Friday, November 12, 2010

Camera Critters Stuff on my cat

Cleaning out a wardrobe, my man was joined by our adopted Kitty, Freyda~

She became part of the process~

More and more, she took on herself!

Oh Freyda, you are so helpful!

Finally, I think he may have it all really availed yourself to him ...what a cat!

This was not an original thought, but one that was inspired by this little book:

And having critters in the cameras view, for all to see here is also an inspired thought of MISTY DAWN... please stop by her palce and view -oh-so-many-more fun critters!


  1. ROFL

    Poor kittycat.

    She's gorgeous and seems really at ease with you people. Even though you put shoes on her!?!?!?! She must be either the sweetest cat (but she can't be, because ours are) or the laziest cat on earth

    Love love love your new header photo!

  2. Freyda is kind to allow you crazy humans to pile things on her! My husband has to see that book. He is famous for piling things on our cats over the years. He has only piled a few things on Noodlebug, but our cats who are now in Kitty Heaven endured his antics. Nothing heavy - like boots!!! lol! He would pile playing cards just to see how long they would stay. He and Lake would play card games with the discard pile being the cat! Lovely Freyda. She is adorable in your photos.

  3. Talk about a patient cat! And so beautiful. But then what cat isn't. :)

  4. Could be my imagination, but it seems that the cat got a little pudgier with each load it carried. You could say she is the "flat cat" instead of the fat cat?
    I very glad to see that you have a new in-need kitty in your lives now...

  5. Good Morning Kacey!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE !!! that header picture! and of course Freyda is just too cute!

  6. KC...these cat photos are as professional as it gets. Good work! And the post below with Theo...I'm so glad he survived. What a beautiful boy. You have some fabulous places to ride and Wa seems to be doing well.
    Happy anniversary. Enjoy.

  7. What a cute and fun post!
    P.S. I signed you in to CC since you weren't going to be able to :-)

  8. Lovely photos and you have one very beautiful and well loved cat.

  9. What a good-looking cat!

  10. What a funny cat, and so patient too :)

    Nice photos.
    -VT Girl

  11. we have that book. Now, where IS one of the cats...

  12. lol. amazing what they will let you do them isn't it?

    You have a very lovely kitty!

  13. She looks a lot like our "Tom". Like you new header pics, toO!

  14. Such a pur-r-r-r-fectly marked and oh so beautiful a kitty!! [and may I say I love your horse's ear header!!!]

    Texas Zoo in Victoria is my Camera Critters this week!! I hope to see that you can visit with me also.

  15. Freyda is quite long-suffering! I hope she wasn't expected to tow the stuff away, too!

  16. Freyda, you are so tolerant!
    I love the one where she's looking straight at the camera - feels like she's looking right at me! What a good girl.

  17. Awwww! I love your orange and white kitty. I lost mine last year. Orange kitties are my favorite. I recognize those boots, we have a few pairs in this house:)

  18. KK, I have a question on your previous post. Do you know what the plant with the red berries is? AJ Oaks posted a picture of that plant wanted help identifying it.

  19. What an adorable post!

    Re your comment about adding your link to Mr Linky for SSS: Sure I'd be happy to add you but I'm not sure when midnight Saturday (when your post is set to publish?) is in relation to my time zone. So as it's not up yet, I'll try really really hard to remember to pop back tomorrow to check and add :)

  20. you were obviously working your way up to the whipped cream
    : )
    - The Equestrian Vagabond


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