Sunday, September 4, 2011

CLEAR the way!

Our stable went on an clearing expedition

I am so proud of my WA mare, riding rear position ~

Clearing started right away, on the normal trails we ride to get to where we were going to blaze one later

...and the eating began....

Mounted up again, we rode further onto our destination point

Through trails and some roadways we went....

Armed with large limb loppers, we arrived to our spot...

Two riding trail blazers took one end of the trail and two of us took the other.... this was, really, was there a trail here??

In a years time...the trail had sprouted up and small trees where literally-right in the middle of it....
Big Skye horse...where did you go?

Wa mare says, "KK, please don't go too far away!"
She was the only one that did not eat at all- the entire time we cleared. Was a bit nerve racking for her~

We had cleared and cleared till- we could do so no longer...sore hands and arms and needing a partner and me went around to see the other's progress....nice work...but they must be just about to us,  on the other end!

We see the horses.....

They finally appear

We follow them, as they get to where we stopped, and sigh relief!

We took a new way home, and I learned about several more miles of trail systems to expore for future rides!

Epsom Salts were my friend that night!

Hope you are all having  wonderful "Summer Sunset" times.
 That's what I call the last  fun times of the summer; they are just as the beauty of a sunset, a thrill of color at the end of the day.
And in some of my blogger friends casses...the summer is yet to come..hang in, it is just around the corner!


  1. That is a tremendous amount of work! It looks like you need to make a few more trips... hope you have a cupboard full of Epsom salts. LOL

  2. Hopefully the more folks ride through there, the more the vegetation will be "beat back"...but wow, what a day's work!

  3. hard work but worth the effort in the long run!

  4. Holy cow lots of work there, but I'm sure you will enjoy the rewards soon enough!

  5. Yep, still waiting for the real summer to begin, I think we're gonna get it too. That's a ton of work clearing trails, but as you already know it will definately be worth it. It should be fun exploring on the new trails too.

  6. My goodness what hard work you and your friends did that day. You must have been so pleased at how good Wa was too. Your pictures are wonderful, I love the black and white one, it is really effective with the blurred edges. I think Spotty would have munched his way through the whole lot! He got out the field one night, and headed straight for the hay barn and stayed there ALL night, eating.... greedy boy!
    Glad you are enjoying your summer sunsets, we are too :)

  7. Oooh, I do envy your trail systems. We make do with what we have, but they can't compare to yours. Love your photos...

  8. Karen
    Thanks, yea, we are fortunate to have so much public and private forest lands good to see you, I must come by your place!!

    OH! Spotty...glad he did not colic himself! The others wee worried a bit with how much strange vegittion thier horses did eat in the few hours we were out...but they came through fine. Mine was too nervious to0 eat and the stuff did not entice her much.

    Yea...we have had summer for a month now and it is certainly nice...just hit the first 90 degree day last 2...glad we've only had 2..not much into the heat.
    Hope yours lasts into October for you!

    Well it was so hard...I think I worked harder than most..cause my horse REALLY gets Uppity- when things touch her! So, as we walked thier trail, behind them..i was still making more room for us by ripping things out!
    Now..I am not sure i want to to ride the deep wood stuff...hunters are their , we've already had a scarey poacher/rifle pointing incident!

    YESSERIE BOB! Thanks for stopping by!

    Fetlock..well, it may be a tough one to see, for it to get used much by others...we dont mark these trails- so the unauthorised bikers can't see them.

    Yea, I have the industrial size, that I get from the feed store!

  9. What a nice group at your barn, all working together.

  10. That certainly is a lot of hard work, but I am sure it will be worth it do most trail rider go and clear out new trails or is it just something your livery yard does? Where I am in England it is mostly roads and farms so there is no need to clear any hack roots. Good job on the trail.

  11. Seems like you all did a good job on the trails. What a bonus you found even more for future rides.

    Wa mare was a good always. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

  12. Ooh, I love finding new trails, it's one of my favorite things :)

    The bonus is that Wa mare got to meet the new trails with new horses so she should be more confident about hitting them in the future.

  13. Wow, what a lot of work! Great experience for the horses. Even Wa mare will get used to your crazy ways eventually ;)

  14. You and your friends know how to get the job done. Some great shots.

  15. What a trail-blazing ride ( and I didn't have to do any of the work)! Wa has the shiniest mane!

  16. You all must have been exhausted...loving the tree munching photo!

  17. Amazing how fast nature takes over when left alone. You and your two- and fourlegged friends did a great job there. Hope you get to enjoy the paths you've cleared these Summer Sunset months ;-)

  18. Just stopping by to say I have put up photos of my saddle with and without the pad on my blog now, you can find them in the post called (The Instructor Meets Niko) I’ve also put a link up that may help with finding the right pad.

  19. I got the bit today! Excited to try it out. Thank you!

  20. What a great idea to ride and clear. Poor Wa not taking a few nibbles for a break. She is just the sweetest girl. We have woods to clear this fall. I wouldn't attempt it with the boys in hand. They are too nosy - I would probably accidentally nip their nose.


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