Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful Riding

Thanksgivingtime is always a reflective, and usually, humbling time for me.There is much need, and sometimes suffering that is brought to our attention.
We have it so-very-good, most of us!
Thanksgiving , the holiday itself, is a recognition of blessings of freedom and family and tidings~

 Riding through the woods, while maybe being something that is not very beneficial to society or helpful to the needy- monetarily, or recognised by anyone as anything but  "pleasurable to me" .... is an avenue I take to connect to God through thoughtful and prayerful petitions of intercession.

 I greatly enjoy and look forward this alone time, riding solo, for the pouring out of prayers towards all I am aware of, in  need.  I make sure to commit my known blessings and also, the ones I am unaware of always , in safety.
 It does fill me with a sense of awe.  El Roi, a Hebrew name for God that means: "The God who sees and hears", is there to meet me while I ride and also, I am certain, attend to those mentioned in prayer. Not because of who asks(me) -but because of who is listening!

My Prayerful riding habit is another activity I am very THANKFUL for!

Such a peace of mind I get and connection, as I prayer-ride though the woods. My mare does wonder sometimes about me, always peering back at me while stopped.
Thanksgiving day (yesterday) was amazing-I got to Ride my mare in the Morning, and also go to be with my mother in the afternoon. WOW..Double whammy of blessings!

My boarding facility was ultra quiet yesterday, as all were either at  holiday gatherings or going to them. I have to mention too, before I go out and prayer-ride, I prayer walk the  stable aisles and pasture to my mare, thankful  for the Fabulous Facility I am in now. I love how my mind is at rest knowing of her good care. Plus, I love how clean it is always, me coming to find fresh water/stall and a happy-happy mare!

It was cold and somewhat wet yesterday, as we strode though familiar places. me bundled up and the mare with her wind -stopping ear bonnet. I heard some shooting in nearby places,  so I put on the Blaze orange bandanna as well, over her neck. She appreciated the bit less ride and was calm on most of the mud slicks we have to ride through these days.

The horse sign photo at the top of this page was a new addition on a country road near my stable. Seeing it this week, made me spout out-loud a hearty "THANKS LORD!"  for this  new safety feature addition to the country road near my stable and others. All the properties that line this particular busy road, are ALL HORSE PROPERTIES!

We are blessed..and I just wanna say...I see it, I feel it, I acknowledge it!

phone, color enhanced pic of mom yesterday...we went out for ourThanksgiving feast ~

Now you know- that if I read of need- 'cause you mentioned it on your blog or mine...I always pray for you. The photos I often post here, of woods, streams, mountains and beaches , they are where I take your cares,  and lovingly, give them away!


  1. What a lovely post.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Kacy. I've enjoyed getting to know you this past year and enjoy your blog.

  3. What a wonderful thing to do- and bless you for being so prayerfully thoughtful of others.

  4. what a wonderful post! I agree with the prayer walking and riding, I often do this on my runs, along with praying for my safety after what happened a few weeks ago when running on my own in the dark.

    I so wanted to ride yesterday, but I knew I needed to spend it with my three boys, soon my little guys will be grown and maybe spending thanksgivings with their wives' families so I remind myself to cherish these times. Glad to see you got to do both with with your family and WA:)

  5. Loved this post! Seems I'm not the only one who prayer-rides. I love it too :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. Sounds like a lovely way to spend THanksgiving. I haven't been riding much lately. My horse that I've had forever is now 20, and seems to have arthritis when I ride him. I'm not really wanting to bute him all the time. And my other horse needs a great deal of work before he is reliable, and it's just hard to find the time w/ my 3 boys! But I do miss it, particularly in the fall which is the best time to be out in the woods for a ride.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving (late) dear, sweet Kacy! We all are so lucky, aren't we, to enjoy the joys of the woods and trails - not just alone - but with the wonder of our horsey friends. Happy hugs to you and your Wa and your mom and your man and your sister too from me and Brian and Maizie. I thought of you so much yesterday as I rode a ottb the color of your Wa.

    I am so thankful for these blogs to meet someone like you!

  8. Beautiful post! There are not many times I feel closer to God than when with my horse. I am glad to see I am not the only one riding around talking to God(to the outside world would look like talking to myself). And just bein able to be on a horse intstantly make me more grateful.

    OT: I would gladly change my comment window to pop up if you would instruct me on how to. I am not computer illerate but for some reason cannot figure this out. Thanks :)

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family, that includes Washashe :)

  10. Everything makes me miss Janow and Maggie. Keep loving your mare.

  11. A very lovely post, my friend. And your prayers did help hubs and me during his illness :-) You're a good person!

  12. These were truly beautiful and thoughtful words you shared here, Kacey. Beautiful photos, too. How blessed you are to still have your Mother in your life. Sounds like a wonderful thankful Thanksgiving.


  13. Great post...very thoughtful. Your Mare looks pretty spiffy in her duds and happy does your Mom......look happy:)

  14. What a lovely post and thank you for thinking of all of us when you are out on your rides. Hope you get some sunshine and dry ground soon.

  15. GOOD MORNING! I am so happy to see that you became a member of my blog and that you are a HORSE OWNER! I am not... but I adore horses, and one of my absolute favorite blog pals out in ENGLAND has the sweetest horse named SPOTTY! MY SPOTTY PONY is her blog....thank you for coming buy! Anita

  16. just lovely. A Prayer Ride... I think I could write a poem with this in mind. Happy Thanksgiving.


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