Saturday, September 18, 2010

Summer's Sunset

Last Weekend, when the mares were recovering from the freedom romping on the road and what happens when turns are executed- at high speeds on MUST RIDE MONDAY ( or anytime)PARTNER called me.
She called me...then....she called me and called me...I finally conceded to a ride.

She brought her two steeds over and we planned to take A-LONG-RIDE.
Though Wa mare and I have done this ride, in 3 hours, trotting and cantering allot. We were not going to force the issue with her horses.
The day I went on Wa , last...she really asked me to go faster..not the other way around.
We had fun and she told me, about  half way up the mountain, as I pointed out the  red marker ribbions so she could follow them again with someone else, if she came back...
"You lost me about 3 turns ago"
 We both got a good laugh and knew, I would be leading her on this trip...should we come back again!
Fine with me...I love this loop!

As we neared the 2,000 ft mark , 900 feet up from where we started. We neared the viewpoints and lots more light at the top of the 10 mile "Stony Mountain" loop.
 I finally just let out a huge sigh, and profusely thanked  her for "Making me" come out and play!

Cazi Mustang showed me a fantastic ride...leading, following..and just plain taking care of me.

We took in the views and headed back down the Mountain...
We had about 40 minutes till dark...though "DARK" comes much earlier in the forests, I knew a short cut out of the woods and into the light, at the bottom of the hill and out of this forest we entered now.

The light on mosses always thrills me with it's colors and textures...I know I have a million photos- just like this one!

 Final 20 minutes, and to home...we hit our only road of the trip. It is a "No outlet" it remains quiet mostly. Only locals and us horse folk.

As we neared the creek, where I frequently spot bear tracks (fortunately, no bears yet) I deployed my 'Bear Bell"- for alerting the we come!

Then onto the final service road home...greeted by...
 Oh man, they were a serenading us, on our arrival back to our homelands!

Sweet Summer Sunsets~


  1. Know how you feel!......I love the last days of summer, and you need to grab each one!

  2. Glad you took advantage of the riding opportunity Kacy :) Love the sunset pic.

  3. Ahhh, a fall ride, good for you! Oh, Kacy, the last picture is BREATHTAKING!!!

  4. Those pictures are amazing! So glad you had a wonderful ride.

  5. Looks like a lovely ride!
    I don't know how you do it...I am having so much trouble keeping my video camera steady when the horse is moving. It makes me dizzy to even try to watch any of my recent segments!

  6. The photos and the videos are just wonderful. I especially love the one with the rider a ways in front - you can see how huge those trees are. Beautiful!

  7. Glad "we" went on his ride. I feel more relaxed and got to see all that fabulous forest scenery. I really like the moss, too.

  8. The pictures are beautiful. I always enjoy reading about your rides.

  9. That last sky shot is nothing less than amazing!

  10. Beautiful pictures!!! missing summer already. I miss you Kac!! We need to get together soon! Lots of love and hugs...from me and the kitties. :)

  11. Great pictures. We need to take advantage of the last nice days we have in our neck of the woods!

  12. Oh, simply gorgeous. Love that 'crickety' road. And that shot of the mosses. WOW! And the bear-bell (I'm so glad we don't need that around here) brought a song into my head. But it's waaaaay to early for 'Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.....".
    I thoroughly enjoyed this ride with you.

    Hope everything is still okay honey. Thinking of you and the mares. Hugs :-)

  13. wow Kacy love the shot at the end. Glad you are getting some last summer rides in . Isn't it nice when our friends push us into doing adventure we sometimes dont plan on doing. Nothing nicer than a sunset ride with a great friend

  14. What a great friend your "Must Ride Everyday" friend is! She loaned you a kind Cazi to get you out and enjoy the sights and sounds. Good for you guys. I love the photo of her and her horse heading down the rarely traveled road - beautiful. I hope the mares are healing well back at home. Autumn is lovely in your part of the world! Your trails are so great although I would not like to have to have a bear bell!!!

  15. Cheyenne~
    GRABBING them up....even if it means hand walking the mare through freshly rained upon gathering ALL THE DEW UPON MYSELF...that was soggy but good for healing of the mare!

    Yea...meee too- on both counts freind!

    Jane...yea, I do know that you too are getting some sweet, Fallish travels in too!
    Yea for COOLER TEMPS and Trailers!

    Hi there, Oh I need to come read your travels too!
    Meee too...with all kinds of planned rides going south...havin'this forced ride(I am so glad she kept calling!)happen and be so utterly sweet and lovely. I needed that!

    Humm I will have to pay attention to how I do it too...I am very sponteaneous sometimes...I know it ONE HANDED! I love my Cannon Powershot camera, it has taken a beating...I think this traveled at high speeds(in POUCH) on 3 separte loose horses!Humm...that is a blog post, I do Beleive!

    Terry, Nice to see you! Yea...I love the distance shots too...with horse and rider being enveloped into the forests!

    Ha ha Barb, you can ride double with me anytime!

    Thanks for stopping in

    Pales, compared to your sky shots! But, I do love it too...I am a sucker for darkened silhouettes.
    These trees took my breath away!

    I misss you too...I will not be at that barn much longer though, and the place I go to, is so very private. I may not be able to have many visit.
    Pantz will be at the old place, still, till we find something closer to home...too much traveling for me...specially when the owners are gone. I spent $90 in gas alone...taking care of horses for 4 days a few wks ago..I want less of a self care place!PLUS...I WILL HAVE AN ARENA and More time for my mare and husband.
    BUT...I can come see YOU!

    Yuppers...but, I fear, the rains are here!

    Thanks,Yea...Doing better..all healing up.though I still have not turned them out..I am not trusting others schedules.
    I can't let it happen again to my mares!!!

    The Cricket serenades this time of year...lovely!
    As I am riding I hum that little Christmassy tune too...I begin to laugh and sometimes..I HO-HO-Ho!
    It's fun on the trails...really shakes off the crud from the week!

    Freinds are good for the gentle pushing, yes.
    That was one of only 2 TRUE sunset rides, so far, this summer...So I am releishing it!

    Ya know, she has been a GOD SEND to me and my spirit(and spirit of riding)always longing to see new things and go and have some fun.

    Yea...came close to a young bear once..he was drunk on PBO over ripe fruit, in the trees. He actully turnewd to come towards us as I used my whistl;e to scare him off...we instead ran off!

    There are some unexpected hazzards that Lurk...I found out a bit more this week, in our neck of the WOODS.

  16. What a lovely ride! Maybe we'll move back to Oregon in a couple years when Bad Pants' contract here in Atlanta is up. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just come visit!

    I'm so sorry a cougar was that close! That sounds so scary! He/She had to have been really hungry to have gone after your horses! My heart goes out to you and your horses, and the poor, hungry, starting to get pushed out of their own territory cougar too!

    Prayers for quick healing for the mares and a smooth move to you all!

  17. Kaci-I am so sorry that you are going through a difficult time right now. You can vent to me anytime...It helps the soul feel better, right?

    Thank goodness your mares are okay (?) and I hope that you find a new place quickly. : )


  18. Summer is still in full swing here in Florida, but I will not complain. I am not a cold weather person. I am going to admit to a slight yearning for fall, the riding is supposed to kick it here in the fall, winter and spring. Summer? Hmmm. It's all about timing. Morning or evening rides are the smartest. The trailriding here is most awesome, so I am pretty darn excited! 7,000 acre State Park attached to the farm with pristine footing, so I am psyched! :)
    One day Im going to hire you as my photographer! :)

  19. What a peaceful ride and beautiful pics Kacy!! I am so totally jealous!! Haven't gotten to ride hardly at all this summer...major bummer for me!! But, we're still together and we'll see how it pans out. Your little mustang friend looks like a very steady fellow for the trails...just what I need! I've been considering adopting a Mustang, just don't know if we can financially take on another horse. Our budget is on overload as it is. If it weren't the money thing, I'd have another horse to ride and give Harley all the time he needs to adjust, plus he could go along and be ponied sometimes. Oh well, a gal can dream huh? So sorry to hear that you've been having troubles lately, but am glad to hear that Wa wasn't seriously hurt. Give her the time she needs to heal. Love and Blessings to you. I'm still sooo jealous of your rides, I could positively spit!!! :)

  20. Oh wow! You are so lucky to have horse friends that encourage you to come ride and make everything fall into place. I'm so envious, and especially of the beautiful trails.
    My year started of so full with riding and horse acivities, and then came to a stop after July 4th weekend when Apache was injured.
    I've only sat upon her a couple times since then and only at a walk around the paddock and back yard. And then I was hurt, and she still keeps having issues with that lame shoulder off and on....and it's been 2 months and she's still the same.

    I'm hoping that she will be fine at the end of October so I can ride another ACTHA event.

    That last photo is gorgeous! And the moss is so unusual and magical.


  21. Love the 'bear bell'. thanks for the ride. :)


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