Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's um...probably it's a's a...

That was the answer I got in response to asking about the 'Blue Diamond" markers, on this new trail we were riding to the Twin lakes on Mount Hood.
We were RELAXED, that was for certain!

We totally...were in stitches around the campfire later, as we reviewed the days photos and this video I took!!! ...It is the response I got to that question I asked...
I did not even pay attention to how - L  o  n  g - it took my riding partner to respond, as I video'd.

These trails were pristine! 
I loved the perfectly packed surface with barely a blemish to step over..nice for our  relaxing 3rd day ride to new scenic ends.
Even though some of the trail was cliffy...the trail was so wide, flat and well maintained. The mare and I barely winced...
well, I did remark that our concerns, as Horse VS rider were different.

Her Concern: The hillside towering above us to the left.(mountain Lions pounce from there)

My Concern: the cliff edge to the right ( we tumble down there)
Had a chuckle over that!

Heading down now...we were getting glimpses of blue and could tell...this was going to be good!

YEA, it was so amazingly cool...the little lower lake was just the prettiest thing!

The only way here was to hike...and on this hot day (cool in the shade) we met plenty of those on the trail .
And they were all coming from or going to this "Lower Twin Lake". Rubber rafts and swimmers...campers dotted the forest. But in a peaceful way. Not like Timothy lake at was like a camper delight, truly!
As we rode around this gem...I caught my self thinking..."a rope swing into this would be so neat!"...

And there it was!

The thing about this lake may camp here...not having to pay a fee- save- the sweat it may take you to pack in all your gear.
 My girlfriend and I thought...we have horses..that will be easier sometime to do, in the future.
There were these perfect camp spots...ready for a small fire to warm you overnight as you slept. Lots of trees to "Hi tie" the horses upon.

We got around the little first lake in some 15-20 was really nice riding. We found this one camp away from the others too.

Coming on back to the trail head we gave the horses a drink out of a rather Large Water Trough...nature made like!

Is this enough water for you Cazi man?!!

Back on the trail upwards we went towards the second Twin lake....

Oou Lala...again, just a heavenly sight...
with  outward sentiments uttered and of deeper inward awe towards all God has done and made for us to enjoy!

The Mountain top of Mt. Hood, could be seen at "Upper Twin Lake " here

The horses were extremely relaxed, as we were. My girlfriend and I sat and enjoyed some lunch snacks...though the biting bugs were about, and made them a bit frigidity sometimes. They stood nearby and dozed.

I was so in love with my mare, on this ride...willing to be in back or front...

My Girlfriend mentioned- and we laughed heartily so- "There's nothing  21 miles-horsey downers- and a couple grams of Bute - can't accomplish!" 
The miles we logged aboard them the 2 days before, had taken a toll on Wa's back.
I have not sat down for so many hours on her! I am usually posting more or in two-point. frequently.

She was puffy and sore the night I applied "Sore No More" and massaged her. I also decided to give her a gram of "Bute"..from a tube that is a couple years it may have been less in strength. I gave her another dose, before our ride.
I do think it helped, angel mare~
She stood easily untethered for a time, with her lower lip dangling.

My lovely Washashe !

This would be the location I want to camp when we go for it!
It has this view...

I love these two together....they match!

We spied the trailer for the trees, as we neared civilization again.

Making it home in the light and perfect time to find....
All had cleared out of the campgrounds!
It made it a bit eeery and somewhat nice too...quiet surrounded us here our last night out.
We all slept well, and the horses were anticipating returning, as we did as well, the next day.
Recovery week it has been all week..till now!
Horse camping is HARD WORK!


  1. What a lovely spot! It's too bad I've just been SO busy with the girls and Jackson and the grandkid (and another coming, still) to come over and join you on one of your great adventures. I love your treed country!

  2. KC! Boy did you outdo yourself with these photographs. Some of my all time favorites. Yes! I'm very jealous. You warned me!

  3. Great ride!
    Indigo went on a trail ride in Tennisee with her old owner. Or rather her old owners husband who she scared the living shit out of on a regular basis. Anyway she came back from that week long ride with two issues a) you couldn't walk past a puddle without her trying to drink it dry and if you didn't let her drink she would have a fit and paw her bloody head off because as you could imagine they could carry water for themselves but not the horses so when they found a puddle the horses would belly up. Took her a wile to figure out she had an automatic waterer here and she always gets a drink on a long ride. b) irrational fear of bushes and fallen trees. Too many cougars and bears she encountered.

  4. Kacy! Again...the photos! If the pictures on a computer screen are that good, then this ride must have been heavenly. The video is hysterical - that is how I talk while I ride - concentrating on riding and forgeting to finish sentences! How you get such nice video and photos is beyond me - must be the 21 miles and horse downers and bute because I am lucky to stay on and tell about a ride - you are a regular videography/photography expert on horseback - and what a horse you have!!! She is just the best!

  5. Holy cow, is it ever beautiful there!

  6. Your pictures so remind me of the pictures I have in my minds eye, of Packwood lake, up here in Washington. We rode into Packwood lake and camped with the horse when I was a kid, mom, dad, my sister and I, it was a blast! And the scenery is so similar!

  7. No rain there then! That was some beautiful ridw, the countryside? Wow!

  8. wow Kacy what beautiful photos. I'm thrilled for you that you had such a lovely time and your wonderful Wa mare was a good girl. Your many riding spots look so beautiful .......would love to come join you some day if you have a spare horse

  9. Wow, your photos are amazing! I especially love that photo of Mustang Cazi where he's shaded and the lake is in the background. Gorgeous photos as always Kacy! Thanks for sharing with us :)

  10. Kacy! Happy Birthday! (yesterday!) Hope your day was wonderful... I just went back and read your last year's birthday post about the fall from Wa. Ouch! On pavement no less!! That must have hurt. You two have come so far. Sounds like this year's birthday ride was good (with your sister too?) - can't wait to read about it.

  11. What a neat ride. So beautiful. Lucky horses. And you guys, too.

  12. KK,
    I so wish Star and I oculd have went with you gals!

    I love the whole horse camping thing.

    Hope to see you and Wa MAre on the trail before we leave!

  13. Except for the fear of mountain lions, this looks like a pleasant place to ride. An empty campground does sound eerie!

  14. I think you're making me homesick. Oh how I'd love to come and play there in the woods with you!

  15. Fabulous! Awesome! Thanks for bringing us along. Most of us only dream of a trip like this and consider it a once in a life time sort of thing...and you...well, you get to do these kinds of rides all the time. My first horse camping trip was wonderful and something I always wanted to do, and can't wait to do again.

    Oh, please! Don't ever take these rides for granted...not that you would, but sometimes it can get so easy to do...ever onward to more and even better rides each time, and all the old ones, getting lost in memory.

    You are truly so very blessed my friend.

    How wonderful that Wa mare was so good for you and so relaxed.


  16. What stunning scenery KK, I am sooooo jealous!

  17. I love your pics and I love the look of your trail rides. Brilliant!

  18. just a nice slice of heaven!! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Thanks all for coming to share in the Oregon scenery with the mare and me.

    That is one main purpose I Blog about it....I Forever Have the Times In My Heart And Memory...BUT...having it here too, MAKES IT PERMANENT- should memory wane! ;-)

  20. That's beautiful. Sounds like you had a great time. I haven't been horse camping in a long time.

  21. You are a poet in both words and photos.
    Stunning to this first-time visitor.

  22. What an amazing, amazing time. Thanks for sharing the journey.

  23. I actually cried as I read how wonderful Wa did. Faithful and loving. Are they not the sweetest creatures! Angel Mare for sure :)
    xo, misha

    p.s. whenever you finish your guest blog, just let me know! no hurries at all!

  24. s t u n n i n g

    (I'm forcing hubs to watch this post too, thinking we might emigrate to your part of the world and join in your trails ;0. Wouldn't that be awsome?
    Won't happen. I'll just keep dreaming *sighs*)

  25. What a lovely ride in such a breathtakingly beautiful spot. I enjoyed the pictures of you enjoying yourself with your best friends. Nothing better.

  26. Breathtaking, my friend! Simply breathtaking! What a beautiful place to camp and ride. Maybe one year I will be able to join you. : )

    And LOL about your friend's answer. I sound the same way when I am preoccupied with something....

  27. That's gorgeous. No idea what mine would think of that much water!

  28. To answer your questions: I will be doing more posts on other bitless, one being sidepulls where these rope halters fall into. I personally like rope halters. I have made many, many, many of them. They are useful for lunging and teaching a horse that is likely to act up with minimal force. The reason I and others put knots on the noseband is to discourage the horse from leaning on the noseband. Some horses need it, most do not but they do not cause any trouble. If I have a horse that likes to pull back when tied I will tie them with a rope halter a few times rather than a halter with hardware that is going to break. The worst thing when teaching a horse to tie is let them learn they can break things and get away. Then they start pulling back every time knowing they can escape if they pull hard enough.

  29. Well,
    first time that I have to disagree with the rope halter use for riding and or lunging. The original purpose for lunging is for first contact. A precurser to contact during riding.
    When one lunges in a rope halter, with all the knots in play... should the horse come into contact with the rope/ bites and he twists unaturally, to avoid the knotted pressure points. Kinda defeats the purpose of relaxed forward/contact. And..the same goes for riding with them under bridles...the ropes and knotts can get activated by pressure under the gear.
    I actually believe that tying a horse in anything that won't a bad idea. Rope halters don't have ANY release..and I have seen horses- flip over -for PAIN, as there was no way out of the on-on knotted pressure.
    I think they are great for ground training..some tying..w blocker rings.


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