Friday, July 30, 2010

Time to ride......

Well friends...It is finally time to ride camping tomorrow with my my good friend and "MUST RIDE MONDAY" partner.
We head off to Clackamas Lake; which  is a newly dedicated Equine camp at Timothy lake, Mt. Hood. 
I am excited to be some of the first to use it, in it's first summer open.

Before we embark upon the camp...we shall head to another location, on the way we've not ridden, in the name of discovery!  Frog lake.
Wa mare and I enjoy a cool time last year seen was 104 in Portland area...but up at Timothy Lake, it was only about 85!

P.S. offer still open for anyone that would like to join us...we have another site, with 4 horse stalls open. We are there from July 30th though August 2nd...Site 7 and 8. Hay-come for a day ride!
Be safe and be happy...will be praying for you all!


  1. OH?????.....Whoa is me! I cant make it, sorry!
    Cant get the horse on the plane, some sort of cost issue.
    Never mind, it was nice of the askin`!
    Sounds a great place, "A dedicated equine park?" Could do with somethin` like that here!

    Have fun!

  2. Sounds wonderful.

    How do you find time to ride??

  3. Hmmm I wonder what air fare would be????? however not sure how I could get a horse there even if I could get myself there! Would LOVE to ride with you though.

    Have fun!

  4. If I could get my horse from one coast to the other, I'de LOVE to join you. What a great experience in beautiful country.

  5. One of my favorite places in the world to ride .... ENJOY!

  6. Awww man! Sure wish I could. One of the things on my bucket list is to ride with Kacey and Wa.

    You gals are going to have so much fun! Take lots of photos and video to share with us upon your return.


  7. Beautiful photo. Camping with our horses is one of our long-time dreams, we are getting closer...

    Enjoy your trip! Safe travels.

  8. Have fun girl....sounds awesome. Lots of pics for us.

  9. How fun! It's been years since I've camped - am looking forward to photos.

  10. Sounds like heaven. Wish we had more horse camping in Canada. I love camping and we have everything we need, but no horse camping options. We 'camp' in our living quarters when we go to shows, but it's not the same of course.
    Have lots of fun. I'll be looking forward to the pictures.

  11. oooh, sounds like fun. Can my son and Mr. Pony come along? lol.

  12. Yeah, I'll be there! I'll be the one with the gorgeous figure, who always looks great on photographs, with the very well-behaved mare (as long as I'm dreaming, I'd better make the dream a good one) ;-)

    Enjoy your vacation. Looking forward to the photos.

  13. Wouldn't you look if I showed up? But...I can't cause I'm getting company... have fun!

  14. Woo...what a nice thought...any or all of you, my freinds, joining us! It was heavenly...if my new phone (which I am loving) a Samsung "Captivate"...if it had reception up on the mountain- I would have posted takes really nice photos! See ya all soon! :-> KK


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