Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Loving the furries

~Pond view on a soggy ride out on the mare~

Since our "Snow by design" happened, it quickly (nice) melted off, we've had nothing but liquid skies falling upon our Pacific NW parts. Sadly, this has brought some flooding and casualties.
Where we live is HIGH on a man and I are "Perchers",  the reality agent said of us, as he took us around looking for houses almost 20 years ago. Every time we went downward, into a valley or somewhere below the main road system, we were unsettled and never liked the homes. We were NOT "Nesters", which is the opposite of those who would rather be high on the landscapes.

We got to pick up our 2 rescue kitties last week! While this rain is terrible for riding my mare outdoors, like we love (though I have)- it is "Purrectly" great loving on these new to us cats.

Glory B's first look, after she rode home without a peep, purr or yowl.

The little ball of movement tabby girl, was very nervous...we could barely get her to stay put for more than a few seconds!

The first evening with us, she hid under the couch, only coming out for small amounts of time. She yowled frequently, throughout the night.
At 8 wks old, she was living in a feral colony of cats . She was rounded up, taken to the vet's. She was spay, micro chipped, got her first set of vaccine's, then fostered to be tamed- with kids and a dog.  Then, she went to the shelter and living with 30 or so cats- in a very small space for a week or two.
Now...she was looking for any friendly cat face she could find! She looked in the mirror, she looked in the reflection of our fireplce screen, and in our antique secretary's glass front door, each time only to see herself.

As For Uncle Norm Thompson, he rode home well too. Upon release,
he went straight for the smallest room in the house, our bath. It was nice not to have to separate them, since they had been living together already at the shelter.
I had set up the animal print, micro fiber "Cushy Bed" on top of the chair for him...though he was not inclined to be "up" yet, I discovered.

I moved it down to the floor and he quickly took me up on the offer. He settled into the "Cushy Bed" I had purchased -just-for-him- kneading, purring and maybe a little slobbering too!
He appeared to  L*OV*E  his bed!

Norm Thompson's records have his age at 18. He lived in Vernonia, Oregon with an older lady that rescued him, he was homeless. At one time, I know he was an indoor kitty for someone, as he is declawed (shudder).
 He adores being brushed and sitting in our laps. He has been eating on the hour, it seems. We weighed only 5 pounds last Weds. I have decided to give him whatever he'll eat, since he is all skin and bones. I have purchased a nice assortment of natural cat foods that are grain free and also a RAW meat feed.

Norm was rescued from a euthanasia's fate 4 years ago, after the
  older woman in Vernonia, Oregon  he lived with, died. She had found him and took him in, with MANY other strays.
 Her family intended on taking all the cats and having them put down, after she died. A neighbor rescued Norm. He came to "PAWS shelter" in Willamette, with 6 others from that home. I do think while having shelter and a bed...he did not thrive very well in the 20-30-40 cat environment. It's stressful.

He has gained a pound since he came to live with us last week!  6 pounds of  bony but soft, furry Norm~

First morning- on his level-

So, since the second day with us, in the Heinrich Household, these two kitties have settled in well. Norm, going from not wanting to be touched, to seeking us out!
 He got up on the couch with me, the second evening, while we reclined before bedtime.

The girl, GloryB, sought B-man's lap that second eve. She is such an exotic tigress~

Mostly she plays hard, being a 10 mo. old, then crashes hard too!

We are very happy that we got these two. They are very compatible. Norm, needing his space, and glory being totally respectful of  him. She doesn't even eat his food, she thinks the "Rad Cat" Raw cat food is ick. And  he doesn't eat her dry kibble either.
When she wishes to play, she signals us with a meow. She leaves the old boy alone, though she is cordial to him.
 At night, we still have not allowed them into our bedroom, I am VERY MUCH enjoying my uninterrupted sleep!
While we miss Freyda big cat, I totally don't t miss her waking me up all hours of the night!!!

As we begin to have the  rituals of our every day lifestyle permeate into the cats, they also begin to have some habits. Glory settles into" Her Royal Chair", each night. It is So cute!!

 While Norm is either in his soft "Cushy cat-bed" or oft times- in this chair here~ Just like my first cat -"Mike Madison Cat" used to. I've never blogged about him , but he was a massive Grey Tabby boy, that truly stole my heart. He lived one year shy of Norm at 17. He loved to sit here too.

Good Night sweet kittys, see ya in the morning~


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Spot of Snow

Totally delightful it was, to recently get out to the stable to see the trees and trails blanketed with puffy, white SNOW!
Of course it was delightful for me, because I did not have to drive in town in the stuff, or even far in it while in the country. It was mostly centralised around the stable-  perfect!

The mare has been very uppity of late...because of new things. She is a sensitive soul and reacts to any new changes. This time, a new horse (and human) Boarder had come 2 days earlier.  She is by far-not nearly as weirded out about the cute "Sam" gelding, as she was about the RED HORSE OF DOOM- last fall. But she and Theo, her turnout buddy, were definitely looking like they didn't sleep much, the night before!
Sam is a 15 yr old Missouri Fox Ttrotter/ Arabian mix. Interesting. He has a fine head and bigger boned legs. He looks to be about 15.1
 He enjoyed some grass and the deep cover of his turnout, as he kept an eye on me~

So, this snowy day the mare had a rare attitude of "LET'S GET OUT AND GO"!

I have only experienced  her like this when something at the stable is bothering her..she wants to leave it..and maybe not return. She is so easily read. It is truly strange when she chooses every route that takes us farther and farther away, and not the usual- quickest way homeward.

I bundled her up and me too..and off we went for a dusk ride at 4 pm. Since the bright white stuff was present, it made it seem not as late as it was, and kept us visually able to ride longer.

A cute little squirrel ran across our trail. he had a hold of a large cone to eat for a cold winter's night's dinner. See him, off the left ear?

I have been riding with a  polo wrap on my mare's  hindquarter. It's called the "Promise-wrap". It has seemed to help her with balance. It is a "TTouch " method to encourage hind end engagement.

It can be used with horses that spook, giving them a feeling of containment; and  also reassures horses that spin or bolt.
I had none of those things...just a very free flowing walk, as we took our tour of  local nature, in it's wintry veiled self.

Love this shot about dusk time, the mare walking and bobbing in an engaged walk.  Somehow, I got her black covered ears in focus -and all the rest of the world, was a wintry white blur!

Just a quickie ride for us girls this day..."out and back" is what I call this kind of ride. Only about 2 miles...of total blisful stuff!

Home again we came and all was looking so different and new...even the paddock seemed intriguing to Wa. She stared hard, down the treed run... snow ( even though there was not much under the trees) always has a way of making the world look NEW and BRIGHT.

Thanks Wa mare...hope to sneak another OUT and BACK tomorrow sometime....and....

....Tomorrow...we pick up our 2 rescue kitties from the local shelter. The shelter owner had all the volunteers say goodbye to Grandpa Norm T. kitty. Today,  I got him a special cat bed that is so ultra padded and soft..even my husband approved. He just actually thanked me for thinking of Norman, and making sure he was able to have it cushy!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Viewing New Furries

This regal cat was overseeing our departure the other day, as we headed out to meet some  furry felines,  potentially to adopt as our own. We have never seen his white majesty before; peering out from his hillside manor, "Purrfectly" centered in the picture window! We actually turned the car around and made a second pass by to smile,laugh and take his photo.

We did not have a succesful go of adopting that day. The Oregon Humane Society is having specials on adoptions- 2 for 1 and now, only $12
. Recently, we viewed a rather HUGE kity named "Walter".

This was his second time through the O.H.S. He had been adopted several years ago, ere now. The older person simply allowed him to free feed...OH MY! Weighing in at 28 pounds...he could NOT walk on the slick floors.

Since he had been in the Local OREGIONIAN News paper, and on  the local news also- as one of the largest cats the Humane Society had ever had on premise, he brought in MANY people that wanted to adopt him. Lines of folks were waiting outside the next day, after the news spot. We had called to put him on hold...but he was just too popular. I'm glad he got adopted and the new owners are being councelled on how to care for him and give him a safer way to diet to health! We had some experience with this , so that's one of the reasons why he attracted us.

Meanwhile...all the folks that came into the Human Socienty that day also had a love craving for a feline friend. Out of the 4 kitties we had viewed that morning to see - ALL were Adopted that day, just  before we arrived. The remaing cats are all very OLD or very Sick . There was a recent -95- cat horder rescue- and most of them landed at O.H.S. They are just too needy for us and so, we keep on looking.

Other Cat Adoption facilities are very exspensive...$85 a cat. Since we want 2, that is out of our budget for now.
We got a tip on a neat Salem rescue from another blogger friend...and went online to see the cats and kittens there. A great place it was  and nice looking, better adjusted animals. So- we may drive the hour or so to look. 
 But yesterday, we went local again, to a place called "PAWS" animal shelter in Willamette. It keeps difficult hours for us to arrange for both of us to go at once. Once there ,we were thrilled with the health of the animals, though -way too many- for a small space.
 I was drawn to several and my man was being drawn to another OLDER kitty. There is one at O.H.S. called "Patches" he yearned to take too. For some reason his heart wants to give an older kitty it's final home..this one, at" PAWS"-" Norm Thompson", looked like it could go to meet Freyda, Elsie and my Mike Madison cat, sooner than most.
The heart wants what the heart wants. They have a service there that helps you pay for the Elder kitty's needs- all the way through . I am not sure I want heart ache so soon, as it's still raw now, but that said,
 I'm inquiring today about him  for my man....AND......
I think,
I found my girl..

We played for like 15 minutes and I petted her, over and over again in the hour and 1/2 we spend there, looking at all 40 or so cats. She only has a number on the band around her collar -2604B. I was trying to come up with a name..they are all named after Hollywood stars or famous people. I thought of Gloria Estefan, with her unusual beauty and lovely talents. Her nick name would be "Glory B" ...though..don't ask me, it just rolls off my toungue!

OH's finally noon..I can go see the cats again, and talk about the future of two of them!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Travel the road

happy mare, on the road homeward

Firstly, I wish to thank all my friends here that have kindly supported us with sentiments of healing and mails of encouragement. We are doing much better after our shocking loss. We've been on the hunt for a furry companion and also, been open to one "Finding us". The whole heart rendering event has caused our eyes to open to  others needs- that is a real blessing.
Focusing upon others is very healing in itself... it is proven to be "an instant reward",  giving of time and monetary resources .
 We all travel the road of life and must navigate twists, turns and endure unexpected "Pot Holes" that cause damage/loss sometimes.
 Strange but, it truly wasn't just the loss of our pet, it became a BIGGER -generalised loss- that kinda overwhelmed us. It is making us face down many areas in our marriage and life that NEED ATTENTION. It has become the forced change- that is motivating chosen change!

Traveling this road of "LIFE" much easier and sweeter, because of the company along the way. Those that come alongside in kindnesses and encouragements are the road crew, if you will, marking the turns ahead clearly, and helping fill in the pot holes of roads traveled frequently.

Wa mare and other horses of the stable have been interested beyond the fence line of thier stall runs

I have had some neat, new learning processes helping me- to help my mare these days as well. I love the Jane Savoie "Motivation  from Moshi".  I get the free e-mails from her every month and sometimes, that includes VIDEOS! I am a hands on can  try to tell me something 3 times or,  you can show me once!

This New Years greeting from her and Moshi was exceptional!! It confirmed my new motto...that was inspired by my HOPE radio station's quote-of needing to MOVE AWAY from where you  curently are, to  make successful change.
See Jane's  inspiring rendition by going to her site and signing up for 'Motivation by Moshi".
Last month Jane had helped me learn the sensitive art of flexations. It is a much smaller a motion asked of the horse than I realised. The rewards of a loose, flexible poll in your horse -are great! A gateway to the rest of the body.
My mare has had such a different response to learning and me asking certain things- that caused her to freeze up or become rigid before.
The other discovery was when My sister sent me "The Intentional Horse" link that had the " TTouch" method of using the "Body Wrap" for ground work.
I've since borrowed a book by Linda Tellington-Jones that I hope to be a major source of change for both my mare and me.
 Funny thing is: I use so much of her ways,  already - unknowingly!!
Some I've gleaned from body workers I have hired, some from my sister..and the rest from my mare directly, as I touch her and she responds. It will be GREAT to now apply the training directly/correctly with the intention of learning, healing and trust.

With not having much energy to ride the past 2 weeks, I have resorted to groundwork and massage-taking short rides out, only on nicer days. The massage, I have found has truly energised the mare. It released any tensions she may have had. As I skim this "TTouch  behaviour training book", I now see how much I have improved her, by all the massage. I mean I KNEW IT WAS HELPING..but now I know why I have had breakthroughs.

Like  a day ago, our last ride out, we took our time...though I tested her resolve by thinking trot, right after I got on. NOTE: I had let her buck and roll in the arena before I tacked up...and boy did she ever buck and roll!!
So after jumped on my bareback softsaddle- Not only did she trot willingly off..she  offered a brisk canter as well, once we turned the corner to the straighter trail. The mare also high blew her air out and I knew- she was with me all the way! She then ascended the slippery slope down to the other trails. There was no balking, no hesitation, just my mare picking and choosing her own way down a muddy trail with me resting my hands upon her withers in agreement,  that she could choose the right steps without intervention from me. She had begun to "Fubble" immediately back in the stable, after I put the bridle on. She has only ever lip sticked her right side...blowing foam and bubbles out there. She over bends to that side. Recently, I have concentrated upon massaging that side, for her to be able to bend away from it. I also have been concentrating on poll release to the left more...this day>>> she foamed both sides!!! A first, and another first..she Foamed the ENTIRE time we were out riding the 7 mile loop! All the way back to the stable, her jaw (attitude too) remained loose! We had only 2 areas of stress and rushing on our ride. They are the places she usually does an inverted action and hollows and tries to bolt forward...a wooded, slippery trail. I concentrated upon lowered , balanced hands while asking for halt  every 5 or 6 steps by closing my upper thighs and breathing out. I only resumed on our path after she blows air out- in a clam snort. It is rather cute...her resolve to comply!
I love this...we are seemingly traveling A NEW ROAD!

 If I have one NEW YEARS GOAL to be had in my horse life with my TB Wa mare this is to gain the respect (which I perceive as qualified and earned trust)  in the arena, as well. Not a forced respect from methods taught to me in the past, in a manner of dominance or through boring repetition's that have caused my mare to have a sour attitude and much body soreness.

        A recent photo shoot, the mare was ground tied and relaxed~ keeping her eye and ear upon me

I am going to read this "Horse Behavior and Training Book" by Linda T.J. cover to cover, as I learn the techniques, and how to apply them.

 As I mentioned, I use so many already...Like the "Half Walk"  we recently discovered through the
"Balance rein".
 It is a rope or leather around the horses neck,  that can be used while riding in different percentages along with the bit or bridle reins.

I discovered it while trying to calm my mare's "rushing through" things she dislikes. Instead of using a direct rein to the bridle or bit- connected to her face, I use the breast collar  and a smooth squeeze of my upper thigh to ask for a half walk, slower pace. She is not offended and the sort of "half halt" action allows her to keep her head low- and creates a connection to her feet in concentration. The book shows Linda T.J. riding different horses with the rope alone, over Cavellettis and jumps. While my mare has responded to the breast collar..I will need to make one of the  "Balance Rein" ropes for us, out of climbing rope material. I need to be able to hold it off her neck and use it higher on her neck, as well.

Good things are happening... Once I got  rid of our recent saddle pain, the mare has begun to become more attentive to me again, as someone who cares and can be trusted. ( of course checked in with  feed, feet, teeth, environment too- as one always should)
I have so much hope for much more improovement. I truly wish to partner with my mare and achieve many calm and relaxed rides outside, and inside of the arena.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Starting New

A little sunshine for New Years Day in Oregon- after a weeks worth of dismal winds and rains-

My B-man and I are starting to make some progresses towards a New Years trend so many of us go for.
Cleaning out the old ( materials goods of clutter & habits) getting ready for the new.
 It is like Spring cleaning, in the middle of winter and  for us, our hearts feel like it's a bleak midwinter. But, it is certainly Not without HOPE.  My man and I have been taking time to count blessings.We have had so many and continue to be blessed, beyond measure!

 Of late, others immediate need, has us coming  alongside those who are hurting and ailing for their own losses this season. A rougher start than usual, the tragedies we are seeing around us, have caused a break in our thought /life processes. A jump start if you will, to addressing what really matters to us.
~Honoring  PEOPLE  in our lives~

All else seems to fade and actually tarnish the soul, in comparison.
 Basic, respectful collaboration, concern and communication -
is what seems like GOLD to me right now. Simple ways, and mostly- humility of intent-.
I am putting myself to the test of this, and trying to be as real and open as possible.  Tending  to hide myself away if scared or threatened by facing somethings, I get very OVERWHELMED Sometimes. Ignoring something, and putting it off- for the pain of facing it head on, is a common disastrous practice I have.
So- right now, it is a  minute by minute process for me to overcome  my bad habits.

Trails this week are looking like I feel...flooded and slick.

New decorated trails- New Years Day  ride-

 We seem to be numb somewhat, with a crushed heart, missing  Froo-Froo Freyda cat...but, we are now remembering funny moments with her. There are so many!
But,  for as many of those wonderful, loving times we remember...coming home to -an EMPTY- Cat less house- is terrible- and it is everyday.
We  now are on the remedy for this every day reminder of what is missing .
  We go to visit a member of my mother's cated household today. The day after Christmas, we went to a "cat adoption team's" facility.They were not open, yet through looking into the windows, I found my cat.  My man is a tougher sell...he is quite emotional about it, so we look further.

The mare has been so GREAT. We have only put 10 bareback miles on the trails since the 24th. I had -0- energies to ride- the weather was crap-ola- .
 We did put some miles in the arena though,with the "BODY WRAP" lunge.
 She sure LOVES that, it seems to be quite relaxing to her, as her brain wraps around the sensations- of the Polo Wrap configurations-wrapped around her! Her top line and  lower wither pockets, right behind the shoulders, have developed a very nice muscling again. I'd say, we are back where we started for fitness, before the Ill fitted "ANSUR KONKLUSION". AND -happy to report that the mare's  mental status is back before then too..( I sure thought it was how much we rode and not pain)
.NO pinning ears, NO pawing the air when the saddle is simply placed on the back. And, no batting an eyelash- AT ALL! Even when I tack up fast, to get 40 minutes before dusk rides in!!
It was -THAT SADDLE- and not the girthing, that she disliked!

I have news on the saddle front too...but will wait to share till Ido so with the ANSUR Sadderly Co.

 Shadows of the old are disappearing and some light is now shining on NEW thoughts and Good NEW directions to head~
Nice Sunshine for a New Years Day-

I pray your New Years Moments into days so far, have been motivating/encouraging as well.
 Assessing behaviours and attitudes that could use spiffing up or sometimes-discarding altogether.

 As I listened to my  HOPE radio station the other day, they offered  us listeners a quote that I thought worthy.

" The first step to getting somewhere,

is deciding you are not going to staywhere you are".