Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Selections Being on the Mountain

He and I went last year, on the way home from a wedding in Bend.
HE ADORES stone works and fine craftsmanship...he HAD to Sit on these , and absorb them!

Inside the Lodge, there are huge fireplaces to sit near ...if you had come in from would warm ya right up.
The  large fireplace's are used every year for the "YULE LOG" -live show- on Christmas Eve, on our own Oregon Public Broadcasting.

If you don't have a fireplace, just tune in and sit by theirs..via the TV!
 Comes live with neat music too~

This  Lodge is one of Oregon's National Monuments that was commissioned,  in part, by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His "New Deal" policies back in the 30's , made it possible for
"the spirit of cooperation and teamwork" to be born here, to support the economy in the rough times. He dedicated the lodge in 1937.

The grand scale of the of the place is awe inspiring

It if fun to see all the handy work...very detailed.
 My man's Grandpa was one of the skilled craftsmen that got hired on the huge project.
My  man is proud to know that!

This piece of artwork is the fondest  memory my man had as a child coming to visit the lodge,
a carved LAMB at the base of the banister greeting all ~ right inside the front doors. 
He loves seeing it.

On this particular day late last summer, this sight, was our parting one~

Please Join our HOST Kim at Frogpondsrock ~ SHE INVITES YOU too-to share those photos that live in the archives of unseen file folders!


  1. I have to make it up there, in the Summer! LOL LOL
    All the years I skied as a kid we allways went to Meadows, and Skibowl. I havnt had the pleasure of visiting Timerline!!!!

  2. Reminds me of Monte Rosa. Alps in Europe. Looks very fine. Loved the shots,

  3. That is a very impressive place. That door!!! Everything is huge and yet has a cosy feel about it. And I love the wood carvings and the iron work. So much detail. Thanks for sharing. And I do like the way you did the layout of the photos ;-)

  4. A lovely story told in photos, thanks for joining in. I really liked the decoration on the fire pokers. It is that whimsical attention to detail that I just love. Thank you :)

  5. The place looks magic, the timber carvings are superb, gorgeous post!

  6. Thank you for the tour. I am so impressed!

  7. What a grand old lodge! I love the huge scale and the details. It looks like you had great weather too.

  8. Amazing, all that craftsmanship and for your partner to know he is connected to that history must be special. I can just imagine cozy-ing up in front of the fire with the snow falling outside...

  9. Great pictures, looks like an incredible place. Good to see pictures of your honey, too! Like the Army shirt, from another ex Army wife;)

  10. So great! I love to see your man enjoying his passion too.

    That lamb at the end of the staircase is the best. I would cherish that too.

    The fireplace is so wonderful!

    Thanks for sharing.


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