not in use?

    I give...Uncle!

    I did wiggle the word verification around and got neat ansa!

  12. Great Gail! but a nogo on the Ansa!

  13. Kacy, I have no idea what it could be. Gilly has fried my brain so much I have no brain cells left to think with!
    Can't wait to find out just what it is though.

  14. Wrap holder...

    Beyond that no clue that hasn't already been guessed.

    Happy Trails!

  15. OOOU Jane..gotta come over and see you!

    Jeni~That is a cool idea!

  16. I'd like to think its the parts that help a small external table unfold on your trailer so you can sit a nice cold bottle of sav blanc on ... to enjoy after a long hot summer SUNNY ride!!!!

  17. Maybe a camping cot? So you can have somewhere relatively comfy to sleep on overnight Horse camping trips. I should figure out some way to rig a cot for my trailer fo when I do away shows.
    Can't wait to see the final product!

    Word verification: useles
    I beg to differ, as I'm sure this new gadget will be quite useFUL!

  18. Hmmm, you are always thought provoking Kacy :)

    First guess is a rack that swings out?

    Second guess is a pop-up table?

    Whatever it is, I have no doubt you will put it to good use!

  19. LOL...I have no idea, because it looks like there are more parts than my unimaginative eye. ;)

    Glad to see that you have been having a good time with the Wa mare!

  20. Mellie..HI-YOU-DONE!!!???
    Hopin' so!
    There are too many parts in the photo...Good eye there girlie!
    Those are ALL the raw ingredients I gave my PBO's husband to make this thing for me..I bartered for it- His haircut- My great "Thing"!

    Auroa~ haha that made me laugh!

    Laura~ I use an air mattress Right in the trailer, with a wool blanket under sheets and blanket..after I spray the trailer with white takes all that horsey grime away. and Is screened so no bugs get to me! I love it!


  21. I was leaning towards a butt bar until I noticed the hinge...why rubber ends and hinge?? hhhmmm...

    Did anyone discover what you are making?

  22. May be a step for mounting that swings out? For those Bareback rides?


  23. Judy~ Answer to the ingredients on Friday~

    Heather~ THAT too- is an excellent idea! But, the answer may surprise you.

  24. Some good guesses lol!

    Noone has guessed a shower bar for showers when camping? So I will throw that one in there LOL

  25. I'm guessing it's something to do with the door of a trailer.


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