Monday, February 28, 2011

New Trails Same Cold

Though the wind whipped herself wildly so and the bitter cold well- he tried to defeat our goals. Having been shut in the stall runs for a few days of snow, my Mare and me needed TO GO!
I started by using the bucket in the tack room that was filled with really warm water , to make sure the Bit was acceptable. This water line stays available for the horses stall waters, when the water is shut off to the rest of the barn lines.

I made sure that the Mare was fully dressed in her Winter Attire. I had to get it all out again, from above my locker storage space.
CCCoooold Ride ahead. 3o on the temp/Feels like 45 in the sun/ when the wind then feels like 19 degrees!

Just 2 weeks ago, as it was near 50 degrees, the owner of the stable had warned me NOT to put it I could bring on another cold snap. She had mentioned Murray's law earlier in the fall about something happening...if you prepared for something else.
I did not know about "MURRAY"...who was this??  I only new about "MURPHY'S LAW" of opposite reactions that could potentially be against you in the universe and cause you to work harder or foil plans -altogether!
We decided...Murray was MURPHY'S brother! Not quite so bad a dude, I was hoping!

I was pleasantly surprised with the mare's attitude. She was very happy to be going, and we tacked up in record time.
 I know "WHEN SHE IS WITH ME" for a ride, as the first leg of it  after I mount from the "Mounting STUMP", she either begins with her pulling towards home or walking on and forward happily so.

 I let her choose the direction this day too... She chose something I did NOT expect her to.  But I think it made her feel good today, as she had her favorite horse to follow into the woods~

We have had Logging going on below the stables and also, on our road to the stables. It is the beginning of preparations for a 2013 all out assault on the forest we ride in.
I posted extensively on this last made some very INTERESTING RIDING TIMES.
For now, on our nearby forests, They are only making  the solid and packed gravel roads into the forest making ready for the heavy equipment. It has been really noisy with  loud THUMPS and CRASHES as the large evergreen trees come down.

The Logging below the stable is on PRIVATE LANDS we are allowed to ride on. It has made for some mushy, muddy messes to pass through now...the BIG TRUCKS tried to gravel the roads...but some of them won't stay above the mudd caused by the heavy dump trucks bringing in more gravel for the logging equiptment to stay above ground and work.

The PRIVATE land owner made  new routes in the past 2 weeks, into his mare noticed it before I did and asked to check it out!
 Okay follow your shadow-leader!

She normally does not ask to go into heavily tree'd sections, so this was a treat for me!

 We wandered about in the forest and saw pretty snow covered sights,
laying in the stillness. Casualties from previous years, that had made the way for our trip this day.

I was thankfull that we decided to venture in the deeper woods, though Cccold indeed...we were free from the biting wind.

 We discovered a pass through from this PRIVATE land to our other normal riding area. I had to dismount to move some brush and make sure the mare didn't tangle with an old rusty fence line that was down. She stepped on over it and we went on towards home...though she asked for more time out by choosing the longer paths away from the way home -(another surprise this day) . I asked her to turn towards home and we began to go back into the welcomed sunlight. The unwelcoming Winds, tried thier best at biting us again!

I was prepared for them!! In my "Stay Puff" vest, and  soft fleecy head and neck cover, we strode forward.

The mare seemed to be thankful too, that I had put her Ear Crotchet  on!

Arriving home, I noticed the mare's sleepy stance...she really was mellow~

I took her gear off and noticed her "Bad hair Piece" look, from the Ear Crochet. Sometimes when  I take a braid out of her forelock, this occurs too. looks like a bad Toupee!

We then went back out into the sunlight for hand grazing.

She was so happy to find some tender grasses pushing up . Very much a delicacy for these pre-spring times!

We stood together and SOAKED UP THE SUN -that was to dissapear again soon for the next storm due in anytime.

Little funny clip here to end with...As the mare wanted the grasses in chill mode, under the snow, she'd wiggle her lips over the area to clear it...made me giggle~

GOT SOME TOALLY FUN TIMES TO SHARE NEXT...Meeting up with fellow Bloggers!!


  1. Dedicated! Thats what you are!! I have to admire your efforts!....But, I have a nice mug of hot chocolate, with grated white choc on top! Oh Yes!!

  2. OKAY YOU!!!
    I just got a Travel Thermos..."THAT Heavenly drink" you described- is what will be waiting for me...better yet..going WITH me next time!

  3. Looks like fun, although cold! And grass - we don't have any of that yet.

  4. I think her flippy forelock was adorable! Very Farrah Fawcett circa 1979...

  5. A fun ride, following your shadow. Love the clip of your mare enjoying the green grass through the snow.

  6. Love the forelock "do"! Looks like you all had a wonderful ride :)

    P.S. You cracked me up with "trail opera" comment!

  7. You and Kate from A Year with Horses are truly dedicated riders! I have to bundle up so much for that kind of weather, I can barely walk, let alone ride! But spring's a comin'!
    Got your photos, Thanks!! Don't know why you haven't gotten my TWO emails?? What's with your electronics, anyway??
    So who will get our visit posted first?...

  8. Wa. You both looked beauteous for your ride. I also give you a lot of credit for getting out there when it's cold. Can't wait to see the totally fun times you are going to share with us!

  9. I gotta hand it to you also! I'm quite the fair weather rider and cannot tolerate the cold and, I'm waiting on the sun! You both looked adorable in your winter gear though!! your front page blog picture - me thinks your shadow foot looks like the foot of the squished "wicked witch of the west"...HA!! Remember her? :) Check it out!

  10. Kacey you have to have core muscles to die for with all that bareback riding!

    Love that you got out and into the forest even if it was cold.

    Love Wa's sleepy eyes and curly forelock!

  11. Good for you getting out in this cold! Love your shot all wrapped up. I need to get some better cold weather gear as well, and for the boys then they wouldn't complain so much:)
    I talked to my hubby about trailering Cass down your way and riding on the beach, he's all for it! My grandma will probably be here for the summer and she and my grandpa spent every vacation on the Oregon coast picking up agates. She hasn't been there since '88 so she will love the trip.

  12. Oh just gorgeous shots and I love the little clip of Wa mare nibbling that grass.....just the cutest way of clearing the snow.
    The logs about to come down must be a pain. We have quite a few here with logging trucks passing our house furiously over the last 4 months ....but nothing like the trees over your way.How nice that Wa chose the forest for your ride .....cold as it was

  13. Sounds like you had a great ride. That's very cool! I know what you mean about the temperature ranges between the sunlight, shadows and wind. When I do get to ride it's in the woods a lot too because it's more protected from the wind. There's not sunlight often enough to counter the wind at all but it feels so good to be riding even if it is cold.

  14. Your rides are always so wonderful and pretty - even though you two were cold.

    Who is this Murray - I know Murphy's Law and Murphy's Second Law. I don't need to know Murray!

    Wa and her ears and you and your warm muffler - you guys are ready!

    I am sorry for the trees being cut down. That sucks but I guess (don't know being from here) that it is necessary. Glad she took you deep into the woods on a new trail - always so much fun.

    We were cold here today too - 32 - I rode my Pie on our old boring trails. I love our farm, but I do need to get out.

    Take care you and Wa in her warm Rambo.

  15. Ugh - whent it's cold enough to have to protect your face, you KNOW you won't be seeing me out on the trails. I'm a whimp like that.

  16. What a gorgeous blog!
    Your horses and your photography is beautiful. I grew up with these beauties and miss the early mornings helping my grandfather. You bring back great memories here for me... opening the gates and shaveling out after a big storm.
    I am a new follower!


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